Friday 23 December 2022

Being Pastoral Or Becoming Like Him

Being Pastoral Or Becoming Like Him

There are many truths in the Word which can be pretty offensive to those who are not ready to receive, whether it's due to past hurts, bad experiences, denials, disappointments, etc.

We want to ensure that we don't bruise them further. Yet on the other hand, Jesus did not call us to be pastoral. He called us to be like Him. Becoming like Him embraces every aspect of Him which includes Grace & Truth.

To compromise a little on truths so that grace can be extended is not Jesus. It's humanity. To compromise a little on grace so that truths can enforced is not Jesus. It's religion.

Jesus lived in the fullness of Grace and Truth. The words He spoke were often double-edged. Sometimes, they cut and offended. Sometimes, they healed and imparted life. His message was not the variables. The people were. The recipients were.

In the midst of trying to be pastoral, we have compromised truths in the name of grace & love. This is unhealthy. Because when we try to pacify one group, we actually hurt the other group who is ready to receive truths and appropriate the grace of God in tangible realities.

Jesus scattered the seeds regardless of His audience, because He knew that not every ground was ready to bear fruit. In fact, only 25% would be ready to receive His message.

Perhaps we need to take our focus away from the recipients and put it back unto Him. Only by beholding Him can we become like Him, who is neither pastoral or religious, but full of grace and truth.

For a hearer who cannot receive truth, impart grace.
For a hearer who cannot receive grace, impart truth.

Nonetheless, do NOT compromise any of them.

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