Saturday 10 January 2015

Youth Leaders' Bonding Day At JB

Main committee leaders and I went to JB for bonding.

A few encounters took place:

1) Outside JB Custom

Was waiting for the rest to come out of custom when I had a WOK for an uncle who stood beside me with his wife. It's his right knee. The uncle told me that it's extremely painful. When I tried to pray, he rejected. Prayed for him anyway haha, but I didn't really ask him to test out. Heal him, Lord.

2) Lunch At Taiwanese eatery, KSL

Had a WOK - neck problem for a Nepalese waiter. He pointed to his throat and shared that he had pain whenever he tried to swallow his saliva. Prayed for him and he was healed. His colleague, a Burmese asked if I'm a Christian. He, too, is. Told them that Jesus loves and bless them.

3) Dinner At Seafood Stall, Taman Sentosa

Had a WOK for one of three uncles - right side of right ankle. Prayed and he was healed. He asked, "You have power one ah?" Told him that I prayed for him in Jesus' name.

Asked the other uncle if he had any pain and he pointed to his upper back. Prayed and he was healed. Then he asked me which church I go to. I gave him my namecard. He said that he might visit the church when he comes to Singapore. Praise Jesus!

More Lord!

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