Thursday 21 July 2022

Forgiveness & Healing

Forgiveness & Healing

There are many Scriptures that talk about forgiveness and healing together in each passage.

Because what Christ did for one, He also did for the other.

When we receive forgiveness from Christ, we use the spiritual sense (faith) because our five senses cannot experience it. In the same way, we receive healing from Christ using the spiritual sense.

If we cannot judge our forgiveness by the five senses, then we cannot judge healing by the five senses.

People will ask, "But if I still don't feel well, how do I know if I am healed?"

You don't doubt your ability to hear when you see a flower. You don't doubt your ability to see when you smell it's fragrance.

Because your hearing is nothing to do with your seeing. And your seeing has nothing to do with your sense of smell. They don't affect each other.

Similarly, your five senses have nothing to do with the spiritual sense (faith) and vice versa. Whether you feel well or not has nothing to do with your believing ---- that you are healed by His stripes.

Doubting takes place when we mix the two realms together, when they are supposed to be separated.

The flower is first present, before you can see it. It's fragrance must first be present, before you can smell it. In the same way, healing is already present, before you can feel it.

The principle of Mark 11:24 shows that you have received the promise in the spiritual sense, before it manifests in the five senses.

If we can accept that receiving healing is as simple as receiving forgiveness of sin, joy will enter into our hearts.

How do we know that we have been forgiven? The Word said it. How do we know that we have been healed? The Word said it.

Most believers want to wait until they can experience it in the five senses before they believe that they have been healed. But Jesus said that "Blessed are those who have not seen, yet believed."

If we can be as sure for our healing as our forgiveness, we can be sure that our five senses will eventually catch up with our spiritual sense.

By His stripes, you are healed.

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