Saturday 31 January 2015

Walking Past Two Indians

This is interesting...

Was heading home after Worship Night. While walking in the streets, I saw two Indian men (Singaporeans) sitting on the public bench. The Holy Spirit spoke to me, "One of them has problem with his left arm."

I turned back and walked towards them. "Does one of you have problem with your left arm?"

Both of them shook their heads. I persisted and asked. The older guy responded, "I have pain at my right thigh."

Prayed for him twice and he felt slightly better.

Then the younger guy said, "Actually, I have pain at my left arm. But how did you know?"

Grabbed the opportunity to share with them about Jesus. This guy was pretty surprised. Prayed for him and the pain totally left him. He was in a state of shock.

The older guy asked, "How come my pain is not totally gone?" Prayed for him and he felt better. I said that it would heal.

The younger one asked me, "I haven't been able to sleep well for quite some time. Every night, my mind would be active." Wow! Both of them are Hindus, yet they are so open to Jesus because they encountered Him.

I gave him a word of knowledge. "You feel easily angered with issues, don't you?" He nodded. Released peace and rest upon him so that he could sleep well.

Both of them thanked me.

I found out that the older Indian guy is the brother of our church's caretaker. It's a small world. Invited them to our church service. Prayerfully, they will come.

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