Thursday 15 September 2022

Healing Is A Paradox

Healing Is A Paradox

There is a paradox in the area of divine healing. It is a healthy tension that is also a revelation of the God-Man. It is difficult to separate the God-Man, just as it is difficult to separate the Son of God from the Son of Man.

Without understanding the theology of dominion, one can never understand divine healing in it's true essence.

The God of heaven and earth made Man god to rule over the earth in partnership with Him (Ps 115:16; Ps 82:6). The god of this world was supposed to be the first Adam, until he gave up his dominion-authority to the devil (Gen 1:28; Luke 4:6; 2 Cor 4:4).

Jesus came on earth not just to represent God alone. He also came to represent how the God-Man looks like, for He is fully God and fully Man. He demonstrated what dominion looks like on earth, which was the original design of Mankind.

Through His crucifixion, death and resurrection, He restored that dominion's authority to Man (Matt 28:18) so that we can become 'God-Man' (Col 1:27) and continue the dominion on earth.

Men naturally desire dominion on earth, whether they have Christ or not. Without Christ, the dominion is twisted, because it's root is a partnership with satan. They try all kinds of ways to rule over the earth (pharma, wars, politics, modern slavery, etc.) but it does not work. In every arena of life, we see that men want dominion, because it is in their God-given nature.

Divine healing is about dominion. It requires the understanding of the God-Man. This is why God told us to HEAL the sick, instead of praying to Him to heal the sick. If you ask your boss to DO what he asked you to do, you will be fired. Yet the church in general is still asking God to do what He told us to do.

The Man part of the God-Man must take responsibility to heal the sick. I have heard of preachers who say, "My job is to lay hands on the sick; God's job is to heal. So the result is not my business." Sounds pretty godly, but not in the Bible.

If you tell your boss, "Boss, my job is to do the task assigned to me. If it does not produce result, it is not my business. The result depends on you, boss... cos you are the one who assigned me the task." I guarantee you... you don't have to produce any result anymore. Just pack your desk and go home permanently.

This is why divine healing cannot be understood without understanding the God-Man.

On the other hand, people get healed because God is good and gracious. It has nothing to do with the sick, and nothing to do with you who minister to the sick. What I mean is this... we cannot earn healing by our works. This is the God-part of the God-Man. There is no excuse if the sick is not healed, because the ministry of healing has nothing to do with the person in front of you (whether he is in sin or not; whether he wants healing or not).

This is why healing is a paradox, but understanding the God-Man brings full clarity to it. When the sick gets healed, the God part gets the glory, because it is His divine authority and power. If the sick does not get healed, the Man part is responsible because we are supposed to take dominion which has been entrusted to us.

Religion is scared of this paradox of God-Man, because it ruins their reputation.

P.S: This is why dominion must be preached when sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom to a non-believer. Otherwise, it is a diluted Gospel that is void of power.

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