Friday 15 July 2022

Healing Perspective

Healing Perspective

Most sincere and thankful believers will thank God for healing them, especially when their symptoms are leaving and their bodies are getting better.

They say, "Father, thank You for the improvement!" This kind of thanksgiving is to live by sight.

There is a better healing perspective and thanksgiving. It is unshakeable, unwavering, unchangeable, steadfast and immovable.

In the Old Testament, the people were instructed to behold the bronze serpent on the pole. In the New, we are to behold Jesus on the Cross.

It is by His stripes that we were healed. Therefore, it is by His stripes that we are healed and stay healed.

Hence, even if your body is improving, you thank God, "Thank You that by Your stripes, I am healed."

Our eyes are to be fixed unto Jesus. We are to behold Him and not look away from Him. We cannot afford to walk by sight, which includes the improvement of health. We are to walk by certainty ----- faith.

The most powerful thanksgiving is to thank Him for what He has already done ----- by His stripes we are healed! Because the focus is on Him, not us nor our body. This kind of thanksgiving is to live by faith.

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