Friday 20 March 2015

Fork & Spoon Foodcourt

While waiting for my food at a Korean stall at Fork & Spoon foodcourt, I had a WOK for the Malay lady - left knee. It turned out to be her right knee instead. She had pain due to a massage at Batam. In fact, she told me that it was swollen.

As there were customers behind me, I decided to wait for the right opportunity to pray for her.

After my lunch, when I saw that there was no one buying from her stall, I went up to her. Prayed by holding her right hand. 

When she tested her knee, her expression was priceless. She got much better. She couldn't bend her right knee before prayer. But she could now do it.

She was overjoyed and told the Muslim lady from another stall immediately about what had just happened.

She asked me for my namecard. Gave her and blessed her in Jesus' name.

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