Friday 29 July 2022



No one has perfect theology. But whose theology should we place "more" value in?

Many modern-day Christian students place more trust and value in Bible scholars who have many PhD certificates and accreditation, etc. They give more weight to those Bible teachers who are well-known and prominent, who have published many theses and books.

This is NO DIFFERENT from the world's standard.

In the past, however, people placed more value in the theology of those who lived the Gospel of the Kingdom; those who walked out Power and Love like Jesus. For example, Smith Wigglesworth, John G Lake, etc. They were learning from one another and continued to do great exploits for the Kingdom.

The disciples of Jesus, likewise, were uneducated. They were not accredited. They didn't have PhD. They didn't publish theses. They didn't attend the School of Awesome and Precise Theology with accurate citations. Yet they were WITH Jesus. They walked in Power and Love like Jesus. So we placed more value in their written words --- such as the epistles of John and Peter.

Today, we must not be like the world and place more value in the theology of those who only teach and write, but not really walking out the Gospel of the Kingdom in Power and Love like Jesus.

You would rather study and learn with those who have been WITH Jesus (Acts 4:13) than those who have been with education, theses and certificates.

Yes. No one has perfect theology. But the one who lives and does what Jesus did is the closest theology.

P.S: There is a high chance that a mother has a better understanding of the theology of God's love than the top accredited Bible scholar/teacher in a prestigious seminary.

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