Saturday 17 December 2022

Christians Are Harder To Get Healed? Part 2

Christians Are Harder To Get Healed? Part 2

As shared in the previous post, it is interesting to see how non-believers get healed more easily than Christians (in fact, there is a particular group where I'm seeing almost 100%). 

But to come out with any reason outside the Word will reduce the power of God to our mere experiences. Getting rid of all hindrances allows the raw power of God to flow into people's bodies for healing.

When Jesus was on earth, His success rate was 100%. Everyone He healed was a non-believer though. But that does not imply anything. No unbelief could stop Him from healing the sick, because the power of God through Him had no limitation.

The only hindrance that prevents someone from getting healed is the unbelief of the minister (His disciples --- Matt 17:20), not the unbelief of the recipient (Mark 9:24). I explained this in details with Scriptures in a book.

Ministering healing to Christians is the same as ministering healing to non-believers, since the Bible does not separate them. In other words, there is still no hindrance for healing to flow into Christians' bodies.

However, we need to understand that Christians have the same authority as the ones ministering healing. The same delegated authority from Christ.

God gave us the privilege to use His authority. But He does not control HOW we use it. Authority can be used for good or for bad, depending on the fruit (nature) of the person using it.

Elisha used the authority to curse some youths, resulting in their deaths. The Bible does not say that God was the one who killed them.

Peter used the authority to judge Ananias and Sapphira, resulting in their deaths. The Bible does not say that God was the one who killed them.

Paul used the authority on Elymas, causing him to be blind for a period. The Bible does not say that God was the one who blinded him.

No one represented God perfectly except His Son (Jn 1:18; Heb 1:3; Col 1:15). Jesus demonstrated God's authority clearly and He only demonstrated life (with the authority) because He is the Life.

Since death and life are in the power of the tongue and you eat its fruit, a Christian chooses HOW he uses the delegated authority.

In the next part, we will see how it affects healing and the possible reason why Christians seem "harder" to get healed.

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