Tuesday 16 June 2015

First Day - Bangkok

1) While we were on the flight to Bangkok for a family trip, I asked God to open my eyes to see what the angels were doing in a man's life. He was sitting two rows in front of me at the left section.

I saw a little demon hammering his right knee. After the plane landed, he stood up and walked out of the entrance, limping. I knew that it was a confirmation of what I saw. But I didn't manage to pray for him.

2) We went to MBK to buy the blue screen protector for our mobile phones. While waiting for the sales assistant to paste the screen protector, I prayed for his boss. She had pain at her hip area. She received partial healing. Two other sales assistants saw what happened. The first one asked, "How did you do it?" The second one requested prayer for the sole of his feet. He shared that he would sometimes experience pain when he sits for too long.

More Lord! Let Your glory to evident to the Thai people!

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