Sunday 14 June 2015

TPY Outreach

1) Lower back, centre
- Filipino lady wasn't open for prayer

2) Left side of the neck
- Burmese guy wasn't open for prayer

3) Back of the neck
- Thai guy wasn't open for prayer, though the back of his neck was really swollen

The Holy Spirit came powerfully upon a Filipino lady who requested prayer for her left shoulder. While praying, I felt heat flowing through my hand. Thus, I asked her if she felt anything. She tested by turning her head to the left a few times and she said, "Ya!" Then she lifted both arms and exclaimed, "I could feel goosebumps all over. Wah! I'm now okay!" She was so surprised that she started telling her friend what just happened.

God's manifest presence was upon her and we prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill her.

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