Friday 16 December 2022

Christians Are Harder To Get Healed? Part 1

I have listened to a teaching that talks about Christians being harder to get healed, because there is a stronger resistance from the enemy. In other words, there is a spiritual warfare going on.

You can't find this in the Bible, though it made some sense. On the other hand, if we really want things to make sense, the enemy should resist even stronger for non-believers, because once they get healed, they are more likely to be born again.

After seeing thousands of people healed individually (not in healing meetings where you first preach the Word), I do agree that I have seen more non-believers healed than Christians. And some Christians seem to receive healing way faster than others. It used to baffle me because the stripes of Jesus paid for ALL with no favouritism.

We cannot afford to come out with a reason that is not in the Word. Because any reason will become a hindrance to see people healed.

Having said that, there are some vital principles in the Bible on identity and authority that apply to all aspects including healing. This is why we see Christians get healed and become sick again with the same issue because of a lack of understanding on identity and authority.

Identity is the key factor for staying healed after being healed.

Authority is the key factor for keeping the healing that has been received (or started by others who ministered to you).

I have shared many posts about identity and how to stay healed after being healed. So in the next post, I will share about the authority that Christians have, which has an impact on their healing.

P.S: Most of the spiritual warfare are fought in the mind (2 Cor 10:4-5). The mind is the true battlefield for the enemy.

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