Sunday 15 March 2015

Outreach At TPY

Today we had about 20 over members joining us at TPY outreach.

Two members followed me as we reached out to the community.

1) Had a WOK for a female sales assistant at a shop selling shoes - left shoulder problem. She didn't want to be prayed for as she was working. Talked to her a little about Jesus.

2) Had a WOK for a lady in her 50s working in a Chinese medical hall - left hip. She allowed me to pray for her. She couldn't test out the difference as the pain would come on and off. Talked to her about Jesus and the Church we come from.

3) Saw an Indonesia helper pushing an old grandma on the wheelchair. The grandma speaks Hokkien so I could converse with her abit. Prayed for both her legs as she felt weak. Had a WOK concerning her relationship with her son. Asked her if she has a son and she nodded. Asked her if her relationship with her son wasn't good and she expressed sadness and disappointment. Told her that Jesus can restore her relationship with her son and prayed for her.

Prayed for her helper who had back problem. When we got her to test out, she said that it was okay at that moment.

4) Had a WOK for an Indian man sitting in a coffeeshop with his two other Indian friends. Left neck problem. At first, he denied it. But he revealed later that he had it. He didn't want to be prayed for though, because he believes that everyone is already healed. They are Singaporean Christians but their Scripture understanding is very different. I suspect that it could be a cult church. He shared many things about the Scriptures with me. I wanted to defend but I felt that I shouldn't hold a debate with him. Thus, I just listened to him. He asked for my number to invite me to his New Jerusalem Tabernacle church. Gave it to him.


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