Thursday 4 June 2015

Immediate Answer

As I was spending time with God this morning, I told Him that I would like to have opportunities to minister to people today.

I had been rushing from place to place for the past two months. Thus, I haven't really been active in reaching the lost, except for the Sunday outreaches at TPY.

As I entered the lift just now, I saw the cleaner lady in the lift. This was the first time I saw her in the lift! God answered my prayer immediately.

I said, "Father, she must be the one." Had a WOK for her right shoulder.

When I asked her, she confirmed it. Apparently, she had a fall recently and injured her right shoulder.

Prayed once and she felt better. Didn't have the time to pray more. But I'm trusting that the Lord will heal her completely in a sudden way. Praise Jesus!

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