Saturday 13 June 2015

Resting In Him

I was diagnosed with an incurable, autoimmune disease in 2007. It is known as Ankylosing Spondylitis. Due to the awful symptoms, I went through much pain and discouragement.

Few months ago, I went for my medical review with TTSH. The rheumatologist asked me many questions as she was surprised by my medical result. According to the medical report, my blood test was as good as a normal healthy person. I could even stretch better than an average person.

Even when doctors say that a disease is incurable, we have doctor Jesus who heals!

Recently, I woke up in the morning with an excruciating pain near my pelvic area. I couldn't hardly walk. The first thing that came to my mind was, "Am I not yet healed? Did the disease return?"

But I instantly remembered what Curry Blake said, "Sometimes, you will get the symptoms of your past sickness. The pain is so real. But it is an attack from the enemy. He wants to cause you to doubt the healing you have received. So stand firm and stand on the Word of God."

I knew that this was an attack. I wasn't trying to say that the pain wasn't there. I wasn't denying the pain. But I told myself to stand firm in what I have already received. I had received complete healing.

During my time of devotion, I told God, "Father, I rest and trust in Your healing. By Your stripes, I am already healed. I refuse to have these symptoms and pain. Thank You, Jesus for healing me."

After spending time with God, I stood up from my seat and the pain totally disappeared! Praise Jesus!

The trouble we have about healing is that we don't really believe in it. We can see more healings if we simply believe in two simple truths. Oh yes, we have to believe in our heart, not our head.

1) It is always God's will to heal
2) It is only by His grace. We cannot work for it. Therefore, we can just rest and trust in Him.

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