Monday 16 February 2015


Yesterday, I led a team out to TPY central for street evangelism + healing.

We had three clues received through prayer. One of the clues was confirmed by three people: an old auntie who wears floral dress, carrying a plastic bag; she has walking disability. One of our team members actually spotted the exact lady when we went out there, but she didn't approach her.

We spoke to a few people and prayed for them.

1) Followed up on one man whom we prayed before. He had some discomfort around his knuckle area. Prayed and he felt much better.

2) Prayed for the owner of a stall that does alteration of pants. Had a WOK for his neck. He got healed. Prayed for his left leg and he felt better.

3) A lady from the boutique shop saw what we were doing. I asked her if she had any problem and she shared that she had recurring headache (but she didn't have it at that point in time). Prayed for her anyway.

4) Spoke to the owner of a shop that sells mattresses and mattress covers. Had a WOK concerning her left heel area. She said that she had this problem but she became fine after making customised insole. Prayed for her back and recurring headache (which she didn't have at that point in time).

5) Saw an uncle limping and approached him. He suffered from stroke and was still having pain in his body and leg. Prayed for him and he started to cry. He broke down in tears. Not sure if it was the Holy Spirit touching his heart or he was just pouring out his grief. We sat him down as he couldn't seem to be able to stand. Asked him if he's a Buddhist and he shared that he worshiped Guan Yin. He said that he didn't know who Jesus is. My colleague shared the Gospel in Mandarin to him. Another led him to say salvation prayer. Yes! He received Christ! Woo hoo! That's the greatest miracle! Two other members sent him home by giving him a lift to Yishun. Thank God for their hearts!

When I returned to office, my PIC asked if there were healings and I responded, "Yes, minor ones."

This morning, as I was spending time with God, God spoke to me, "What do you mean by minor ones?" God spoke to my heart. No healing is minor because it is still a miracle even if it's a neck ache or headache. It involves the God of the universe! Man, I repented and I told myself to thank God thoroughly for all kinds of healings.

At the staff meeting, we watched a short clip of creation theory VS evolution. Even a slightest repair in one part of a human body is extremely complicated as it involves tissues, proteins, DNA etc. It is really complex and beyond my wildest imagination. In other words, even the slightest problem (according to our viewpoint) such as neck ache involves many processes in a human body in order to repair itself. Every healing IS a miracle! It is so amazing!

More Lord more!

We will be out for more outreach so that residents will be familiar with us. The day will come when people will just wait for us at that location because they know that we will bless them --- then we will draw them to our church. Praise Jesus!

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