Saturday 17 December 2022

Good Tidings Always Draw People

Good Tidings Always Draw People

For the first 20-25 minutes, there was no one. People just walked past as they saw the sign "Free Spiritual Reading."

Two ladies eventually came. After releasing WOK, prophecies and healings on them, they began to call their friends to come over. More people were ministered to.

Curious passers-by began to speak to them as they shared their testimonies.

Soon there was a long queue formed horizontally as people waited eagerly for their turns to receive "spiritual reading".

Those who seek spiritual matters is close to the Kingdom. It does not matter even if they go to the wrong source, because they will eventually be found by Him as long as they keep seeking.

We saw about 95% instant healings except one who didn't feel any change. It doesn't mean that she isn't healed because healing can be sudden or progressive.

A confident lady was in tears when her heart was exposed to the Father who is seeking her. A man wanted our address to seek us out. Another wanted to give donation. A lady bought some drinks. Another wanted contact details. One asked, "Why are you guys doing it for free when everyone else is charging?"

The simplicity of the demonstration of the Gospel is what left people amazed by His goodness.

The Father's love is often the central theme in reaching the lost because everyone is looking for love and affirmation. We were created for that. Only through Him and in Him can love and affirmation be satisfied.

Christmas is not just a time to remember His goodness, but also an opportunity to demonstrate His goodness. Jesus is not just the reason for this season, He is the reason for every season, because every season is ready for harvest.

We have received the good tidings. It's time to bring them to others.

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