Thursday 15 January 2015

On Flight To Chiangmai LCEC Retreat

I was sitting beside a guy who was heading to Chiangmai to play golf with a group of seven other colleagues. His name is Charlie. I had a WOK concerning his left leg. He was very surprised and he kept asking me, "Why did you ask? Why left leg specifically?"

It gave me the opportunity to talk about Jesus. He allowed me to say a prayer over him though he is a free thinker. Apparently, he experienced pain every morning at the sole of his left foot when he walks. I held his palm to pray for him.

He shared that if he is healed, it would be amazing. Then he began to share with me about his 7-year old daughter. She attends a missions school. Sometimes, she will return home sharing about Jesus to him.

After a period of conversation with him, an idea came to my mind. I shared an iPhone app with him. I told him that his daughter would enjoy the story that comes with this app. It's actually an app that talks about the Gospel story. At the same time, this app is suitable for children as it is engaging. He took down the name of this app. I know that his daughter will download the app, play around with it and share it with both her parents. They would be hearing the Gospel from their daughter. Come on!

Halfway through, Charlie's colleague came over to talk to him. I tried to engage in a conversation with him too. God spoke to me about his shoulder pain. But before I could tell him, he told Charlie that he was having shoulder pain. Couldn't release the WOK in time but I requested to pray for him anyway. Prayed for him twice and he felt better.

Am trusting the Lord for complete healing for both of them. Encounter them with Your goodness! This thing never gets old. More Lord!

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