Sunday 27 December 2015

Spiritual Warfare

And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. STAND still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” - Exo 14:13-14

Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s... You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, STAND still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you... - 2 Chronicles 20:15, 17

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to STAND against the wiles of the devil. - Ephesians 6:11

There is no more battle that we need to fight. Every battle belongs to the Lord. Yet the enemy is constantly trying to make us think that we have to war and fight against what he is doing. We called it spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is simply the enemy's way of engaging us TO fight with him. By doing so, we forget our identity and authority in Christ.

When Jesus died on the Cross, He had disarmed every principality and power (Col 2:15). The work is finished (John 19:30). Victory is already won in Christ (2 Cor 2:14).

Why do we need to STAND during a battle we face?

1) It is not our battle. Neither do we need to fight. In the Old Testament, God would fight for His people. In the New Testament, God has already fought for us on the Cross once and for all. 

2) To stand is to be still. We can only be still if we are confident of the outcome. 1 John 5:4 tells us what the outcome will be for every believer. "Whoever is born of God overcomes the world..." When we can't stand still, when we see a need to fight, we have let fear take over. That's when the enemy gets his way. He is the prince of fear. But Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

3) To stand is to know our true identity in Christ. We are seated with Christ in the heavenly places (Eph 2:6-7). As Christ is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). The moment we move away from our position (stand), we fall into the trap of the enemy.

4) In the OT, to stand is to SEE what The Lord would do. In the NT, to stand is to SEE what The Lord has done on the Cross. When we are simply seeing, we are resting. Resting is the hardest thing to do, especially us Singaporeans. Yet the Bible tells us that the only striving we should do is to REST (Heb 4:11).

David, in Psalm 23, revealed the secret to overcome any spiritual attack by the enemy. "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies..." - Psalm 23:5

To sit in the presence of Jesus, fellowship with Him over a meal (communion) and enjoy Him is simply RESTing. When that takes place, the enemy can only watch us enjoying victory. It must be very painful for him to see, because he desires that we will spend time engaging him by fighting with him.

When we war against the enemy, we are placing our focus on him. When we STAND and REST in The Lord, we are placing our focus on the One who always causes us to triumph.

Thursday 24 December 2015

Lee Wee Breakfast

Wifey and I went to Lee Wee Brothers for bread and egg breakfast.

As I was waiting for the eggs, I had a WOK for the auntie's left knee. She asked, "How did you know?" At the same time, she shared that she used to have the problem but now she is fine.

A word of knowledge can be a present issue (current pain), a past issue (past problem/injury) or recurring issue (pain that comes and goes).

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Emotional Healing

A client invited me into her house to share my sales plan when I knocked on her door. Although she couldn't sell her house now, she was very thankful that I helped her strategise what she could do. Her brother and friend are also in the property line but she had never heard the strategy before. When she asked, "Why is your name Wilson Barnabas?", I replied, "Barnabas is my baptism name." Immediately, I took the opportunity to minister to her. She ended up in tears and said, "This is the best Christmas gift." 

This is the reason for this season of Christmas. Christ came and gave us Himself. I'm loving my job. I can bring the Gospel wherever I go. Some people will never step into a church, but we can be the church to them.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Very Interesting

It's an interesting encounter today.

While doing door knocking at Punggol to present my sales plan, I came to a unit that has many Buddhist sculptures and mantra outside the house. After knocking at the door and speaking to the owner for a short while, he invited me to go in.

I was surprised to see many more sculptures, Buddhist paintings and mantra all over the house. He even dedicated one whole room to Buddhist relics, sculptures and other stuff. Hanging outside the windows in the living room are all the Buddhist flags with printed mantra.

After presenting my sales plan, we conversed casually about the cost of living in Singapore before engaging on the topic of Buddhism. The owner is a radical Buddhist who gives heed to Buddha's teachings and practises what he has learnt. I have gained much insight on the beliefs of Buddhism that I never knew before.

I waited for the right time to share about Jesus. Thankfully, he gave me the opportunity to do so. It took quite a while before I could share the entire Gospel with him. I had to start with the Holy Spirit, His protection against every other spirit and engaging heaven's realm before I could connect to the Gospel and talk about Jesus. I had to talk about how Christianity is different from Buddhism in that while Buddhists have to work their lives to heaven, Christians begin their lives in heaven and live towards earth. This opened up the whole conversation for the Gospel of Jesus to be shared - His identity as the Son of God; His perfect life; His blood and His death on the Cross.

He listened intently.

Then he said, "There is something different about your countenance. It is very bright. It is radiant." I told him that this is because we as Christians can commune directly with God. Radiance is a result of communion.

He added, "From the way you talk and the voice you have as well as your mannerism, you are very charismatic. You can be a good pastor." I shared with him that I worked in the church for the past 6 years. This granted me further opportunity to delve more about the Gospel.

I am loving this job in this season. Not only can I help people to grow their wealth practically, I can also help them to know Jesus.

Father, reveal Yourself to this owner powerfully. Encounter him tonight. Amen!

Sunday 13 December 2015

Thursday 3 December 2015

More Lord More More More!

This morning, I prayed, "Holy Spirit, grant me opportunities to minister healing."

While changing to Circle Line, I saw a man wearing a wrist guard. Prayed for him.

Then when I was changing to North-South Line, I felt a sudden heat on my left arm. I knew someone is in need of healing. I said, "Lord, who is it?"

I looked around and saw a Caucasian guy wearing a bandage of his left arm. Bingo!

Went to him and prayed. He's heading to TTSH for medical review.

I'm trusting God to heal them fully so that they encounter His goodness and come to know Him.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Severe Stomachache

I was suddenly down with severe stomachache last night. It was so bad that I felt giddy and vomited out my dinner.

After vomitting, I still experienced excruciating pain. Nevertheless, I kept confessing healing and health. Jeshua and Carol laid hands and prayed for me together.

From that moment onwards, my pain left totally! Praise Jesus!

Friday 27 November 2015

Salesperson At Courts - NEX

Word of knowledge for salesperson - back of right knee.

Turned out to be on his left.

Didn't manage to pray though.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Go Go Bambini

Brought Jeshua to the indoor playground at Go Go Bambini. This must be the most tiring playground I ever went. It felt like a marathon. Perhaps it was because I didn't have enough sleep on the previous day.

Before we left, I received a WOK - right neck for the Filipino cashier. She is a Seventh Day Adventist. She asked how I knew about her pain. I shared with her about Jesus.

Held her hand and prayed for her neck. She received partial healing. I wanted to pray more but it wasn't convenient as she had to work. I'm trusting that God's healing will manifest fully. Amen.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Outreach At Little India

Joined Soakability for their outreach at Little India. Many healings today...

One of them who received healing asked, "What happened? What happened? Why no more pain? What did you do?"

Shared Issa (Jesus) with him.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Back of Neck & Spine

Rushed down by cab after meeting my co-broke agent to Faith Methodist Church to preach in their prayer meeting.

Had a WOK for the Muslim driver - back of his neck. He shared that the pain came suddenly two months ago. He has been driving for more than ten years and this is the first time he experienced that. On top of it, he also had pain at his lower back since two months ago.

As I was running late, I prayed a quick prayer for him and released healing, before passing him my name card. Not an appropriate name card (agent's name card) to give though but I told him to give me a call and let me know how he is doing.

Heal him, Lord!

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Carrying His Presence

When we carry His presence, when we fix our eyes of the Person of Peace (Holy Spirit), we can release peace into the atmosphere that we walk in.

I'm encouraged that clients and agent can feel and see the difference.

Another Black Angel

Last night, I saw a black angel in silouette form on the left shoulder of the taxi driver. Checked with him and he confirmed it but he wasn't open to be prayed for.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Halloween Outreach

Took a cab after a viewing appointment to rush down for Halloween outreach.

WOK for the Muslim driver - Left shoulder healed.

Wore Ultron mask at the outreach. We went around Clarke Quay and Boat Quay, blessing people from different nationalities.

One of the highlights is when we went into a sleazy pub and did a fire tunnel for the young Indian girls, while some of the team members prophesied on the sex workers, resulting in tears in their eyes.

Awesome Jesus!

Sunday 18 October 2015


While buying a bottle of mineral water at the 7-eleven outside Potong Pasir station control, I received a word of knowledge for the Indian cashier concerning her ankle. She didn't allow me to touch her ankle.

I offered a handshake instead. Healing was released to her ankle via a handshake. She went, "Oh!! Yeah!!"

There is no method in healing. Healing is a Person. And His name is Jesus. The more we are conscious of Him, the more He is made conscious to others.

Torn Ligament

While walking to my client's home, I saw a tennager limping. Prayed for his torn ligament to be healed and he received partial healing immediately. Had to rush off though.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Door Knock - Healing

Was door knocking at a block near my place when the recipient was an auntie who wore a knee guard on her right knee. She said that her knee suffered a lack of joint fluid (lubricant) for many years.

Laid hand and prayed for her.

As she tested her knee, there was joy expressed from her countenance. She felt better. Praise Jesus!

As I continued to knock other doors, I felt heat on my own knee. This went on for a period of time. I know that the power of God has gone out and God is still healing her knee - the heat on my knee was a sign of His healing work. That's amazing.

She will receive complete healing. Amen.

Monday 5 October 2015

Ya Kun

Been staying at home, going out with my family, attending courses and running errands for the past two weeks.

Today, as I sat at Ya Kun waiting for my friend, I had a WOK for the Ya Kun staff. She was eating her lunch on the table beside me. Asked her if she had ache at her neck area (left side) and she nodded (but it's on her right side).

Didn't manage to pray for her as she wasn't so open.

This is always refreshing - being able to be a blessing.

Monday 21 September 2015


While I cabbed with a potential client to Beach Road, I had a WOK for the driver - strain at left side of his neck.

I asked him and he told me that he had injured that area many years ago. Thus, he would experience this strain frequently.

Laid hand and prayed quickly. He felt neck loosened as he rotated his neck to test out.

Representing Christ one soul at a time. Thank You Jesus for the privilege.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Ban Mian Stall

China lady received healing for her left foot via WOK while cooking my ban mian.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Slow Down And Look Up

While sitting at the foodcourt on my own, a middle-aged lady sat opposite me. As I was putting the noodles into my mouth, I was thinking, "God, give her an encounter." Immediately, I saw an image of her nose. I asked her, "Do you have nose allergy?" She responded, "Depends on the weather. I'm having abit of runny nose now. Why do you suddenly asked?"

Shared with her about Jesus. She's also a believer. Right at the foodcourt, I prayed for her to receive healing.

Jesus can't wait to show up to people around us. More often than not, we don't have the time to represent Him. We rush from one place to another. Now that I have the time, I can take time to look at what He is doing.

I look forward to providing my clients a space to encounter Jesus :)

Monday 31 August 2015

Final TPY Outreach

WOKs were released & healings took place.

This is my final outreach to TPY Town Park with the outreach team. I pray that they will continue to reach out to the domestic helpers and the community around TPY.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Fire Extinguisher - Servicing Guy

As I was preparing sermon in the church library, a guy entered the room. He said that he was here to service the fire extinguisher.

Immediately, I received a WOK concerning his left knee. Checked with him and he confirmed it. He said that he had pain for many years.

Prayed for him and he felt better. Trusting God for complete manifestation of that healing. Amen!

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Neck & Left Foot

WOK for driver - back of neck and left foot.

Surprisingly, after I asked him, I realised that his car was using the manual gear instead of the auto one. No wonder he had problem with his left foot.

Didn't manage to pray for him though.

Sunday 23 August 2015

Kids Motor Cars

Brought Jeshua to Punggol Promenade area where there is rental for kids' motor cars at $3.

Received a WOK for one of the part-time staff - right leg problem. As I spoke to him, he shared that he actually had stroke (I couldn't even tell just by looking) two years ago. As a result, he had problem with his right leg.

Prayed for him.

Heal him, Lord!

Saturday 15 August 2015


A PRC received healing for his neck through WOK. Then I got to rush to the seminar room.

Monday 10 August 2015

After Wake Service

After speaking at the wake service of a church member today, I took a cab home as we could claim for the transport.

Had a WOK for the driver concerning his left shoulder. Apparently, he had been going for acupuncture for both his shoulders.

Prayed and he received healing.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Meditation Power

Was thinking about my past - how AS caused me to have pain at the pelvic area and how I struggled through those periods.

All of a sudden, a sharp pain came back at my pelvic area.

Immediately, I confessed, "By the stripes of Jesus, I was healed. You have no right to be here."

Guess what? The pain just disappeared!

Indeed, what we think and meditate on becomes a reality. If we keep thinking about our past, we will stay in that realm without breakthrough. We may even experience the bad things of the past. But if we meditate on what Jesus has done, if we meditate on what we have in Christ, we will experience the blessings and walk in His promises.

Thursday 30 July 2015

Upper Spine

Went for home-bound visitation today with my colleague. On our way back, I had a WOK for the driver - upper spine.

He confirmed it and shared that it was caused by arthritis. Shared with him about Jesus.

Prayed for him and invited him for Taste & See. Heal him completely, Jesus!

Monday 27 July 2015

Back Of Neck - Driver

Saw an angel touching the back of the driver's neck. Checked with him and he said that he had this issue since he was a rugby player in ACS.

Did a quick prayer on him.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Reception Office

While checking out at the reception office, Aloha Loyang, I had a WOK for the lady attending to me - lower back problem.

She asked me how I knew. Shared Jesus with her. She explained that she has slipped disc, resulting in lower back problem.

Prayed for her. Thank You that You will heal her, Jesus!

Overnight Cycling

After we ended three sessions at youth leaders' retreat, we went for overnight cycling.

We are now at Changi Food Centre. While buying soya bean milk five minutes ago, I had a WOK for the auntie - back of right knee.

She said that her right knee is painful and it affects the back of the knee occasionally. Wanted to pray for her but she declined.

Heal her, Lord!

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Milkcow - Velocity

Was at Milkcow, Velocity with a friend. Had a WOK - sinus for one of the staff.

Prayed for her and shared a little about Jesus.

Thursday 9 July 2015

On My Way To Mt Alvernia

Saw a black silhouette at the back of the neck of the driver. Checked with him and he asked how I knew.

Shared the usual thing.

Didn't manage to pray for him as another passager was waiting to hire the cab.

Thought about his healing instead. Our thinking can form the reality.

Sunday 5 July 2015

Saturday 4 July 2015

Ankle Healed

Prayed for one guy who injured his ankle. He felt pain before prayer when he rotated his ankle.

After prayer, he could rotate his ankle freely without pain. Praise Jesus!

Thursday 2 July 2015

LS Cafe

Went with a few youth leaders from our church to LS cafe, which is located near the hotel.

Had a WOK for one of the waitresses - back of the neck. She acknowledged and said that she has that issue quite often.

Prayed and she felt good. Shared with her about Jesus.

Group 17

Had WOK for my YMLC group members.

1) Left side of neck
He received healing. Also received healing for his aching shoulders.

2) Sinus issue
Many had this problem. Prayed for all of them.

In the night, I received a WOK for one of them but didn't manage to pray for her. It had to do with her spine and long-standing lower back problem.

Jesus loves them all!

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Top Of Foot Healed

While making enquiry on free room WIFI, I noticed that the lady who attended to me was limping as she walked. Checked with her and she said that she fell and fractured the top of her foot.

She wore a foot guard.

Prayed for her and she exclaimed, "Oh! Better. No more pain!"

Thank You Jesus!

YMLC 2015

Back to Renaissance Hotel in JB for Young Methodist Leaders' Conference. Last year, I prayed for the manager's knee and back. He had a knee injury for years. God healed him instantly. Prayed for his back but didn't manage to follow up.

When I entered the hotel, he was the one to welcome us. I checked with him about his knee and back. He said that they are perfectly fine now! Praise Jesus!

Sunday 28 June 2015


Son is recovering from flu and fever. After my wife and I tried to settle him down in the morning, I was running late to church.

Took a cab. Received WOK - right side of driver's neck.

He said it's the left side. He sprained it three days ago. Prayed and he felt alot better. He asked, "You have the gift of healing?"

Apparently, he is a Christian from CHC. Shared with him that we can all do the same works because we have the Holy Spirit.

Saturday 27 June 2015

In The Bus

While taking a bus back home, I felt heat on my right foot. I stood beside an uncle.

We alighted at the same bus stop. I approached him and asked. He said that's probably because he stood too long but he gently declined help.


Received a WOK in a different way for the salesgirl at NEX - left side of her neck. She reached out to me to buy their products. So I reached out to her about Jesus haha.

Bought a product for my wifey.

This time, I didn't "see" or "read" as I usually do. But my eyes are drawn to that area.

Checked with her and she confirmed it. She said that she easily sprains her neck as her spine is not straight.

I asked her supervisor if I could pray for her to be healed. But her supervisor declined as they were working. The salesgirl said I could make an appointment with her to pray for her.

On my way up to get something from Courts, I saw a lady with crutches. Spoke to her. To my surprise, she said that she saw me before at Tan Tock Seng hospital when I was praying for people. She was open and allowed me to pray for her fractured thigh. I asked her friend to lay hand on hee thigh. Also prayed for her health as she is still recovering from cancer.

Heal her completely, Lord!

Friday 26 June 2015

Weak Knees

WOK for taxi driver - weak knees.

He acknowledged it but refused to be prayed for as he wanted to leave quickly to earn money.

Bless him Lord!

Sunday 21 June 2015

Cab to MBS

Had a WOK for the driver - neck area.

She said that she just went to the Chinese physician on the previous day. Apparently, her whole family has this neck problem. They tend to sprain their neck easily.

Laid hand on her neck and prayed a quick prayer. She couldn't tell the difference as there was no pain at that moment.

Am trusting the Lord to heal her completely.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Center of Siam Square

While waiting for my wife, I saw a young male security officer. I asked, "God, show me what the angels are doing in his life." Immediately, I saw a black angel gently touching his right ankle.

Went up to him and spoke in Thai - "Ti Ni Jab Ma?" This means "Is it painful here?" He nodded. I laid hand and prayed. Then I asked him to test out. He was healed. Praise Jesus!

More Lord more! Let me see more into the spirit realm. Grant me an increase in the gift of discerning of spirits so that I may reach more souls! Thank You Jesus!

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Central World Mall

Saw a black angel in silouhette form hugging a salesman from the back. As I went to approach him, I realised that he was a "she" - butch.

Tried to communicate with her but she couldn't understand much English. God wants to love her and minister the heart of the Father.

I requested to pray for her. She nodded, though she was a Buddhist. Held her hand and prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill her with love.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

First Day - Bangkok

1) While we were on the flight to Bangkok for a family trip, I asked God to open my eyes to see what the angels were doing in a man's life. He was sitting two rows in front of me at the left section.

I saw a little demon hammering his right knee. After the plane landed, he stood up and walked out of the entrance, limping. I knew that it was a confirmation of what I saw. But I didn't manage to pray for him.

2) We went to MBK to buy the blue screen protector for our mobile phones. While waiting for the sales assistant to paste the screen protector, I prayed for his boss. She had pain at her hip area. She received partial healing. Two other sales assistants saw what happened. The first one asked, "How did you do it?" The second one requested prayer for the sole of his feet. He shared that he would sometimes experience pain when he sits for too long.

More Lord! Let Your glory to evident to the Thai people!

Sunday 14 June 2015

TPY Outreach

1) Lower back, centre
- Filipino lady wasn't open for prayer

2) Left side of the neck
- Burmese guy wasn't open for prayer

3) Back of the neck
- Thai guy wasn't open for prayer, though the back of his neck was really swollen

The Holy Spirit came powerfully upon a Filipino lady who requested prayer for her left shoulder. While praying, I felt heat flowing through my hand. Thus, I asked her if she felt anything. She tested by turning her head to the left a few times and she said, "Ya!" Then she lifted both arms and exclaimed, "I could feel goosebumps all over. Wah! I'm now okay!" She was so surprised that she started telling her friend what just happened.

God's manifest presence was upon her and we prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill her.

Saturday 13 June 2015

Discerning Of Spirits

Recently, I listened to a teaching on activating the gift of discerning of spirits. Thus, I decided to put it into practice.

I stood beside a lady while waiting for the LRT. I said, "God, show me what the angels are doing in her life."

Immediately, I saw an angel gently rubbing her arm. Then I saw the word "rheumatism" at the screen of my mind.

Checked with her and she confirmed it. Wow!

Didn't manage to pray for her as the train came and she sat beside someone.

Resting In Him

I was diagnosed with an incurable, autoimmune disease in 2007. It is known as Ankylosing Spondylitis. Due to the awful symptoms, I went through much pain and discouragement.

Few months ago, I went for my medical review with TTSH. The rheumatologist asked me many questions as she was surprised by my medical result. According to the medical report, my blood test was as good as a normal healthy person. I could even stretch better than an average person.

Even when doctors say that a disease is incurable, we have doctor Jesus who heals!

Recently, I woke up in the morning with an excruciating pain near my pelvic area. I couldn't hardly walk. The first thing that came to my mind was, "Am I not yet healed? Did the disease return?"

But I instantly remembered what Curry Blake said, "Sometimes, you will get the symptoms of your past sickness. The pain is so real. But it is an attack from the enemy. He wants to cause you to doubt the healing you have received. So stand firm and stand on the Word of God."

I knew that this was an attack. I wasn't trying to say that the pain wasn't there. I wasn't denying the pain. But I told myself to stand firm in what I have already received. I had received complete healing.

During my time of devotion, I told God, "Father, I rest and trust in Your healing. By Your stripes, I am already healed. I refuse to have these symptoms and pain. Thank You, Jesus for healing me."

After spending time with God, I stood up from my seat and the pain totally disappeared! Praise Jesus!

The trouble we have about healing is that we don't really believe in it. We can see more healings if we simply believe in two simple truths. Oh yes, we have to believe in our heart, not our head.

1) It is always God's will to heal
2) It is only by His grace. We cannot work for it. Therefore, we can just rest and trust in Him.

Friday 12 June 2015

On The Way To Visitation

Took a cab to visit a church member as part of our monthly visitation.

Had a WOK for the driver - left side of his back.

He confirmed it and said that it wasn't just that area. Many other areas were in pain.

Did a quick prayer for him as he wasn't open for prayer.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Immediate Answer

As I was spending time with God this morning, I told Him that I would like to have opportunities to minister to people today.

I had been rushing from place to place for the past two months. Thus, I haven't really been active in reaching the lost, except for the Sunday outreaches at TPY.

As I entered the lift just now, I saw the cleaner lady in the lift. This was the first time I saw her in the lift! God answered my prayer immediately.

I said, "Father, she must be the one." Had a WOK for her right shoulder.

When I asked her, she confirmed it. Apparently, she had a fall recently and injured her right shoulder.

Prayed once and she felt better. Didn't have the time to pray more. But I'm trusting that the Lord will heal her completely in a sudden way. Praise Jesus!

Sunday 31 May 2015

TPY Outreach

We went out to reach the domestic helpers again at TPY town park.

Had a WOK - right knee for one of the Filipinos. Prayed for her and she was healed.

Had another WOK - left shoulder near neck for one of the Filipinos in another group. Prayed and she got better.

We spoke to quite a number of Filipinos and realised that many of them were there for the first time. What a great opportunity to sow the Gospel seed to a huge harvest.

Before we left, we approached a group of Indonesian helpers. One of them saw me and said, "Is it about Jesus? No thanks!" She didn't want any prayer as they are all Muslims.

Had a WOK - left shoulder area (it's her right shoulder instead) for one of them. She was shocked, thus allowing me to pray for her. The group became open and I managed to share about Jesus. As her pain came on and off, I couldn't verify her healing at that point in time.

Salesperson For ANZ

On Sat, I was stopped by a salesperson from ANZ bank. He wanted to share with me more about the benefits of their credit card. I saw him wearing a cast around his elbow and asked him about it. Laid my hand and prayed for him.

But I politely declined to apply for their credit card.

Monday 25 May 2015

Driver - Neck

Was rushing late this morning as it took a while to settle Jeshua down after he woke up crying.

Decided to take a cab to nanny's place. The uncle wasn't very friendly and he seemed a tad impatience.

Had a WOK for the back of his neck. Before I alighted, I asked him and he was curious how I knew about it. As we stopped at the side of the road, I did a quick prayer and he felt better. He asked, "Oh just pressing this side will make it better?!"

I told him, "No. I just prayed for you."

It's a joy to bless and see a change in people's response. They may be feeling frustrated and down but blessing changes the way they feel.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Beef Ball Noodles

Word of knowledge for the auntie selling beef ball noodles at TPY Lorong 7 hawker centre. I thought I "saw" her right knee but it was the left one.

Didn't manage to pray though.

Sunday 17 May 2015


Prayed for an uncle yesterday via word of knowledge for his knee. He's on glucosamine but it's not working well for him.

He wondered how I knew. Had the chance to reveal Jesus.

He wasn't willing to be prayed for initially as he shared that he's a Buddhist. With a little persistence, he agreed.

Trusting God to heal him completely.

Monday 11 May 2015

Tired But Renewed

We just took a cab back from KK hospital as Jeshua received permission to be discharged. I was really tired.

But I received a WOK for the driver - right shoulder problem. Uncle said that it was his left shoulder. He injured it many years ago and it was still giving him occasional problem.

Prayed for him and he felt warm energy flowing to his shoulder. Immediately, he felt his left shoulder loosened. He asked if I learnt qigong. I shared with him about Jesus.

He then shared that he actually believes in Jesus and he visits a church whenever he can.

Tired but glad that I can be a blessing to him.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Uncle At Nepalese Cafe

Had staff lunch at a Nepalese cafe yesterday. Had a WOK for an uncle's right leg. Didn't pray as he was working.

He said that he had sustained this injury for more than 20 years. But he knew how to do his own physiotherapy. Interesting.

Sunday 26 April 2015

2nd Outreach To TPY Town Park

Today is our second outreach to the domestic helpers at TPY town park.

Had a WOK for one of them - pain at elbow area. Prayed twice and she got completely healed.

Another with neck problem and she received complete healing. She was also prophesied over and she confirmed that she loves to make pastries and desires to start a shop.

Other healings took place - spine straightened, foot and ankle problems.

We also prayed for one with insomnia; one who couldn't conceive and one with stomach issue. As these couldn't be tested out on the spot, we are trusting for God to heal them completely.


Friday 24 April 2015

Indian Guy

Was chatting with the caretaker's brother at the church carpark and found out that his friend (whom I prayed for some time back) no longer has insomnia. Praise Jesus!

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Fish Soup At Food Alley

While making payment at the fish soup stall at the food alley, I had a WOK for the China female cashier regarding her neck.

She was surprised and wondered how I knew. She suffered from cervical spine problem that causes persistent but occasional pain at her neck area, as well as numbness at her left arm.

Prayed for her. Trusting that the Lord will heal her completely. Couldn't check as she didn't have pain at that moment.

She happens to be a Christian attending Fairfield Methodist Church.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Outreach To Filipinos

Today we went out to reach the Filipinos at TPY Town Park.

Many healings took place. Some were prophesied over. 

It's a joy to see their joyful and surprised expressions when they got healed.

More Lord!

Saturday 18 April 2015

Alpha Newcomers

There were quite a number of newcomers (not from our church) who came for Alpha programme.

One of them wasn't 100% certain of his faith. After speaking with him, I received a WOK when I walked away. Went back to him and asked if he had problem with his right knee.

He was surprised. But I shared with him a little more about God. He had this pain for few years. Prayed and he felt better.

Trusting that God will touch him powerfully through Alpha.

Inner Healing

Few years back, one prophet prophesied that one of my ministries would be in deliverance and healing. At that time, I was already interested in the spiritual realm and it's powers.

He said that I used to join the devil's company and now that I'm out of it, I will come against it to destroy his works.

Yesterday, we did inner healing for a walk-in lady's daughter. Through a WOK, I got to know that she had not forgiven herself for what happened in the past, even though she knew that God had forgiven her.

Asked her and she confirmed it. Finally, she forgave herself and released her past.

Forgiveness is the most powerful thing on earth. It is the reason why Jesus came. If one can understand the power of the Cross and walk in His forgiveness, a lot of sicknesses, diseases, emotional brokenness would not be there. Even the devil can have no hold on that person.

The devil can only have as much power as we give to him. When we believe in a lie, we empower him. If we believe in that lie long enough, the devil builds a stronghold in that area.

A stronghold, in ancient times, was a place where the army encamped and then went out from there to fight. If we allow the enemy to build a stronghold in an area of our lives, he encamps around there and keeps fighting against the truth in our mind - he steals, kills and destroys. This is why some people suffer various physical, emotional and other problems.

Only knowing the truth can set such a person free.

I'm praying that this girl whom we ministered to has understood the truth and she no longer needs to be tormented by the enemy.

I believe that the Gospel and the power of the Cross is more than enough to set anyone free. The only problem we face in our modern world is that we are quick to quit when we don't see results. We jump to other alternative methods - doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, self-improvement, etc.

When the Gospel doesn't seem to work, we stop. That's when we fail to experience the power of the Cross.

Truth doesn't change. The Gospel is sufficient. We just have to stick it and believe that Jesus is THE answer.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Gui Ling Gao Shop

Been having late nights. Decided to have gui ling gao at a shop in TPY Central.

Had a WOK for the lady in the shop - pain at right knee. She asked me how I knew. Prayed and she got totally healed. Talked to her about Jesus, but I could sense that she was quite cautious about it.

Friday 10 April 2015


Prayed for a lady on crutches.

Saw her two days later and she was walking without crutches. Praise Jesus!

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Lunch At Gourmet Paradise

Had lunch with some of my colleagues at Gourmet Paradise today.

As they went to order their food, I sat there with a stranger - an uncle who was eating mixed rice on his own.

Spoke to him and had a WOK concerning his left knee. After a short conversation, I asked him, "How's your left knee?"

He replied, "Do I know you?" I said, "No." He was curious. "Then why did you suddenly ask this?"

Apparently, he had problem with both knees and he's on glucosamine pills.

Wanted to pray for him but didn't manage to do so. 

As I went to buy my food, I was figuring out how to do it in a way that would not be awkward for him. I could go under the table and lay hands on his knees. I am totally good with that. But he would surely freak out.

When I came back, he finished his food, said goodbye to me, got up and left.

Teach me wisdom, Lord.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Indian Train Operator

Brought my son to ride on a children's train at Farrer Park.

Had a WOK for the Indian train operator - left knee.

Prayed for him. He tested it by stomping his foot hard. Healed by Jesus!

As there were many parents and children waiting for him to start operating the children's train, I quickly told him that Jesus blessed him.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Xin Wang Cafe

Had dinner with family at Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe at Fernvale Mall. While making payment, I had a WOK for the cashier - left shoulder. She said that it was an old ailment.

Prayed for her and she felt her shoulder 'loosened'. She then thanked me. More!

Friday 3 April 2015

Christian Uncle

WOK for driver - right side of his back.

He asked me how I knew. Shared the usual thing. He then shared with me that he also had hearing problem and showed me his hearing device.

Prayed for him. Trusting God to manifest the healing completely!

Thursday 2 April 2015

Driver's Neck

WOK for driver - back of neck. He said that he usually would not have it. But he had pain probably due to his sleeping posture on the previous night.

Didn't want to be ministered to though.

Tuesday 31 March 2015


After sending Jeshua to nanny, I planned to do a few things today. Took a wrong bus from Punggol interchange, thinking that it would also reach my place.

Ended up in a wrong direction. Was a tad frustrated at the beginning as time is precious to me.

As I walked to Sengkang station, I was reminded how blessed I am to live in Singapore. I'm thankful that it's small so that I can reach home quickly. I'm thankful that we have efficient transport system too.

As I returned to Punggol station, I saw the same security officer whom I saw earlier when I alighted at Punggol. Earlier, I had a WOK concerning the back of his right knee, but I didn't pray for him as I was rushing for time.

Now that I saw him again, I quickly went to him. He asked me how I knew. In fact, both the back of his knees were in pain.

Got him to sit down and laid hands on his knees. As he tested them out, he felt good and said, "The knees are suddenly lighter."

Told him that Jesus loves him.

I'm thankful that even when I went the wrong way, the Way (Jesus) is available for others to experience Him.

Monday 30 March 2015

Coffee Shop

Before today's Holy Week service, my colleague and I went to the coffeeshop that is opposite the Lao Ban soya beancurd shop.

While getting drinks, I had a WOK - left shoulder ache for one of the ladies at the drink stall.

She confirmed it.

Prayed twice and she felt the same. Am trusting that Jesus would completely heal her as she returns home.

Friday 27 March 2015

Spine Issue

Usually I would bring Jeshua to his nanny in the morning by bus. But as he slept late last night (or this morning at 12am), I decided to take a cab, hoping that he would not wake up by the traveling.

Had a vague impression that the driver had spine issue. I checked with him and he shared that he didn't know if he had, but he would experience pain whenever he tried to bend his back.

Prayed a quick prayer for him as we stopped at the side of the road. Didn't have time to get him to test out though.

It is impossible to lay hand without anything happening. Am trusting Jesus to heal him completely.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Cab Driver - Hearing Issue

As usual, I took a cab for regular monthly pastoral visitation. Went alone as my colleague was on MC.

Had a WOK for the driver - right ear issue.

Checked with him and he shared that he couldn't hear properly with his right ear occasionally.

Laid hand and prayed. Then I checked with him twice to see how he was. He nodded his head and said, "Now better."

He asked me, "Oh... if I cover my ear with my hand for a while, I will get better, is it?"

I said, "No. It's because I prayed for you."

Blessed him with Jesus. Trusting for complete manifestation!

Prayed for a Muslim guy with crutches. He had no pain at that moment as he was on pain killer. Encounter him, Jesus!

Sunday 22 March 2015

A Group Of Filipinos

Saw a group of Filipinos at the pavilion in Tampines. Had a WOK - left side of the neck.

Turned out to be the right side of the neck. Prayed and she felt better. Trusting the Lord for complete manifestation.

WOK Through Feeling

Was standing near someone in the sanctuary when I suddenly felt a warm sensation at my left knee. I knew that the person needed healing on his left knee.

Checked with him and prayed but didn't have time to ask him to test out.

Friday 20 March 2015

Driver - Left Neck

WOK - pain at left neck area. Driver was reluctant to confirm. I asked him more than five times before he finally nodded. Prayed for him.

Fork & Spoon Foodcourt

While waiting for my food at a Korean stall at Fork & Spoon foodcourt, I had a WOK for the Malay lady - left knee. It turned out to be her right knee instead. She had pain due to a massage at Batam. In fact, she told me that it was swollen.

As there were customers behind me, I decided to wait for the right opportunity to pray for her.

After my lunch, when I saw that there was no one buying from her stall, I went up to her. Prayed by holding her right hand. 

When she tested her knee, her expression was priceless. She got much better. She couldn't bend her right knee before prayer. But she could now do it.

She was overjoyed and told the Muslim lady from another stall immediately about what had just happened.

She asked me for my namecard. Gave her and blessed her in Jesus' name.

Thursday 19 March 2015

On Leave - Jalan Kayu

As it's school holiday, I took leave to spend time with my son and wifey for the past two days.

Today, my wifey and I had brekkie at Jalan Kayu. While paying for the pratas at the counter, I had a WOK - left knee for the Indian cashier. He confirmed it and shared that he fell one year ago.

Prayed and he had no more pain. Thank You Jesus!

Sunday 15 March 2015

Outreach At TPY

Today we had about 20 over members joining us at TPY outreach.

Two members followed me as we reached out to the community.

1) Had a WOK for a female sales assistant at a shop selling shoes - left shoulder problem. She didn't want to be prayed for as she was working. Talked to her a little about Jesus.

2) Had a WOK for a lady in her 50s working in a Chinese medical hall - left hip. She allowed me to pray for her. She couldn't test out the difference as the pain would come on and off. Talked to her about Jesus and the Church we come from.

3) Saw an Indonesia helper pushing an old grandma on the wheelchair. The grandma speaks Hokkien so I could converse with her abit. Prayed for both her legs as she felt weak. Had a WOK concerning her relationship with her son. Asked her if she has a son and she nodded. Asked her if her relationship with her son wasn't good and she expressed sadness and disappointment. Told her that Jesus can restore her relationship with her son and prayed for her.

Prayed for her helper who had back problem. When we got her to test out, she said that it was okay at that moment.

4) Had a WOK for an Indian man sitting in a coffeeshop with his two other Indian friends. Left neck problem. At first, he denied it. But he revealed later that he had it. He didn't want to be prayed for though, because he believes that everyone is already healed. They are Singaporean Christians but their Scripture understanding is very different. I suspect that it could be a cult church. He shared many things about the Scriptures with me. I wanted to defend but I felt that I shouldn't hold a debate with him. Thus, I just listened to him. He asked for my number to invite me to his New Jerusalem Tabernacle church. Gave it to him.


Saturday 14 March 2015

Interesting - Power of God

There was once when my wife and I met up with a prophet. We got him to pray for my late father-in-law who was struggling with esophagus cancer. We brought him for lunch after prayer. He started prophesying on my wife and I and imparted the fire of the Holy Spirit on us. I could feel the heat on my palm.

When I returned home, as I was doing my devotion, I decided to "play". I do various things in my devotional time when I'm with my loving Father. It is in His presence that there is fullness of joy.

I saw a small spider crawling on the wall in my study room. Stretching out my index finger, I pointed to the spider and shouted, "Fire!" Guess what, the spider immediately dropped dead on my study table. I couldn't explain the peculiarity of this incident, except that I have a humorous Father in heaven.

I have heard of John G Lake, one of the most famous healing revivalists in the 19th century, on how he would point to individuals in an open meeting and lightning bolt would fly out from his finger to hit the individual. The individual would experience the power of God and fly back a distance before hitting the ground unhurt. He explained, "That is the real power of God."

I am hungry for more. Power not for display. Power to BE His witness.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Watson - TPY

Had a WOK for the cashier at Watson, TPY. Her left neck. She confirmed it.

Didn't get to pray for her as there were many customers behind me.

Heal her, Lord.

Cheers - Farrer Park MRT

Was on my way to CT Hub for a preaching seminar.

Alighted at Farrer Park and decided to go to Cheers to get water. Had a WOK for the cashier - right knee pain.

She asked me how I knew. Apparently, she just fell and injured that area not long ago.

Prayed for her and she asked, "Why is there a sense of strength?"

Told her about Jesus.

Saturday 7 March 2015


My ex-church youth's mother went to be with the Lord this afternoon. I just went to visit and pray for her at SGH on Thursday.

The stage 4 cancer (read: the devil) had taken her life. I am angry at the thief.

I must have MORE. I need to grow MORE!

Thursday 5 March 2015

Rest Day

Off day today. Went AMK Hospital to visit an uncle who used to work at Best Denki but he has suffered from a stroke. Apparently he was discharged yesterday! I don't have his contact though.

Had a WOK for an uncle - right ankle. He said its his left ankle though but his pain comes on and off.

Had a WOK for a driver - right calf. He said its his left calf instead. He met with an accident some time ago but he doesn't have pain at that moment.

Alighted at Clarke Quay MRT as I decided to get a snack for my son and a little gift for my wife. Had a WOK for the female cashier at a Korean/Jap snack shop at The Central - left shoulder. Wanted to stretch out my hand to pray but she stepped back, saying that there is a camera and she's supposed to be doing her work.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Baptism Of The Holy Spirit And Filipinos

Taught on the subject of the Holy Spirit at baptism & membership class. All except one received the gift of tongues. One lady came to me after the class ended and shared a powerful testimony.

She was doubting if there is really an afterlife. But during baptism of the Holy Spirit, she saw a strong, bright light near her. Her whole palms and body were filled with heat. As she was sharing, she broke down in tears because the whole experience was so real to her. What an encouraging testimony! God loves her.

Was heading home from church when I saw a group of Filipino helpers sitting on the grass patch. Had a WOK for one of them - right arm near elbow area.

Went to approach them and she told me that it's her. Prayed and she was healed.

Another saw what happened and she requested me to pray for her lower back. She had just gone to see the specialist. Prayed and she was healed.

The former one asked me to pray for her right upper back as that was some pain. I got the second Filipino to pray for her instead. Yeah! She was healed!

She then asked me to pray for both her toes as they were swollen because of her sandals. Prayed and trusting God to heal her.

Shared with them about Jesus and the church I'm working in. They are very open as they are Catholics.

Friday 27 February 2015

Slipped Disc

Managed to pray for the wanton mee auntie (who has heart palpitation) yesterday. Let's see how it goes.

Prayed for a guy from Hope Church (my home church) who came to TPCMC with crutches.

Spoke to a cab driver (only 34 years old) and found out that he had slipped disc. Prayed for him and he said that the pain from his neck towards spine was gone.

He's a free thinker. Gave him my mobile for follow up. He texted me immediately after he reached home to thank me.

More Lord more!

Monday 23 February 2015

China Man With A Crutch

Went to NTUC to get some groceries when I saw a china man walking with a crutch. Approached him and he told me that he fractured his ankle area one month ago. It hadn't recovered since then.

Prayed for him quickly as wifey (in hunger) was waiting for me. Told him that I'm a Christian and I prayed in Jesus' name. He shared with me that he owns a Bible but he doesn't read it. I encouraged him to read it when he is free.

Bless him, Lord!

Friday 20 February 2015


Driver - WOK: Back of neck. Healed.

Mac Cafe - Tampines Mall

Had coffee with wifey and Jeshua at Tampines Mall's Mac Cafe. I think this is the best outlet so far.

Went over to Mac Donald to buy sweet corn for Jeshua. Had a WOK for the cashier's left shoulder.

She was very skeptical - "Can this work?" Prayed and she felt the same. But I'm trusting the Lord to heal her suddenly. Encounter this Muslim, Jesus!

Wednesday 18 February 2015


1) Neck - uncle
2) Left knee - man in the lift

Didn't get to pray for both.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

The Fish Shop

Had early dinner with wifey at the Fish Shop, NEX as I would be heading back to church before going for a wake service.

WOK for waiter - right shoulder. Prayed and he got better. Should have prayed again for complete healing.

He asked me how I knew. Shared Jesus with him.

Motorbike Accident

Driver - WOK: back of neck. He sustained injury due to motorbike accident. Prayed and he felt shoulder become light.

Monday 16 February 2015


Yesterday, I led a team out to TPY central for street evangelism + healing.

We had three clues received through prayer. One of the clues was confirmed by three people: an old auntie who wears floral dress, carrying a plastic bag; she has walking disability. One of our team members actually spotted the exact lady when we went out there, but she didn't approach her.

We spoke to a few people and prayed for them.

1) Followed up on one man whom we prayed before. He had some discomfort around his knuckle area. Prayed and he felt much better.

2) Prayed for the owner of a stall that does alteration of pants. Had a WOK for his neck. He got healed. Prayed for his left leg and he felt better.

3) A lady from the boutique shop saw what we were doing. I asked her if she had any problem and she shared that she had recurring headache (but she didn't have it at that point in time). Prayed for her anyway.

4) Spoke to the owner of a shop that sells mattresses and mattress covers. Had a WOK concerning her left heel area. She said that she had this problem but she became fine after making customised insole. Prayed for her back and recurring headache (which she didn't have at that point in time).

5) Saw an uncle limping and approached him. He suffered from stroke and was still having pain in his body and leg. Prayed for him and he started to cry. He broke down in tears. Not sure if it was the Holy Spirit touching his heart or he was just pouring out his grief. We sat him down as he couldn't seem to be able to stand. Asked him if he's a Buddhist and he shared that he worshiped Guan Yin. He said that he didn't know who Jesus is. My colleague shared the Gospel in Mandarin to him. Another led him to say salvation prayer. Yes! He received Christ! Woo hoo! That's the greatest miracle! Two other members sent him home by giving him a lift to Yishun. Thank God for their hearts!

When I returned to office, my PIC asked if there were healings and I responded, "Yes, minor ones."

This morning, as I was spending time with God, God spoke to me, "What do you mean by minor ones?" God spoke to my heart. No healing is minor because it is still a miracle even if it's a neck ache or headache. It involves the God of the universe! Man, I repented and I told myself to thank God thoroughly for all kinds of healings.

At the staff meeting, we watched a short clip of creation theory VS evolution. Even a slightest repair in one part of a human body is extremely complicated as it involves tissues, proteins, DNA etc. It is really complex and beyond my wildest imagination. In other words, even the slightest problem (according to our viewpoint) such as neck ache involves many processes in a human body in order to repair itself. Every healing IS a miracle! It is so amazing!

More Lord more!

We will be out for more outreach so that residents will be familiar with us. The day will come when people will just wait for us at that location because they know that we will bless them --- then we will draw them to our church. Praise Jesus!

Sunday 15 February 2015

Indian Worker

Bought dinner. While walking back home, I saw an Indian worker sitting at the void deck. WOK - back. Prayed and he was healed. He couldn't really understand English though...

Wanton Mee Stall - Kou Fu

WOK - heart palpitation for one of the aunties at wanton mee stall, Kou Fu. Offered to pray but she asked me to come again when she is not that busy.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Time To Really Wake Up

I had an interesting encounter with a driver today. He is not just a Taoist. He is a medium. His temple is located at Geylang Lorong 20. Man, I feel like visiting them and release the kingdom of God.

I gave him a word of knowledge but it was wrong! Managed to pray for his slipped disc though. He had pain at his neck area on and off, so we couldn't verify at that moment. Heal him, Jesus!

He gave back a word of knowledge and it was spot on - my son is very smart. This is true because Prophet Amos also prophesied on Jeshua before.

He told me that his late mum was a Christian and his brother is a pastor. When his mum died, he and his friends saw two groups of angels coming for his mum - hell angels and heavenly angels. The latter group brought his mum up to heaven while the former group couldn't do anything as they understood that she was a Christian. Few days later, he (as a Taoist medium) prayed to Jesus and had a conversation with Him. He actually saw Him in heaven. He requested Jesus to let him talk to his mum and Jesus permitted (he kept saying that Jesus is really merciful). If this is true, my theology is wrecked again. Anyway, my theology has changed progressively over the years. Anyone whose theology doesn't change at all is either perfect or under deception.

He added that Holy Scriptures in the Bible are indeed powerful. But he shared that every religion has same power. There is no difference as long as we don't do evil things.

Man.... I think we churches really need to rise up and walk in the Spirit realm. If we are powerless, why would mediums, spiritists, witch doctors, New Age people, etc. want Jesus? They have counterfeit powers. We have authentic power of Jesus. We got to grow and tap into the untapped realm. We haven't even done the same works that Jesus did while He was on earth! And Jesus promised that we would do GREATER works than Him (John 14:12). Help me, Lord. I need MORE of You!

Friday 13 February 2015


Driver - WOK: Left thigh.

He has problem with it but not open for prayer.

New Newspaper Auntie

There's a new newspaper auntie selling magazines and stuff outside of our church. Had a WOK concerning her knee. She has pain whenever she tries to climb steps.

I went to buy a drink for her and offered to pray but she rejected both haha...

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Diabetic Condition

Had two WOKs for the driver after a meeting that ended very late.

1) Back of neck
2) Diabetes

He shared that he had the neck problem on and off; he had diabetes, high cholesterol level and blood pressure.

Prayed for him. He's a Muslim. He asked me what I would use to pray for him. I said "In Jesus' name."

Holy Spirit, encounter him!

Monday 9 February 2015


WOK for uncle selling drinks at coffee shop - right knee. He shared that the cause is diabetes. Prayed for him.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Christian Lady From TPCMC

Saw a lady limping as I was manning a booth in church this morning. My colleague helped me to man the booth as I approached her.

Her right leg is shorter than her left due to an accident. Doctor had to cut one part of her bones, resulting in this condition.

Prayed for her and the right leg only grew out a little. It is still shorter than the left. She was excited as she felt the difference. Jesus, continue to grow the leg even right now!

This is a second time I encountered such case. If it's to do with crooked spine, I have faith for complete healing for the growth of the leg. But this is not. I need to have a greater revelation of God's goodness and renewal of mind to see complete healing in this area. More Lord!

Tuesday 3 February 2015


1) Went Mac Donald at MBK to get a drink as I was very thirsty. Had a WOK for the cashier - left shoulder. Prayed & she said that she's fine. Couldn't communicate with her as she couldn't really speak English.

2) Went to a shop named Udom as I was thinking of getting a gift for my wife. Had a WOK for the salesman - left knee. Prayed and he was healed. Couldn't communicate either.

Two of his colleagues saw what was happening. I asked if they have any pain in their bodies and one of them responded by pointing to his left deltoid area. Prayed twice and he only felt a little better. I'm trusting that the full manifestation of God's healing will be upon him as he goes home. Amen!

3) While walking in the streets with a colleague, I saw an officer (not sure if he's a policeman or not) wearing an elbow guard. Prayed for his left elbow and he felt good. He thanked me by shaking my hand but I couldn't communicate with him.

Monday 2 February 2015

Before Retreat

Shared cab with two other colleagues to the airport. Had a WOK for the driver - left knee. Prayed for him while he was driving. Healed.

While checking in my luggage, I had a WOK for the female staff. Shook her hand and prayed for her left shoulder. She felt better.

Keep making Jesus known.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Heartland Mall

Had dinner at Kovan coffeeshop.

Went to get a drink from the hawker centre near Heartland Mall while my wife brought Jeshua to the mall.

After getting my drink, I went to find them. Called my wife but she didn't pick up. As I walked around, I saw an auntie wearing a wrist guard. She was manning a stall with a young lady.

Prayed for her. Surprised, she looked at the young lady, because there was no more pain. She kept rotating her wrist freely.

Turned to the young lady and said, "You have neck problem." I didn't even receive any WOK. It just went past my mind and came straight out of my mouth. She replied, "I always have this problem. Since a long time ago."

Asked her to place her hand on the back of her neck and prayed for her. When she tested it out, her facial expression was priceless! It was gone :) Praise Jesus!

Told them about Jesus...

Best Denki, Compass Point

Went Best Denki to buy a vacuum cleaner as the old one is spoilt since some time ago.

A salesgirl from China attended to me. Had a WOK for the left side of her neck area.

When I asked her, she said "No" initially. When I probed again, she nodded. I touched that area and prayed twice. She was completely healed.

In shock and disbelief, she asked how I knew, because she had just used medical plaster in the morning due to the pain. She said that it's magical to her. She's a Buddhist. Buddhist gods don't talk to them. What a great chance to talk about Jesus!

Saw a Malay salesman limping. He had slipped disc. He couldn't be prayed for as he was worried that his boss would not be happy. Thus, he asked me for contact number so that he can arrange for me to pray for him.

Another salesgirl came to me and told me that one of her colleagues I prayed for some time ago is now in hospital due to stroke. Asked her for details so that I can make arrange to visit him.

The needs are plenty. We really need an army who will take the Gospel out of the church.

Today, the caretaker's brother came for our service. Praise Jesus! After second service, he came to see me and thank me for praying for him on Friday night. Praying that his friend will come to our church too! More Lord!

Saturday 31 January 2015

Filipino Salesgirl

Filipino salesgirl, Fernvale Mall - pain at left shoulder. WOK.

Walking Past Two Indians

This is interesting...

Was heading home after Worship Night. While walking in the streets, I saw two Indian men (Singaporeans) sitting on the public bench. The Holy Spirit spoke to me, "One of them has problem with his left arm."

I turned back and walked towards them. "Does one of you have problem with your left arm?"

Both of them shook their heads. I persisted and asked. The older guy responded, "I have pain at my right thigh."

Prayed for him twice and he felt slightly better.

Then the younger guy said, "Actually, I have pain at my left arm. But how did you know?"

Grabbed the opportunity to share with them about Jesus. This guy was pretty surprised. Prayed for him and the pain totally left him. He was in a state of shock.

The older guy asked, "How come my pain is not totally gone?" Prayed for him and he felt better. I said that it would heal.

The younger one asked me, "I haven't been able to sleep well for quite some time. Every night, my mind would be active." Wow! Both of them are Hindus, yet they are so open to Jesus because they encountered Him.

I gave him a word of knowledge. "You feel easily angered with issues, don't you?" He nodded. Released peace and rest upon him so that he could sleep well.

Both of them thanked me.

I found out that the older Indian guy is the brother of our church's caretaker. It's a small world. Invited them to our church service. Prayerfully, they will come.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Uncle Outside Convenience Store

All through WOK.

1) Driver with pain at right ankle. Prayed and left. Didn't get to check.

2) Uncle outside convenience store, TPY coffeeshop. WOK - pain at his right knee. He received healing. He was promoting and selling a machine that can detect various problems with your body. I told him that his right knee has problem. I said, "Jesus told me."

Jesus can detect body problems too.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Drivers - Visitation of members

1) Uncle with pain at the back of his neck healed

2) Uncle with right shoulder problem for two months completely healed. He was totally surprised when I touched his right shoulder and asked, "You have pain here?"

All through WOK.

Three Encounters

Yesterday, three people encountered Jesus.

1) Uncle at Compass Point - Back problem

2) BK cashier at Compass Point - Right shoulder

3) Waiter at Indo Box, Ion - Right knee

All through WOK.

Saturday 24 January 2015


Had a few encounters today. All were through WOK.

1) Guy with right shoulder injury, TPMC - he received partial healing.

2) Uncle with right side of neck. TPY Central - completely healed while playing chess.

3) Uncle with left knee pain due to fall, TPY Central - left little pain.

4) Driver with left knee injury since 40 over years ago - felt better

5) Cashier with neck problem, Punggol NTUC - didn't get to pray for her as customers were waiting

Thursday 22 January 2015

Word For 2015

God gave me a Word for 2015.

2 Timothy 1:6 - ...I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you...

I know God is speaking to my heart concerning healing. I used to pray for every sick person I saw in the streets, even if it was someone without limbs. Nowadays, I still pray for people in the streets but I'm not as focused as I was.

This is the year to press on in this area. Here I come, Lord!

Compass Point

Went Compass Point for brekkie after sending Jeshua. 

Walked past a China cleaner and had a WOK concerning her right shoulder. I turned back to ask her. She asked me how I knew but rejected my offer to help her get well.

In the train, I spoke to three men from Blangadesh. Had a wrong WOK but one of them said that he had pain at his lower back. Prayed and the pain left him.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Back From Singapore Casket

After visiting a worshiper's wake, we took a cab back to office. 

Received a WOK for the driver - back of left ankle and left knee. He confirmed it. Prayed and he said, "Thank you. It's so much better!"

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Students' Visit To TPMC

Two groups of students from Temesek Secondary School came to visit our church at two different time slots today.

I was excited to host them and share with them about Christianity. Weaved the whole Gospel into the sharing. I had quite a number of WOKs for them but I didn't release. We had a discussion prior to this students' visit and a few felt that it would be sensitive. If anyone were to complain, the church would be in trouble.

One of the WOKs I received was the back of a right foot. This is very interesting as I wasn't very certain if it was the left or right foot. As I was pondering about it, I felt pain at the back of my right foot.

After sharing about Christianity with the first group of students, as I walked them to different parts of the church building, I saw a female student wearing a black ankle support at the back of her right foot. That's exciting. Really felt like approaching her to pray. But I knew that I couldn't do it as I am representing the church.

It would be great to be able to share the Gospel and demonstrate His love to the students outside a formal setting where I don't represent anyone but Jesus.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Weng Hoa Church

We went to visit the church in Weng Hoa. Prayed for the pastor's son through a WOK - left shoulder. He fell from motorbike one week ago and injured his left shoulder. He felt better after prayer.

Thursday 15 January 2015

On Flight To Chiangmai LCEC Retreat

I was sitting beside a guy who was heading to Chiangmai to play golf with a group of seven other colleagues. His name is Charlie. I had a WOK concerning his left leg. He was very surprised and he kept asking me, "Why did you ask? Why left leg specifically?"

It gave me the opportunity to talk about Jesus. He allowed me to say a prayer over him though he is a free thinker. Apparently, he experienced pain every morning at the sole of his left foot when he walks. I held his palm to pray for him.

He shared that if he is healed, it would be amazing. Then he began to share with me about his 7-year old daughter. She attends a missions school. Sometimes, she will return home sharing about Jesus to him.

After a period of conversation with him, an idea came to my mind. I shared an iPhone app with him. I told him that his daughter would enjoy the story that comes with this app. It's actually an app that talks about the Gospel story. At the same time, this app is suitable for children as it is engaging. He took down the name of this app. I know that his daughter will download the app, play around with it and share it with both her parents. They would be hearing the Gospel from their daughter. Come on!

Halfway through, Charlie's colleague came over to talk to him. I tried to engage in a conversation with him too. God spoke to me about his shoulder pain. But before I could tell him, he told Charlie that he was having shoulder pain. Couldn't release the WOK in time but I requested to pray for him anyway. Prayed for him twice and he felt better.

Am trusting the Lord for complete healing for both of them. Encounter them with Your goodness! This thing never gets old. More Lord!

T2 - LCEC Retreat

Prayed for the Muslim lady driver through WOK - right ankle area. She said that she frequently had pain at that area.

Didn't touch her ankle though. Simply held her palm to say a quick prayer. Didn't check as we arrived at Terminal 2.

Heal her Lord!

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Way Too Good?

Was getting breakfast from Kou Fu foodcourt at TPY central two days ago as I reached early. I ordered Chwee Kuey. The man in front of me ordered bee hoon but he didn't have enough cash. So he went to make withdrawal.

Holy Spirit reminded me about Todd White - how he would bless the person by paying for him.

I paid for him while he was away to make withdrawal. Then I went to have my brekkie. When he came back, he refused to accept the blessing. He asked the staff to return me as he didn't know who/where I was.

The female staff came to where I was sitting and shared with me. I told her to keep the money and bless the next person who comes to buy breakfast. She looked very surprised as if it had never happened before.

It's interesting that people find such blessing too good to be true, such that they would rather reject the blessing with skepticism. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is way too good. That is why it is called GOOD NEWS!

I'm excited about this and I guess I would be doing more of this in future. Shock people into the kingdom of God!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Throat & Calf

Two drivers received prayer - one for sore throat and the other for numbness at his left calf. Both through WOK.

OFF Day - Morning Brekkie

Had brekkie at BK, Compass Point. While waiting for my order, I had a WOK for the cashier concerning her knee.

She said that she would talk to me later. As I was eating, she came to me and asked how I knew about it. Talked to her about Jesus.

Prayed for her. She also shared that she has white spot in her lungs and she would be going for medical checkup. Prayed for her too.

Heal her, Lord and encounter her.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Kiddy Palace

Went to Kiddy Palace. While queuing to make payment, I saw the word "stomach" for the cashier. Asked if she had stomach issue and she said that her stomach would be bloated on and off. Shook her hand and said a quick prayer. Heal her, Lord.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Youth Leaders' Bonding Day At JB

Main committee leaders and I went to JB for bonding.

A few encounters took place:

1) Outside JB Custom

Was waiting for the rest to come out of custom when I had a WOK for an uncle who stood beside me with his wife. It's his right knee. The uncle told me that it's extremely painful. When I tried to pray, he rejected. Prayed for him anyway haha, but I didn't really ask him to test out. Heal him, Lord.

2) Lunch At Taiwanese eatery, KSL

Had a WOK - neck problem for a Nepalese waiter. He pointed to his throat and shared that he had pain whenever he tried to swallow his saliva. Prayed for him and he was healed. His colleague, a Burmese asked if I'm a Christian. He, too, is. Told them that Jesus loves and bless them.

3) Dinner At Seafood Stall, Taman Sentosa

Had a WOK for one of three uncles - right side of right ankle. Prayed and he was healed. He asked, "You have power one ah?" Told him that I prayed for him in Jesus' name.

Asked the other uncle if he had any pain and he pointed to his upper back. Prayed and he was healed. Then he asked me which church I go to. I gave him my namecard. He said that he might visit the church when he comes to Singapore. Praise Jesus!

More Lord!

Friday 9 January 2015

Right Wrist

Had a WOK concerning driver's right wrist. He wasn't very open though...

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Unresponsive Driver

Encountered an unresponsive driver who refused to follow my directions. Thus, we ended in a traffic jam.

I remembered that we are supposed to bless our 'enemy.'

Had a WOK for him - back of neck near upper back. He confirmed it. Said a very quick prayer for him. Bless him, Lord!

Sunday 4 January 2015

Spine Straightened

Got a WOK concerning driver's spine. He said that he frequently had lower and upper back pain. I told him that his spine was not straight.

Prayed for him and his spine was straightened. His right leg grew out. Prayed also for his sugar and cholestrol levels as they were high.

Touched him powerfully, Lord!

Herbal Tea Shop

While buying herbal tea for Daniel and myself, I saw a word "shoulder" flashing across my eyes as I looked at the auntie selling the drinks.

Checked with her and she confirmed it. Prayed twice and she got better. I explained to her that I was praying in Jesus' name. She was not very open. But the seed has been sown :)


Uncle get touched by the Lord through word of knowledge - pain at the back of his neck.

Prayed and he felt slightly better.

Then I read a testimony on Facebook which confirms my belief and experiences - a person may not be fully healed at the point of prayer but he can be fully healed when he reached home or a few days later. The manifestation of healing can be immediate or gradual.

It is about releasing the kingdom upon a person the moment we lay hands on him. It doesn't just include healing. Peace can come upon the person. Unexplainable peace. Warmth and love can come upon the person. And all these can happen right on the spot or when they reached home. Jesus is simply amazing!

Saturday 3 January 2015

Foiled Balloon

Went to Compass Point to collect foiled Barney balloon for Jeshua. Saw a man wearing an elbow guard. Approached him and he shared that it's very painful. Laid my hand without speaking, in case he's not open for prayer.

He felt better and smiled. Found out that he's a Catholic. Prayed again in Jesus' name. He smiled and said "very good now" before thanking me.

More Lord! Encounter more people!

Don't Try Too Hard

Don't try
Don't think
Don't find
Don't search

It's natural.

Word of knowledge.

Jeshua's Birthday Party

While having devotion this morning, I received a WOK - left knee of a lady.

We went to my sister-in-law's condo function room to celebrate Jeshua's birthday in advance.

Saw two Indonesian helpers. Had the WOK for one of them - left knee. Asked her and she confirmed it but it's at the back of her left knee.

Prayed twice and she was left with very little bit of pain. Told her that I used the name of Isa (Jesus) and she understood, though she's a Muslim.

Trusting for 100% when she returned home tonight.

Friday 2 January 2015

Buangkok MRT

After sending Jeshua to his nanny, I walked to Buangkok MRT. At the platform, I saw the staff - an uncle. Had a WOK concerning his right knee. Went to approach him and he asked, "How do you know?"

For me, this thing doesn't get old. When people are surprised when the goodness of God, I'm excited and joyful.

Prayed for him twice and he felt better. He told me, "I am the master of my soul." He's a free thinker. But I don't think he will think freely after this encounter haha.

Amaze him, Lord!