Tuesday 6 December 2022

The Importance of Integrity In Our Words Part 2

The Importance of Integrity In Our Words Part 2

The effectiveness of our words relies on the integrity of our words. One cannot be lying all the time and expect his words to produce fruit at the same time.

God is 100% effective because He cannot lie (Heb 6:18) ---- He kept the integrity of His Word. Every Word spoken by Him shall not return to Him void, but it shall accomplish what He has said (Isa 55:11).

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (Jn 14:6). Everything that came out of His mouth when He was on earth is Truth. He bore the effectiveness of His words because He only spoke Truth.

For there to be integrity in our words, as shared in Part 1, it must flow from our spirit. For the spirit only agrees with the Word.

The more we tell lies (including white lies) in our daily lives, the more we renewed our mind to the wrong realm.

Neuroscience research shows that when a lie leaves your lips, your body releases cortisol into your brain. The brain has to work harder. Next, your memory goes into overdrive trying to remember both the lie and the truth. Decision making becomes more difficult.

The next time when you speak the truth (of God's Word), you subconsciously do not believe in what you said, because your brain has gotten used to accept lies as truths. There is no purity in the words.

Researchers added that the amygdala in your brain shows up less and less, as we lie more and more. Essentially, our guilt feelings tend to weaken and shrink. In the Bible, we call it 'the searing of conscience.'

1) If you shipwreck your conscience, you shipwreck your faith (1 Tim 1:19)

2) If you renew your mind to the wrong realm (Rom 12:2) by lying, you won't be able to manifest the perfect will of God.

If we want to see consistent results and effectiveness of God's Word through our mouths, then we need to realise the importance of integrity in the words spoken through our mouths.
Our daily lives matter. If you think that you can lie your way through in businesses, in your work and in the way you handle things in general, and yet you want to manifest the will of God through the Word, you might want to think twice. If your life has no integrity, you cannot uphold the integrity of His Word and you won't see the consistency of His Word in and through your life.

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