Sunday 1 March 2015

Baptism Of The Holy Spirit And Filipinos

Taught on the subject of the Holy Spirit at baptism & membership class. All except one received the gift of tongues. One lady came to me after the class ended and shared a powerful testimony.

She was doubting if there is really an afterlife. But during baptism of the Holy Spirit, she saw a strong, bright light near her. Her whole palms and body were filled with heat. As she was sharing, she broke down in tears because the whole experience was so real to her. What an encouraging testimony! God loves her.

Was heading home from church when I saw a group of Filipino helpers sitting on the grass patch. Had a WOK for one of them - right arm near elbow area.

Went to approach them and she told me that it's her. Prayed and she was healed.

Another saw what happened and she requested me to pray for her lower back. She had just gone to see the specialist. Prayed and she was healed.

The former one asked me to pray for her right upper back as that was some pain. I got the second Filipino to pray for her instead. Yeah! She was healed!

She then asked me to pray for both her toes as they were swollen because of her sandals. Prayed and trusting God to heal her.

Shared with them about Jesus and the church I'm working in. They are very open as they are Catholics.

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