Thursday 22 September 2022

The Rhythm of Life

The Rhythm of Life

Living in the rhythm of life is important in the Kingdom. Jesus walked and lived in the rhythm of the Kingdom until He reached the destination (which was an event).

On the contrary, we tend to live from event to event, whether it is in the church or in the world. We look for bursts of life, instead of the rhythm of life. This is because we get ourselves busy with things that matter less in the Kingdom.

We work ourselves busy, then we say to our kids, "Quality time is more important than quantity. We work ourselves busy, then we say to our spouses, "Quality time is more important than quantity." We work for 11 months (in SG) and take one whole month of vacation. These are events or bursts, but not rhythms.

Tim Elmore wrote a book talking about events and processes. While both are necessary for discipleship, most people focus on events and neglect the processes. In fact, processes are most lacking in discipleship.

The rhythm of life has to do with processes, instead of events. Yes the burst of life (aka events) can give you an acceleration or a spur of energy, but you will need another one, followed by another one. You are always waiting for the next burst/event.

Processes allow you to live and walk in consistency because you don't prioritise your schedule, you schedule your priorities. The Kingdom culture within your life will cause you to schedule your priorities. Without Kingdom values within you, you cannot have processes without.

Many of us complain that we don't have time for this and that. It's not because we don't have, but we chose not to live in the rhythm of life. Why? Because deep in our belief system, there are other values that we weigh above the Kingdom. 

The heart of the matter lies in the matter of the heart. Our believing affects our living. In other words, our living is a revelation of our believing.

If we cannot find the rhythm of life in the Kingdom, then we need to re-evaluate the values we have placed in our heart.

P.S: I was asked, "How does the rhythm of life in the Kingdom look like?

My reply is as follows: "Consistently dedicating time and energy to what matters in the Kingdom as the routine of life. If what matters to us is outside the routine, then we will always be seeking for events and bursts, and we will experience regrets when we are forced to break out of the routine due to crisis."

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