Tuesday 3 February 2015


1) Went Mac Donald at MBK to get a drink as I was very thirsty. Had a WOK for the cashier - left shoulder. Prayed & she said that she's fine. Couldn't communicate with her as she couldn't really speak English.

2) Went to a shop named Udom as I was thinking of getting a gift for my wife. Had a WOK for the salesman - left knee. Prayed and he was healed. Couldn't communicate either.

Two of his colleagues saw what was happening. I asked if they have any pain in their bodies and one of them responded by pointing to his left deltoid area. Prayed twice and he only felt a little better. I'm trusting that the full manifestation of God's healing will be upon him as he goes home. Amen!

3) While walking in the streets with a colleague, I saw an officer (not sure if he's a policeman or not) wearing an elbow guard. Prayed for his left elbow and he felt good. He thanked me by shaking my hand but I couldn't communicate with him.

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