Saturday 14 September 2024

God Pursues Passionately

We closed the "shop" at 10.30pm but the crowd kept coming. Ended up staying close to midnight. People were so hungry for the spiritual. Most of them were young people from Singapore.

There were so many encounters but two of them revealed so much about the love of God.

A youth came with three friends. As he sat down, we pointed to his left shoulder. After he got healed, his eyes were wide open; he jumped out of the seat and shouted, "What the f**k?!" 

Somehow I like to hear these vulgarities when people encounter Jesus. You don't get this privilege inside the church in case the holy compound gets polluted.

But Jesus likes the outside world and only real encounters get these responses.

When he came back to the seat, we said, "Your family needs reconcilation in relationship and you need to release forgiveness to your father."

He was astounded, turned to his friends and said, "What the f***!"

We added, "You have a very sensitive and tender heart, like my son. You care for people deep inside. And you are studying psychology, right?"

His friend said, "He knows you are studying psychology?!!" 

By now he was so stunned like vegetables that he exclaimed, "Bro, I don't know what to say. But I cannot get up from my seat now. My legs are unable to move. They are stuck."

Since he got stuck, we shared about Jesus. He confessed that he's a Christian but never encountered something like this. We shared how personal and how loving God is towards him. It impacted him so much that he took a while to slowly get up from the seat.

A Vietnamese lady sat down with her sister and her BIL. We told her that she had a curved spine at the lower part of her back, after doing spiritual reading. She got completely healed. Then she requested for her shoulder to be healed and she received it.

Through translation, she began to share that she had a dream three days ago that she would meet us at this place to be prayed for her health. The God of heaven is powerfully pursuing her.

We shared the Gospel with her. Her eyes began to be filled with tears. But she was afraid of her family as she's a Buddhist. So she wasn't ready to take that step. That's totally fine because salvation is not that one step of prayer. Prayer isn't going to get anyone saved. It's about believing and surrendering, which has already begun in her. Left our contact number so that she could contact us.

The God of power is also the God of love. Seeing how He pursues them passionately ministered to my heart. I feel like I wasn't there to minister. I was there to witness God Himself loving and pursuing people.

Thursday 12 September 2024

How To Read 1 John 1:9

How To Read 1 John 1:9

For many years and even now, 1 John 1:9 has been the go-to Scripture if any believer sins. While God forgives our sins, this passage isn't about confessing your sins to receive forgiveness and cleansing.

A word without the context always becomes a pretext for a proof text.

1 John was written in a time when false teachings penetrated the church because there were no New Testament Scriptures. John had to establish basic understanding on faith in Christ because Docetism & Cerinthianism (parts of Gnosticism) were prevalent.

Now re-read the whole chapter 1. There were plenty of powerful words deliberately chosen by John to argue against these false teachings which were confusing the believers in the church.

Verse 7 - But if we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.

We can only have fellowship with one another IF we are in Christ. Fellowship (koinonia is reserved only for the Body of Christ). This verse is talking about being in Christ (in the Light). Only when you are in Christ (born again) can His blood cleanse you from all sin. If you are NOT in Christ, you are still a sinner whose sins are not cleansed.

Verse 8: If we say we have no sin...

Read verse 7 again, for it sets the context for verse 8. To say that you have no sin is to say that you do not need His blood; you do not need to be cleansed; you have no need for a Saviour.

This is why John said, "...we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." (1 Jn 1:7)

Verse 9: If we confess our sins...

Read Verse 7-8 again. It sets the context. If we confess our sins, meaning... if we confess our need for a Saviour, if we confess we need to be cleansed, if we confess we need His blood, "He is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Back to verse 7 --- only in Christ can you be cleansed from all sin / all unrighteousness.

Verse 10: If we say we have not sinned...

This is repeating verse 8. It's called Bible parallelism. If you say that you don't need to be cleansed, if you say that you have no need for a Saviour, "we make Him a liar, and His Word is not in us."

1 John 2:1 - My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you MAY NOT sin.

Read previous verses in chapter 1 again. How can John tell you to confess that you have sinned and immediately tell you that he wants you NOT to sin. He must be schizophrenic to tell you that you surely have sins and at the same time, tell you that you can live free from sin.

Unless John was trying to establish the foundational truth in chapter one that EVERYONE needs a Saviour and His blood, instead of mere knowledge (false teachings of Gnosticism) in order to be cleansed from all sins and walk in the Light and have Christian fellowship with one another!

Thus, 1 John 2:1 is telling us that as born again believers, we can walk free from every sin. "BUT if anyone does sin, we have an advocate... Jesus Christ the righteous." - 1 John 2:1

As a believer, you have already confessed your need for a Saviour (1 John 1:9) and you have been cleansed from all sins / unrighteousness.

Now, if (not when) you sin (1 John 2:1), remember that it is Christ who is your advocate and your Righteousness. You can't confess to be forgiven because you are already forgiven in Him. Now He lives in and through you, so that you don't have to sin (Gal 6:1).

Jesus is BOTH

Jesus is both Grace and Truth.
He is both Saviour and Lord.

We preach a gospel that says that "God is love and God is good, would you like to receive Him?" Then we start preaching to the same person after he comes to church service "Jesus is Lord. You need to surrender your life to Him and live out the Kingdom values." We separate the two, thinking that the former is salvation and the latter is discipleship.

If I were the hearer, I would feel cheated by the initial message.

Jesus didn't preach this kind of gospel.
Neither did the early disciples.
Nor the early church fathers.

If the gospel you preach doesn't include Lordship, it is not the Gospel and you ain't getting people saved.

Monday 9 September 2024

Re-studying The Parable of The Sower

Re-studying The Parable of The Sower

I was planning to read 1 John when the Spirit intercepted and invited me to go back to Mark 4.

This is the foundation of the Kingdom which gives understanding to every other parable about the Kingdom.

Read Mark 4 (Jews & Gentiles), Matthew 13 (Jews) and Luke 8 (Gentiles) again.

25% rejected the Gospel of the Kingdom.

25% received (in the Greek, it means to 'receive with the mind') but either took offense (Jews) or departed from it (Gentiles) due to tribulation/persecution.

25% remain unfruitful / never mature due to worldliness.

Only 25% accepted = held fast = understood the Gospel of the Kingdom.

The Gospel of the Kingdom has only 1/4 who will respond to it. Many are called but few are chosen. Those who accepted/held fast/understood the Gospel are chosen.

Today, if the Gospel you preach has 100% response, perhaps you are not preaching the Gospel.

Friday 6 September 2024

Why You Shouldn't Fast As Believers

Why You Shouldn't Fast As Believers

Warning: This post might awaken some religious spirit.

Fasting has its own benefits but the followings are just religious mindsets that do not lead to those benefits:

❌ When we fast, God hears us
❌ When we fast, our prayers get answered faster
❌ When we fast, God forgives us and heals our land
❌ When we fast, we are genuinely repenting
❌ When we fast, we get more power and anointing from God
❌ We can fast from media, TV, games, etc. (That is simply called 'breaking a bad habit', not fasting)
❌ When we fast, we can move God's hand

You will never find these in the New Covenant. God had to explain it to the religious ones (Isa 58:6-7).

✅ Biblical fasting has always been food. Let's not change the Word for our own comfort. If you can dethrone your stomach (gullet), you can dethrone your god (Phil 3:19)
✅ Fasting reminds you that you are dead (Rom 6:6-13) because you are first a spirit being, alive in Him
✅ Fasting helps you to stay more focused and more conscious of who God is in you (Rom 8:9)

I would like to add that fasting helps you in personal healing. In the natural, fasting allows some parts (tissues and cells) of the body to regenerate and repair. But it is way more powerful when you get the principle in the Spirit.

I'm not saying that fasting produces divine healing. But fasting trains you to deny the visible and the physical so that you magnify the invisible and the spiritual (Rom 8:6). Most believers cannot minister healing to themselves while they can minister healing to others. 

Why? Because the symptoms in the flesh appear and feel more real than the Spirit of Life inside them. When you fast, you are training your flesh to shut up so that if you have symptoms in your flesh next time, you know how to shut the flesh up and use a loudspeaker in the Spirit.

Don't fast for the wrong reasons. You don't gain any brownie point with God. Fasting is not work-based. That's pure religion. Fasting is grace-based because you have been made complete in Him.

Saturday 31 August 2024

The Possible Biblical Death

The Possible Biblical Death

The early disciples and last century disciples knew how to walk in the life of God until they were ready to depart from this earth.

For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. - 2 Tim 4:6-7

Paul knew when his time of departure was near. God revealed to him. He completed his assignment entrusted by God. Before that, he knew that he had the power and life of God to decide if he should live or die (Phil 1:21-26). He didn't die of sickness. He was beheaded as a martyr.

...since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. - 2 Peter 1:14

Peter knew when his time of departure was near. God revealed to him. He was crucified as a martyr.

F.F Bosworth, after completing his assignment, knew that the time of his departure was near. God revealed to him in 1957.

For a few months, he continued to be alive. Few weeks before his departure, he gathered all his family members to inform them and pray for them.

But he still couldn't depart. So he asked T.L Osborn to come and pray for him to leave this earth. He said to Osborn, "I have been preaching this for too long. I have been walking in it. The life of God is strong in me. My body doesn't want to let me go. Pray for me, so that I can depart and go."

Osborn visited and prayed for him for a few days. Finally, F.F Bosworth slept and went to heaven. He didn't die due to sickness. He died because he finished his assignment and God had revealed that his time was up.

What's the possibility that the biblical death is one without sickness and one that has completed the assignment, when God reveals that it's time to depart?

Kenneth Hagin, too, experienced that. I believe we, too, can experience this.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

No One Has Seen Christ Part Two

No one has seen Jesus literally after His ascension. It will actually destroy His own words of the purpose of sending the Holy Spirit, which is to our advantage.

I wrote about this some time back with many Scriptures about Christ who is STILL seated in heaven beside the Father.

When people share testimonies of seeing Jesus, they only saw a vision of Him but not the literal Person of Christ.

The following passages further nail this truth.

James 1:23 says that when we read the Word, we are reading who we are, because as Christ (The Word) is, so are we in this world. 

The Word is our mirror. The more we see The Word, the more we become like the Word (2 Cor 3:18).

However, we have yet to see the 100% Christ. Thus, there is a tad dim in the mirror. But we keep going after seeing Him more clearly in the Word.

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. - 1 Cor 13:12

When Christ returns literally in Person, we will see Him face to face. Two things happen when we see Him literally:

1) We shall know fully (1 Cor 13:12)

2) We shall be like Him (1 John 3:2). The word 'like' in Greek here means 'likeness in nature and condition'.

Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is. - 1 John 3:2

It is impossible to see the literal Person of Christ (aka face to face) without gaining full knowledge of Him and without being transformed to His nature and condition.

So hear those testimonies with a pinch of salt when people tell you that they saw Christ face to face.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Identity & Mirror

If we can release healing to others but not to ourselves, it's an identity issue.

If we can hear the voice of God for others but not for ourselves, it's an identity issue.

Identity in Christ has to do with the understanding of righteousness. We see the most issues with ourselves. Unless we regard ourselves not according to the flesh, we cannot walk in identity.

We must look past who we think we are into the true mirror (James 1:23-25), which is the image of Christ. Verse 25 says that we need to look and keep/continue looking. We cannot afford to forget who we are in Him, just because we see the issues and flaws in the flesh.

You were born of the first Adam (sin) regardless of what you do. Nothing can change that even if you are a good person.

You are now born again of the last Adam (righteousness) regardless of what you do. Nothing can change that even if you struggle, stumble and fail.

The rights that Jesus had with God the Father have become your rights. This is why you have the rights to hear from Him for yourself, and you have the rights to walk in healing for yourself.

Sin is no longer the issue with a believer. Identity is. And if we don't know our identity, we can never walk in healing and the prophetic for our own lives.

You Are gods

If He became sin so that we can become righteous in Him, then we are now identified with Him. We are not identified with sin, but the righteousness of God.

Since Jesus in the four books of the Gospel is the Righteousness of God revealed, and that we are now identified with Him, every time when you read the four books of the Gospel, you cannot see yourself as the sinner, or the sick person needing help or healing.

You must see yourself as Jesus. As He is, so are you in this world.

You see yourself ministering healing, deliverance, casting out demons, raising the dead, etc. You see yourself having the Kingdom of God and the Spirit of God. You are the anointed son and daughter, the righteousness of God revealed.

This is why only a Christ-centered message will empower you into sonship. Apart from that, you will identify yourself with the wrong person.

This is not blasphemy, crazy, proud or whatsoever. It is who God intended us to be. It doesn't make you become Yahweh but it makes you become gods (Jn 10:34).

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Get Out Of Religion

It's interesting how careful and holy we phrase our words when we pray, but we don't watch our tongue outside of the prayers.

This is called religion. I was guilty of that.

We remember to say beautiful grace prayers before we eat, but we forget thankfulness in our daily lives outside of the meal prayers. We forget that He provides not just during mealtimes.

We remember to pray 'healing' prayers when praying for people, but we forget that God is the Healer outside of that prayers.

More often than not, we are spiritual during spiritual moments/meetings but we become secular outside of those moments/meetings.

God doesn't listen to our prayer moments only. He listens to us 24/7. If we spend more time contradicting what we pray in our prayer moments/meetings, we cancel off every spiritual thing.

This is what religion does to us. Religion never focuses on lifestyle or the way of life. It focuses on the moments/meetings.

Faith is not just an event or a day in life. It is the way of life.

Tongue Or Prayer?

Tongue Or Prayer?

Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit. - 1 Peter 3:10

1) Keeping our tongue away from evil is not just about saying evil things. Saying anything that contradicts what is good (The Word of God) is evil, because we are calling God a liar.

2) Jesus kept His lips from every deceit (1 Peter 2:22). He loved life because He is The Life (John 14:6). This is probably why He saw 100% results 100% of the time. Deceit includes every white lie.

If we want to see good days in our lives, just as healing and health, the first thing to watch is our tongue.

What have you been saying in your daily life? What have you been lying about in your daily life?

Your prayer life is only as strong as your tongue. How powerful and long you pray doesn't have any impact until your daily tongue has changed.

Prayer doesn't change our world. Our tongue does. If we realise that every word that comes out of our tongue is prayer, we will shift our whole mindset about what prayer is.

Monday 19 August 2024

Don't Change

If your idea of healing is based on whether you feel the symptoms in your body or not, you still don't understand identity.

Since faith is the evidence of things unseen, the evidence of healing is not based on what you feel or see in your body. The evidence of healing is based on "By His stripes".

People might say that you are lying. Ignore them. They don't understand the Word and identity. You speak what the Word says. Since the Word is the only absolute Truth, when you speak what the Word says, you are always telling the truth.

The people around you and the enemy are always trying to get you to speak out what is contrary to the Word. Jesus said that Lazarus was sleeping when everyone around Him was telling Him "No, Lazarus is dead!" But Jesus understood the Word; He understood identity. He spoke the Word because He is the Word.

And He raised Lazarus from the dead.

If your evidence is based on the result and what you see, you don't need faith. In fact, you don't need Christianity. You just need doctors. They will tell you the medical result. They will tell you what they see.

But if you want to be "The righteous lives by faith", then you have to base your evidence on the Word. 

"What does the Word say?" becomes your only evidence. "By His stripes, I was healed."

People will say all kinds of things about you when you keep believing and speaking the Word as your evidence. They want to knock you out of the ground. Some do it on purpose; some are just sincere and genuine but they don't understand the Word yet.

The more people say you are crazy, lying and weird, the more you drive your legs deeper into the ground and stay unwavering, unchanging, unshakeable, steadfast and immoveable. Because after you have done all, STAND. Don't move.

The Word is the most stubborn and firm thing in the entire universe. It does not change regardless of anything. Therefore, you cannot allow anyone to change what the Word says in your life.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Living Without Sin & Deceit

Living Without Sin & Deceit

The early Pentecostals believed that if you sin, the power of God will not move.

The Grace message believes that if you sin, the power of God will still move.

It cannot be that one is fully correct and the other is fully wrong. There must be some parts of truth in each school of thoughts.

Since the Pentecostals focused alot on experiences and encounters, they must have experienced in reality that sin stops the power of God from moving.

Yet the Grace school focuses on the Scriptural truth that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. And since sin didn't stop Jesus from healing everyone who came to Him, sin couldn't stop the power of God from moving.

Which school is correct? I believe the answer is Yes.


In my previous post, I shared about how lying in our daily lives has an effect on the manifestation of the Word of God in and through us.

Today I read this passage.

1 Peter 2:22 - He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth.

Jesus did no sin. Neither did He ever lie because He is the Truth (Jn 14:6). Since He always spoke the Truth, His words (coming out of His mouth) and His heart were fully aligned with the Word of God. He saw 100% results 100% of the time.

Since He did not sin, He fully trusted God (1 Peter 2:23). The root issue of sin lies with a lack of trust in God. He believed God the Father fully, thus He did not sin.

A fully yielded heart that trusts God 100% produces 100% results 100% of the time.

Does sin stop the power of God from moving? No! 

But sin stops the power of God from moving through you 100% of the time because you have a trust issue. Sin proves that we don't fully trust God 100% and if we don't trust Him, we cannot see 100% results 100% of the time like Jesus did.

Jesus did no sin and there was no deceit found in His mouth. He had 100% trust in the Father. If we want to walk like Him, we will need to live like Him.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Why Are You Lying?

Why Are You Lying?

It is human to err and human to lie, especially white lies. Sounds about right. But little do we know that lying has a powerful effect on how the Word of God comes to pass in and through our lives.

When we got born again, the Spirit in us is the Spirit of Truth (Jn 16:13). This Spirit is at war with the flesh (human) as said in Romans 8:7. As believers, we can no longer say "I'm just a human" and yet expect the Word to manifest all the time. It's contradictory.

I believe that Jesus had 100% result in and through the Word, not because He is the Word, since He had to be an example for us by becoming a Man living in the Spirit to demonstrate the Kingdom of God, but because He only spoke the Truth (John 14:6).

1 Peter 2:1 - So put away... ALL deceit...

I just read this verse today and I was reminded that it's not some, but ALL.

God exalts His Word above His name (Ps 138:2). He holds the universe by the Word of His power (Heb 1:3). It is impossible for God to lie (Heb 6:18). He is the Word (John 1:1). The integrity of God's Word lies in the integrity of His mouth.

If God were to tell a single white lie, the whole universe would fall apart. That means that His Word would become void of power.

If this is so, we need to re-think about how lying impacts the effectiveness of the Word of God coming out from our mouth.

Lying as a lifestyle or in our daily lives may seem harmless, especially white lies and sales talk, but it actually hinders the Word of God from manifesting in and through our lives. There is NO separation between the secular and the spiritual because the Word is going to come out from your soul and body.

Death and life lies in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21). Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Lk 6:45). We speak what we believe (2 Cor 4:13).

In other words, each time when we lie (including white lies), death is released, because lying is in the realm of death. Each time when we lie, our heart is reinforced to believe in the lie, since we speak what comes from the heart. Each time when we lie, we wire ourselves to believe in lies, instead of truth.

Here's the thing. When you study the Word of God and speak the Word of God, because of lying in your daily lives, you can't get to the point of truly believing in the Word of God because your heart is living in the tension of truths and lies.

Out of the same mouth, truths and lies flow out. You cannot separate the Word of God (Truth) and your own words (lies in daily life). It's like blessing and cursing (James 3:10) from the same mouth. Therefore, you stumble (James 3:2) and become double-minded (James 1:7-8), where you don't see the Word of God manifest in and through your life.

The next time when we don't see the promises of God coming to past in our lives, don't ask, "Where is the faithfulness of God?" Instead, ask, "Have I been lying in my life, thus causing the Word to become powerless in my life?"

Friday 2 August 2024

Grace & Truth

Grace & Truth

When we lean on Truth to the extreme, we can step into legalism.

When we lean on Grace to the extreme, we can step into licentiousness.

Jesus is neither Grace nor Truth. He is both Grace and Truth.

For the law was given through Moses, but Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ. - Jn 1:17

While Titus 2:11 says that the Grace of God (Jesus) has appeared to all men, John 14:6 says that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

How we perceive Jesus not only affects how we receive from Him, it also affects how we conceive the representation of Him into the world.

One obvious misrepresentation is through the way we present the Gospel. Jesus didn't teach His disciples to lead people into the sinner's prayer. He told them to preach the Kingdom so that people could repent and believe in the King.

In street evangelism, I hardly hear the Kingdom being preached. Majority, if not, all the time, I only hear Grace being preached. We hide Truth for fear of rejection. It is often the half-preached Gospel that leads people into the sinner's prayer. I was so guilty of that.

Why are we rushing to close the deal (of sinner's prayer) when the person is not ready to repent and believe in the King? Why are we rushing to clock another testimony and showcase through the social media to the world?

Why are we trying to exalt God in the disguise of exalting ourselves and our own ego? Why are we trying to follow popularity in the expense of Truth?

I know an extremely popular figure who brought lifestyle evangelism to the world through social media. He impacted me many years ago, which was why I did the same by following what he did. But his mentor somehow never did the sinner's prayer thingy in the streets. I wondered a little, then.

Fast forward to a few years later, I understood the Gospel of the Kingdom. But there wasn't a change in how I presented the Gospel in the streets, even though I knew the message of the King. 

Last year, there began a strong nudging in my heart by God to re-look into how we present the Gospel to people in the streets. Suddenly, it clicked. The Gospel of the Kingdom must match with how we present the Gospel in the streets.

Just few weeks ago, I heard a message by Curry Blake. He shared, "God has been speaking to me this year (2024) ----- to get people truly saved and truly healed."

I truly believe that the time has come, where God is speaking to individuals all over the world to re-present the Gospel message in the streets ----- not to lead people into sinner's prayer, but to preach the Kingdom so that they could repent and believe in the King.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Unplanned Attack

Unplanned attack is at the very first opportunity.

The moment you see an opportunity, you minister immediately so that the enemy cannot stop you.

When you try to wait for the next opportunity, it is a planned attack. The enemy knows it and he tries to stop you.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part Three

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part Three

In the past two posts, we talked about how peace within us is untouchable by the storms and the waves in the outside world.

Peace is both offensive and defensive, because it not only crushes the works of the enemy (Rom 16:20), it also protects us from his works.

As shared earlier, peace is a result of faith. When there is faith, there is peace. Since the default mode of a believer is peace (Col 3:15), the default mode of a believer is faith (Rom 12:3). We HAVE the spirit of faith (2 Cor 4:13). Faith is already IN us.

That makes things simple. It means that you and I are naturally walking & living by faith (Rom 1:17) until we lose that peace because of what we see in the circumstances around us.

This is why Phil 4 is important.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Phil 4:6-7

The word 'anxious' in Greek is 'merimnaó', which means to 'be divided and distracted.' Our mind can only be fixed on one thing ---- God.

You keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. - Isa 26:3

The word 'keep' in Hebrew is 'to preserve, to guard from danger'. The fact that God keeps us in Shalom Shalom (perfect peace) means that our default, natural mode is peace. It also means that our default, natural mode is 'preservation and protection from danger' by God.

The peace of God remains in us as long as our mind is stayed (aka rest) on Him. When we are restful internally, perfect peace becomes the primary power to offend and defend for us.

In Phil 4, it says that we should pray with thanksgiving FIRST. Thanksgiving after a fulfilled answer is gratitude. But thanksgiving before a fulfilled answer is faith. When you thank God in advance, you are believing that "It's done". 

When your prayer is fulfilled by God, peace overwhelms you. This means that you are living by sight and manifestation. But what Phil 4:6-7 teaches us is that the SAME peace can overwhelm us before our prayer is fulfilled by focusing on Isa 26:3 ----- by fixing our mind on Him. Because we trust Him, we can thank Him FIRST without seeing any change externally.

The mind that stays restful (on Him) is the one that stays in perfect peace. It keeps you untouchable and it crushes every work of the enemy in your life. It destroys the sickness and symptoms in your body.

If you simply block out unrest, you block out unbelief. If you simply stay restful, you are walking in the most powerful realm of Peace where the storms couldn't reach you. Jesus!

Monday 1 July 2024

What If You Didn't Really Get People Born Again?

What if I told you that getting people to raise their hands and say the sinner's prayer doesn't get them born again?

What if I told you that preaching Jesus loves you and died for you on the Cross to forgive all your sins, and getting them to receive Jesus right after that doesn't get them born again?

What if I told you that being born again into the Kingdom doesn't depend on what you pray but what you believe? And how can you believe if the Gospel message is not properly preached?

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? - Rom 10:14

The Bible has to be read in context. You can only call on the name of the Lord and be saved (Rom 10:13) if you believe. You can only believe the right God if you have heard the right Gospel message. And you can only hear the right message if the preacher preaches the Kingdom message that Jesus and His disciples preached.

Matt 4:23 - Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching... preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.

Matt 10:7-8 - And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons.

Luke 10:9 - And heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The Kingdom of God has come near to you.’

Mark 16:15-18 (added emphasis) - Go into all the world and preach the Gospel (of the Kingdom) to every creature... And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons... they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

Matt 28:19-20 - Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you... (This includes Matt 10:7-8 / Luke 10:9)

'Make disciples' is synonymous with the Gospel of the Kingdom, because the Kingdom message only produces disciples.

Luke 24:47 - ...repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name...

Repentance and remission of sins are the complete message of the Kingdom. Receiving the gift of forgiveness and praying sinner's prayer are incomplete to be born again. Repentance is not saying "Sorry God, forgive me." It's the decision to give your life to Him, change your mind about who the King is and surrender to the Kingdom's way.

This is the reason why whenever the Gospel is shared, the signs and miracles must follow to confirm the King and His Kingdom (Mark 16:20). Not to confirm how anointed the preacher is.

Only when the King and His Kingdom are being preached can people hear, believe and call on Him to be truly born again (Rom 10:13-14).

Perhaps we have been doing street evangelism wrongly.

Perhaps the church in general has been preaching the Gospel wrongly.

Perhaps we have been leading people to Christ wrongly, feeling so pumped that we have many salvation testimonies (when they are not born again), especially those whom we have brief encounters in the streets and in our daily lives. I was one of such.

Don't lose the fire and zeal. But don't lose the truth too.

P.S: Check out how Curry Blake led people to be truly born again in my earlier post. No sinner's prayer is involved.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Healing Is Not The Proof of God's Love

Healing is not exactly the proof that God loves you. The Cross is. Whether anything changes in your life or not, the Cross is the proof that God loves you.

We cannot preach the love of God using signs and wonders as the proof. Because the absence of signs and wonders doesn't remove the presence of His love.

Healing is the proof of the Kingdom. Read Matt 10:8; Luke 10:9; Mark 16:15-18; Matt 12:28 and Luke 11:20

When we don't understand the Gospel (message) of the Kingdom, we preach healing as the proof of God's love. This is why people get disappointed with God. It is not God's fault. It is our fault because we, as messengers, did not bring the right message.

Healing is the proof that there is a King and His Kingdom. He has come to reign. And He reigns over chaos & darkness (sickness).

The disciples were commanded to preach "The Kingdom is here!" where healing is a confirmation of the message. Signs and wonders confirm the message that the King is present.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part Two

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part Two

In the previous post, we talked about how peace within us is untouchable by the storms and the waves in the outside world.

Peace not only crushes the works of the enemy (Rom 16:20), it also protects us from his works. It is both offensive and defensive, as shared in the previous post about Mark 4. It is uninterrupted and untouchable.

When there is faith, there is peace. Because faith releases peace. When there is unbelief, there is no peace.

Peace, therefore, is a powerful indicator of faith.

In Matthew 17, the disciples tried to cast out a demon from the boy, but they failed to do so. Jesus cast it out, and explained to them why they couldn't cast out the demon in Matt 17:20. He said, "Because of your unbelief."

In fact, He rebuked His disciples and said "O faithless generation!" (Matt 17:17)

The peace within Jesus calmed the demonic chaos in the boy. It wasn't what Jesus said out of His mouth that crushed the demon. Because the disciples must have said THE SAME THING while trying to cast it out.

It was the peace within Jesus, when released through His mouth, crushed the demon. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The peace within Jesus produced result in the world without.

The disciples had no result because there was no peace within them. Because of their unbelief. They might appear to do the same thing as Jesus, said the same thing as Jesus but it wouldn't work. i.e. the seven sons of Sceva.

Alot of believers can appear to be doing and saying the same thing on the outside. Yet it is only the Peace within (unseen by appearance) that is going to make a difference.

When we are restful, God is faithful. The faith of God is demonstrated by the rest of God. When we walk in that rest, when we walk in that peace, the world outside has to conform to the image of the Son and His Kingdom.

In the next part, we see how peace destroys sickness and how to walk in it.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part One

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part One

Last night, I was spending time in prayer when I saw a vision of Jesus rowing a boat peacefully in the midst of surrounding chaos. He was totally uninterrupted in His own world, smiling as He was rowing.

Then He spoke to me, "The peace on the inside of you overcomes everything that is in the world." And the Holy Spirit revealed to me that as believers, our default (natural) mode is faith!

The God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet. - Rom 16:20

Why isn't it the God of war or the God of power that will crush satan under our feet? Peace must not be underestimated, since it crushes satan and his works.

When the disciples were on the boat in Mark 4, a windstorm arose. Water was breaking into the boat, causing it to begin to sink. But Jesus was still sleeping in the boat. Uninterrupted!

The disciples were panicking. They woke Him up. Jesus spoke to the sea, "Peace, be still!" And He said to His disciples, "Have you still no faith?" (Mk 4:40)

I like to read Scriptures forward and backward. In this case, the disciples had no peace because they had no faith (aka unbelief). Jesus had faith, thus He had peace.

And the peace He had within changed the world outside which had no peace. That peace crushed the enemy's works.

When you have peace, you rest. Jesus rested in the boat when the disciples wrestled with the storm. The reason Jesus had to wake up and rebuke the storm is for the sake of His disciples who were crumbling in fear.

Otherwise, all of them could have slept through the storm and the sinking boat, and still reach the other side of the island (Mk 4:35). If they had peace like Jesus did. If they rested like Jesus did. 

Because the peace within Jesus is not only uninterrupted, it is also untouchable. The storm and the waves could not touch Him. He didn't need to wake up from His beauty sleep to release that peace into the atmosphere. There was NO NEED to calm the storm and waves.

I could imagine the water and the waves surrounding Him, moving along the perimeter of His body as He was sleeping, BUT they could not touch Him. That's the kind of peace that surpasses ALL understanding.

If you have peace within, if you rest within, the storm and the waves cannot touch you.

I have more to share on this important aspect of peace and how it crushes your sickness. Stay tuned for the next part.

Monday 24 June 2024

The Five Points Of The Gospel

The Five Points Of The Gospel

1. Jesus Christ is the only God and the only exemplary Man
2. He died for you
3. He died as you
4. He lives in you
5. He lives through you

Most of us were taught a little of point 1 and much of point 2. That became the foundation of our Christianity and how we share the Gospel with others. I did that for many years too, until I had a revelation of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

No amount of altar calls, conferences, and Spirit-encounters change my life as much as the revelation of this truth. It really proves that Romans 12:2 is true ---- life transformation is the result of mind renewal.

Truth always demands us to respond, either negatively or positively. It is impossible to stay status quo.

When we surrender and renew our mind to the truth, it has only one result ----- the change of life.

My desire is that more and more people encounter the truth on His Kingdom.

Jesus!!! 🔥🔥🔥

Saturday 15 June 2024

Jesus Is Not The Way To Heaven

Jesus Is Not The Way To Heaven 

Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. He revealed the King, His Kingship and His Kingdom. He's full of Love & Truth.

But He didn't come to get you say a prayer to go heaven. Neither did Peter and Paul do that.

Jesus is not the Way to heaven. It's not in the Bible. He is the Way to the Father (Jn 14:6).

Dan Mohler nailed it when he shared, "We teach people that God sent His Son to forgive our sins so that we can go heaven. We preachers like to say this, 'If you die tonight and don't know where you are going, pray this prayer.' We teach this self-centred gospel. Jesus doesn't preach the Gospel that way ever!"

He added, "Jesus didn't forgive us so that we can go heaven. He forgave us so that we can get back to the Father."

This is Bible.

We make it about prayer when Jesus made it about surrender. He came to restore sonship and purpose. Our response is to surrender our lives to Him and live according to His image.

That's repentance. That's repenting unto the Kingdom. And that's what get us saved - spirit, soul and body.

I like what Curry Blake do before he ends a preaching service. There is no altar call to get people to pray a prayer of salvation. That's not Bible. He challenged the unbelievers to make Jesus Lord of their lives --- "If you do not know Jesus, you need to decide today to make Him Lord and live according to His ways."

Faith is a decision. Repentance is a decision. Don't pray a prayer to get to heaven. It doesn't work that way.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Redemption For Health

Redemption For Health

The first compound Name that God revealed to Israel after bringing them out of slavery is Jehovah Rapha. It points to the work of Redemption by Christ.

When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water of Marah because it was bitter; therefore it was named Marah. And the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” And he cried to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree, and he threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. - Exo 15:23-25

When the tree was thrown into the water, it reversed the curse of bitterness. The water became sweet. 

And God revealed Himself in Exo 15:26, "...I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your Healer.”

The tree was a foreshadow of the Cross. In Gal 3:13, it says, "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree.”

This is quoted from Deut 21:22-23. In fact, there was a whole list of curses in Deut 28 that would be brought against anyone disobeying the Law. It included every kind of sickness (Deut 28:61). 

Jesus had to die, put sin to death and be hung on the tree (Deut 21:22-23), in order to redeem us from the curse of the Law.

The Old Covenant is a foreshadow of the New Covenant which is the true substance. Just as the tree was thrown into the water to turn bitterness into sweetness, Christ had to be hung on the Cross to redeem us from slavery into liberty.

The compound Name 'Rapha' doesn't mean 'Healing'. It means 'Completely Healed'. Because you have to read in context. He said, "I will put none of the diseases on you..." This means that you are PROTECTED from diseases. You don't get healed. You live healed.

This is confirmed by Gal 3:13 where Christ redeemed us from the curse of every kind of sickness (Deut 28:61), when He was hung on the tree. The Name "Jehovah Rapha" is the revelation of the work of Redemption by Christ on the Cross!

1 Peter 2:24 says, "He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin, and live to righteousness. By His stripes, you WERE healed."

There's alot to expound on this one verse. But we just look at the last part. You WERE healed. Past Tense. If you WERE healed, you don't need any more healing. Because for the believers, there is NOW divine protection from sicknesses and diseases.

Not many people will preach on this. If you preach divine healing, you already get slammed by others. But if you preach divine health and protection from every sickness and disease, you might be labeled as heretic.

And this is the reason why many get sick. Because they only believe in healing. 

Christ did not just come to heal you. He is also your Jehovah Rapha ----- for you to live healed and protected from every sickness. 

We need to start preaching this more. Stay tuned.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Why Believers Seem Harder To Get Healed?

Why Believers Seem Harder To Get Healed?

If we think that believers are harder to get healed, you will see what you believe. Because according to your faith, it is done.

God shows NO partiality. If the finished works of Christ paid for ALL to be healed, ALL means ALL, whether you are a believer or not.

After seeing thousands of individuals healed in the streets, I saw the Word remaining steadfast and true. Whether it's believer or not, all get healed the same.


Not all stay healed. Believers are the ones who don't stay healed as easily as non-believers.

It used to baffle my mind until I realised that Matthew 28:18 and Mark 11:24 have been given to believers.

The same authority of Christ has been given to believers. Therefore, what a believer says has power to his body (Prov 18:21), either life or death.

Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. - Mark 11:24

Prayer is not just what you say in a prayer meeting. It is not just what you say when you end with "In Jesus' name. Amen." That will be religion.

What you say out of your mouth IS prayer, regardless of the location and time.

Non-believers don't know God. They don't have an idea of who God is. They have NO belief of God. When they get healed, they realise it is God. Period.

Believers know God. More often than not, they have WRONG belief of God. They have an idea of who God is that is not rooted in Christ. When they get healed, while they realise it is God, they still have wrong belief.

Mark 11:24 says that you receive what you believe. It doesn't say what kind of belief. So if you believe wrongly, you can receive that too.

If the enemy throws darts at a believer (after receiving healing), the believer with a wrong belief of who God is thinks that it is God speaking in his mind about the healing, he can receive what he believes wrongly.

This is probably why we see believers experiencing symptoms back in their bodies after they get healed. It is not that they didn't get healed, but they welcomed the sickness back with their wrong belief (Mark 11:24).

If we don't right our belief, you can get healed but not stay healed.

Understanding Is Received By Faith

By faith, we understand... - Heb 11:3

The word 'understand' in Greek means 'to perceive with the mind.'

The mind of Christ is operated by faith. To understand the things of God, it is not by research, study, our experiences or our analytical mind.

Understanding must be received by faith. If we want understanding, we must walk by faith.

This is the reason why some cannot understand the things you do. They think you are out of your mind. But what is out of their mind might not be out of the mind of Christ.

The opposite of faith is not fear, but sight. People who live by sight have no understanding. They based their understanding by what they see with the physical eyes.

Walking by sight always produces fear and timidity (Hebrews 10:38-39). Walking by sight always shrinks back (which means timidity in Greek).

People who live by faith have understanding because they perceive with the mind of Christ.

Walking by faith always produces confidence (Heb 10:35; 11:1) because the mind of Christ is confident. 

When we get understanding by faith we walk in confidence.

Friday 7 June 2024

Simple Chart

An image that the Holy Spirit gave me when I was praying about nothing.

Grace = ALL that Christ paid for. God has already GIVEN.

Reality = Actual manifestation

Faith = The bridge to expand the PIPE in order to get from Grace to Reality. How much we want Grace to flow to Reality depends on Faith.

Love = The source for Faith to push the upper line of the Pipe vertically. Faith works through Love.

Christianity is that simple. And it is that mechanical. Don't complicate things.

Friday 31 May 2024

Unstoppable Domain

Unstoppable Domain

You and I have an unstoppable domain on the inside of us. It's called the Law of the Spirit of Life.

We can either be 'controlled' by the Law of the Spirit of Life or the law of sin and death ( Romans 8 ).

As a New Man in Christ, we have a new operating system. We can still function in the old operating system if we choose to. It's the law of sin and death. But if we choose to function in the new system, the Law of the Spirit of Life is an unstoppable domain.

Two days ago, I had a packed lunch. The vegetables tasted strange. The rice and meat tasted like it was left overnight. Nonetheless, I finished the whole packet.

At about 10pm at night, I had one round of diarrhoea, followed by three rounds of throwing up. I knew it was food poisoning as I already suspected the lunch had issue.

As usual, my wife was concerned. She wanted to give me probiotics, trying to convince me that probiotics is not medication/drug. I said "No. I only need Jesus. By His stripes, I am healed."

So I kept releasing the Law of the Spirit of Life from the inside out. I knew that I had to wake up early the next day to minister healing to someone with stage 4 cancer. We just saw one crushed and I was ready to crush the next one.

The enemy is merciless. He won't give you a single chance. He whispered on my mind that night, "Why not just change to another day?" I said, "No way. I'm heading there. Because I'm healed."

The next morning, I woke up feeling weak, because of the loss of sugar and minerals. But you either let your body move you, or you let your Spirit move you. The Spirit on the inside is an unstoppable domain.

I drove there, shared the Word, ministered and was re-charged. Headed to work before I came back home. And I began to make my hand drip coffee. My wife said, "You can't drink coffee because you just had food poisoning last night. How can your stomach take it?"

I said, "Yes I can. Because I am the healed of Christ." So I drank. And all is well.

There is an unstoppable domain on the inside of every believer. It's called the Law of the Spirit of Life. We need this to be more real than anything else in the world. The only way is to live by faith. For the Righteous Shall Live By Faith.

If we can minister healing to others, but not to ourselves, we merely understand the foundation of healing but we do not grasp hold of the foundation of identity.

Walking in divine health requires the understanding of identity, not healing. If you understand healing, the enemy can still stop you by attacks. If you understand identity, the enemy cannot stop you with attacks because there is an unstoppable domain on the inside of you.

Let's keep crushing the devil.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

No Big Deal

No Big Deal

Two months ago, I bit the inner part of my cheek so hard that I knew it would become an ulcer. The track record had always been the case.

As I was driving, I suddenly thought, "Why should I even tolerate this, even though it is such a minor thing that I normally don't bother about? If I walk in divine health, this is easy and possible for Jesus."

So I commanded the wound in the inner cheek to close as I was driving. Nobody knows how loud I am when I'm alone with Him. I bet the motorists outside could hear. For I was not going to tolerate this little discomfort.

You dominate what you don't tolerate.

Then... I didn't know how... but before I knew it, the wound disappeared within a short time.

Last week, the same thing happened. I accidentally bit the inner part of my cheek again. Just as hard.

So I yelled at it again. Cos everything is demonic (kidding). I deal with every physical issue the same way and it has gotten me the most results.

And the wound disappeared again within a short time.

Biting our inner cheek and ulcers might not be a big deal for us. But the Power of God is more than able to deal with both the big and the small issues in your life.

If you don't want anything common (such as common flu) to be common to you, you need to rise up against it and stop tolerating what you should dominate over in Christ.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Sinner's Prayer Part Four

Sinner's Prayer Part Four

The origin of the sinner's/salvation prayer could be traced back to the 18th-19th century. D. L. Moody, an American evangelist (19th century) was one of the early advocates of the sinner's prayer.

Billy Graham, another prominent American evangelist (20th century) made the sinner's prayer popular all over the world.

Do you realise that most of them were Americans? Do you realise that America has a different culture from Asian countries?

America is a Christian nation. People in the country have some basic ideas about Christianity because it was taught in the schools. Hence, the sinner's prayer is more appropriate in their context and culture where the idea of Jesus and God is already in the mind of most people.

Yes, as Asians, we are largely influenced by the West. The sinner's prayer has become 'our approach'. But what is used in another culture cannot be copied into our Asian culture where many do not have an idea of the Gospel.

What matters therefore, is the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom that we share with others, especially in the streets.

David Platt, a prominent Southern Baptist evangelist and pastor in Birmingham, said, "Many assume they are saved simply because of a prayer they prayed. It's not that praying a prayer in and of itself is bad, but the question is what kind of faith are we calling people to?"

This is precisely what I have been sharing in the past few posts. What kind of Gospel are you calling people to believe in? You can preach a Mother god gospel and still get people to pray the sinner's prayer. You get my point.

David Platt added, "The emphasis on the sinner's prayer is unbiblical and damning."

He continued, "I'm convinced that many people in our churches are simply missing the life of Christ, and a lot of it has to do with what we've sold them as the gospel, i.e. Pray this prayer, accept Jesus into your heart, invite Christ into your life. Should it not concern us that there is no such superstitious prayer in the New Testament? Should it not concern us that the Bible never uses the phrase, 'accept Jesus into your heart' or 'invite Christ into your life'? It's not the gospel we see being preached, it's modern evangelism built on sinking sand. And it runs the risk of disillusioning millions of souls."

Platt shared similar concern as I have. He said, "Some people say they believe in Jesus, say they have accepted Jesus, say that they have received Jesus, but they are not saved and will not enter the kingdom of heaven."

In conclusion, he said, "Do I believe it is 'wrong' for someone to pray a 'prayer of salvation'? Certainly not. Calling out to God in prayer with repentant faith is fundamental to being saved. But I urge us, as we go to all people among all nations with the good news of God's love, to be both 𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐳𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞."

The Southern Baptists are clear. So shall we. Zeal without knowledge is not good (Prov 19:2).

In our zeal to reach the lost, let's be biblically clear with the presentation and the demonstration of the Gospel of the Kingdom, so that others have an opportunity to respond to the complete Gospel and believe in the Jesus whom Peter and Paul preached.

Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. - Romans 10:1-2

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Sinner's Prayer Part Three

Sinner's Prayer Part Three

The issue of the sinner's/salvation prayer doesn't lie with the prayer itself, but the idea of what it is.

Many of us reach the lost in the streets with an incomplete Gospel and try to close the deal with the sinner's prayer, thinking that the prayer is the key to get people born again.

In fact, we define salvation (conversion) as one who prayed the sinner's prayer. We share testimonies of salvation when someone prayed the sinner's prayer. I was guilty of doing this in the past.

Nothing is further from the truth.

Jesus never did that. Peter never did that. Paul never did that. No one in the early church ever did that.

An incomplete Gospel will not get anyone born again, no matter how many times he prays the sinner's prayer. It is no different from chanting any religious prayer if there is no truth to believe in.

If I share about Mother god, how good she is, how loving she is, and I get someone to pray the standard sinner's prayer after that, he doesn't get born again! You get my point.

Without the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, not only does one not get born again, the end is also not going to come.

And this 𝐆𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. - Matt 24:14

While the context is about the desecration of the Temple and the end of the Old Covenant era, bible prophecy can have double fulfilment.

Could it be that we have been preaching an incomplete Gospel that doesn't accord to what Jesus said in Matt 24:14? The end comes when the 𝐆𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 is preached to the whole world. An incomplete Gospel doesn't bring the end.

Paul, at the end of his ministry, shared that he didn't shrink back declaring the whole message.

...solemnly testifying to both Jews and Greeks of repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. - Acts 20:20

Whether it's Jews or Gentiles, repentance and faith in Christ were preached by Paul, resulting in true conversion.

And now behold, I know that all of you, among whom I went about preaching the Kingdom, will no longer see my face. Therefore, I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all people. For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose of God. - Acts 20:25-27

Because Paul had been preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, he knew that he was innocent of the blood of all people ----- those who believed the Gospel and those who rejected the Gospel.

We are only guilty of the blood of people if we preach an incomplete Gospel during street / lifestyle evangelism and try to close the deal with the sinner's prayer. Because they don't get a chance to believe the Gospel. They only chant a prayer that they don't really understand.

We are talking about souls, not business transactions. You cannot close a soul deal with the sinner's prayer. Regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit. The person must believe and come to the place of repentance on his own. 

Peter preached the Gospel of the Kingdom (Acts 2; Acts 10) and people got born again without any sinner's prayer. Because he preached a complete message.

Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” And Peter said to them, “Follow me and say this prayer." - The modern church edition

Read Acts 2 and see what Peter told them.

We don't have to close the deal if the person is not ready to believe the Gospel of the Kingdom. We are sowing seeds and trusting the Holy Spirit to complete the work through others.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Sinner's Prayer Part Two

Sinner's Prayer Part Two

The reason why the sinner's/salvation prayer 'works' in a church service setting is because of the continual follow-ups through more church services/meetings or a new believer's class. 

I believe that not all of them got born again when they first prayed the prayer. They got born again when they finally understood and believed the Gospel.

In a church service setting, the believer who invites the non-believer continues to journey with him and explains to him what the Gospel message is all about.

But when it comes to street evangelism / lifestyle evangelism where you get to meet the person ONCE, leading him to pray the sinner's prayer doesn't get him born again unless he believes the Gospel. And how can he believe if you preach a watered-down or incomplete Gospel?

"Jesus healed you. He loves you. He died for your sins. He forgave your sins. Would you like to receive Him into your life?"

Of course they will say a resounding Yes to this incomplete Gospel. Of course they will go through the motion of saying the sinner's prayer even if the prayer includes 'Be my Lord and Saviour."

These Christian jargons are understood by us, but not by the non-believers. They can pray the prayer without getting born again.

If you ask them to go for water baptism, you will know if they believe the Gospel. Water baptism doesn't get you born again. It proves that you are born again.

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved... - Mark 16:16

Water baptism is the proof of salvation where repentance and faith in Christ are necessary.

Repentance is central to the Gospel message, because the Gospel is about the revealing of His Kingdom, represented by Christ and demonstrated by His works.

The Gospel that Jesus preached can be found in Mark 1:14-15, “𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝, and 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝; 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐥.”

I shared extensively in the past what Jesus meant in His preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom. His idea of repentance is not about sins but Kingship (Lordship). A single FB post is unable to explain it.

After His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples to continue preaching repentance and remission of sins so that the people could believe in the Gospel of the Kingdom.

...and thus 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐲 for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. - Luke 24:46-47

Taking one verse and using it as a sinner's prayer thinking that someone who says, "Be my Lord" is born again is very shallow.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord... - Rom 10:9

This confession comes with the understanding of Lordship and His Kingdom in the Gospel. If it's not preached, one cannot believe and enter the Kingdom of God.

Monday 20 May 2024

Sinner's Prayer

Sinner's Prayer

Over the last few years, I have written about the Gospel of the Kingdom and the complete Gospel we should share/preach in the streets when we reach out to the lost.

I shared the reason why we shouldn't lead people into saying the sinner's/salvation prayer after a supernatural encounter.

When a person has an encounter with God, he needs to follow through the encounter with truth. This has always been the model in the Bible in the early church.

Without sharing the truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom to the lost, it is ignorant to think that they are born again just because they pray that sinner's/salvation prayer. I was guilty of doing that countless of times years ago.

There are so many Scriptures that talk about remission of sins resulting in repentance and faith in Christ alone. I have listed them in my past writings.

The goodness of God leads men to repentance (Romans 2:4). Yes. God's goodness, when preached and demonstrated, leads people to repentance.

But the point is... There is repentance and faith in Christ. Apart from that, you cannot be born again.

Read all over again what Jesus preached. Read all over again what Peter preached. Read all over again what Paul preached. It is always repentance and faith. Not ONCE did any of them lead anyone to pray the sinner's prayer. Not ONCE did anyone invite Jesus into their hearts.

If Jesus is truly Lord and King, you don't invite Him. You surrender and give your life to Him.

Just as Charles Finney 'manipulated' salvations through the use of 'anxious bench' in altar calls, salvations can be 'manipulated' through a prayer. 

Note: I'm not saying that all are false conversions. But it's presumptuous to think that the salvation is genuine by praying a prayer, especially in the streets where we couldn't follow up with them after that one encounter.

The book of Hebrews shows us what the foundation of salvation is.

Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God... - Heb 6:1

It's the same theme ---- Repentance and Faith.

One gets born again when he responds to the remission of sins (Good News) with repentance and faith (in Christ alone). 

Romans 10:9 says that '...Jesus is Lord...' There is more to just saying it, and we will cover this.

Saturday 18 May 2024

Sinner's Prayer Sent Many To Hell

Over the years in street evangelism and lifestyle evangelism, I had been guilty in my earlier years of leading many individuals to pray the sinner's / salvation prayer thinking that they were born again, when they were NOT.

When I understood the Gospel of the Kingdom, I no longer get people to pray that. Praying a prayer does NOT get people born again. It's not in Scriptures.

They must be born again to see the Kingdom of God.

When the Holy Spirit taught me through the Word on the Gospel of the Kingdom years ago, I repented. It was humbling but necessary. I had to change the way I preach to the lost in the streets. I had to remove this sacred cow of sinner's / salvation prayer.

It shook my theology upside down. Just as God did regarding identity, sonship and New Covenant in the past. I chose to surrender to Him and His truth.

The influence of the Western & modern Christianity has resulted in this mess. We need to get back to the Bible, the Word and what the early church did.

Watch more in the link: Preached by Paul Washer

Thursday 16 May 2024

Keep Advancing

Keep Advancing

What matters most is the pursuit of spiritual growth in Him. We need to keep growing and advancing in Him. The moment we think that we are doing fine is the moment we start backsliding.

I grew from preaching mixed covenant to pure New Covenant.

I grew from going after impartations and anointings to pure identity and the fullness of Christ in you.

I grew from divine healings to divine health.

I grew from constantly sharing own testimonies to wanting to see others being truly empowered.

I used to be so zealous in reaching the lost in streets, but without knowledge. I led many individuals to pray the 'sinner's/salvation prayer' without preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. Then I grew to realise that they didn't truly get born again when I followed up with them. I was so excited with the encounter and the incident, but neglected the whole truth-process.

As I grew in Him, I no longer get excited when people share about this and this getting born again in the streets. I want to know what was preached to the person instead of a mere sinner's prayer which is not in the Bible. I'm still excited and zealous in reaching the lost, but with the Gospel of the Kingdom.

As I grew in Him, I no longer merely see what's on social media and be naive to believe what I see. I want to see deeper and not shallow stuff.

I used to minister regularly by laying of hands on the head, calling for altar calls, preaching 'it's going to be life-changing today!!!', 'it's going to be a life-changing encounter!!!', etc, etc. I used to get excited with people falling under power, holy laughters, crying and weeping, manifesting, shaking and trembling on the ground, etc, etc. 

But as I grew in Him, I realised that all these do NOT change or transform lives. You can keep preaching all these supernatural encounters but the Bible makes it clear that only Romans 12:2 (2 Cor 3:18) can change lives. This is why Paul delved into the Word for many years after the road to Damascus. He wrote the biggest chunk of the epistles and mentioned nothing about encounters changing your life.

It is at an infant stage to pursue after supernatural encounters thinking that you can be transformed by that. Paul wanted the churches to grow in maturity in his epistles. The book with spiritual manifestations was written to the most carnal Christians in his days ---- the Corinthians. He said they were not spiritual, people of the flesh, babies/infants, and not ready for solid food (1 Cor 3:1-2).

We need to keep growing and advancing in the Kingdom. And the only way to grow and advance is to go deeper in the Word and do the Word.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Kingdom Mindset VS Church Mindset

Kingdom Mindset VS Church Mindset

A church mindset says, "You must attend church service every week."
A kingdom mindset says, "You should be in koinonia with others."

A church mindset thinks about location.
A kingdom mindset thinks about position.

A church mindset thinks about going to church.
A kingdom mindset thinks about being the church.

A church mindset places the teachings from the pulpit as priority (even though they tell you to study the Word).
A kingdom mindset places the Word as priority. It takes away spoon feeding and forces you to come face to face with the Word.

A church mindset invites people to come.
A kingdom mindset empowers people to go.

A church mindset has events and programme.
A kingdom mindset is organic and allows events to take place anytime, anywhere.

A church mindset has a separation between clergy and laity (even though they tell you that all are sons and daughters).
A kingdom mindset has no separation and it equips you to walk exactly like sons and daughters.

A church mindset gets you to pray the sinner's prayer.
A kingdom mindset gets you to give your life to the King, which is not based on saying a prayer.

A church mindset gets offended when the members leave.
A kingdom mindset releases you into where you should be.

A church mindset focuses on growing in numbers.
A kingdom mindset focuses on growing in disciples who do the work.

A church mindset focuses on becoming a greater CEO.
A kingdom mindset focuses on getting yourself out of the job.

A church mindset is controlling.
A kingdom mindset is liberating.

A church mindset has a vision every year (or every now and then) so that you can serve the vision.
A kingdom mindset focuses on the Great Commission as the only Vision so that you can serve the King.

A church mindset asks you to serve in church ministries.
A kingdom mindset asks you to serve God's assignment for your life.

A church mindset sets qualifications before you can minister in some areas (except leadership).
A kingdom mindset knows you are already qualified to minister when you are born again.

A church mindset focuses on giving to the church and building fund.
A kingdom mindset focuses on giving to people in need, instead of wasting resources.

A church mindset has it's pastor getting richer as members grow and give more.
A kingdom mindset pulls resources together to see how they can be distributed.

A church mindset has alot of meetings.
A kingdom mindset has alot of getting the work done.

A church mindset believes in different kinds of anointing and gifts of the Spirit (even though they say that Christ is in you).
A kingdom mindset believes in Christ in you, so that you walk like Him.

A church mindset does alot of impartation thinking that the "greater" can give to the "lesser".
A kingdom mindset knows that you are complete in Him and the fullness of God dwells in you, so you just need to walk it out.

A church mindset talks about the pastor and the man of God.
A kingdom mindset talks about Jesus who is the God of men.

A church mindset looks forward to the next encounter.
A kingdom mindset knows that you are the encounter.

There is still alot more to this list but a kingdom mindset doesn't need to have them all listed out 😂😂😂

P.S: Was asked to share this. And I know that every speaking engagement is gone after this 😆

Friday 3 May 2024

What Gospel Do You Preach?

What Gospel Do You Preach?

The cleaning company sent 6 guys in total to clean a rental unit.

Ministered to one of them. As he was healed, the rest of the four guys queued for their turn. All were healed of lower spine issue, back problem, nerve issue, headache, stomach problem, cervical spine issue and one with organ problem (cannot be verified on the spot).

Shared Jesus with them but didn't get them to pray the salvation prayer. They are M and they are not ready to let go of their god.

I'm one who desires to get people born again but I'm also one who desires them to know what the Gospel truly is. If they want to give their lives to Jesus, they must let go of every other god.

If we preach a watered down Gospel, we can easily get almost everybody 'born again'.

But if we preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, the Kingdom parable (foundation to everything in the Kingdom) in Mark 4 reveals that only 25% will bear fruit.

If everyone whom we share the Gospel with gets 'born again', it is very likely that we didn't preach the Gospel.

Keep sowing seeds, but don't assume people get born again just because we lead them into salvation prayer. I did that countless of times in the past due to zeal without knowledge, but I have learnt my mistakes. It was always during follow-ups when you would realise that they weren't really born again despite having prayed the salvation prayer.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Guilt? Which Church Are You From?

The waitress who was serving us started crying when word of knowledge and healing was released to her. The manifest presence of God was strongly upon her throughout the conversation. She got completely healed.

She said, "This is my first time ever encountering this." 

Suddenly, she felt guilty and added, "I attend a Christian church but I don't go regularly as I need to work."

My wife replied, "It's not about the church you go to. It's about our relationship with Him."

She nodded and asked, "Which church do you guys go to?"

My wife responded, "It's not about the building. It's really about our relationship ---- you and Him."

Church is not about service or building. You and I are the Church. Let no one cause you to have a guilt trap for missing church services.

If going to sushi restaurants doesn't make you become a sushi, going to church doesn't make you a Christian. 

I read a meme that says, "Going to church just means going to church." Funny but true.

We are still stuck with a religious mindset about services and cellgroup meetings, when what the Bible really means about meeting together in Heb 10:24-25 is koinonia (fellowship).

P.S: With the Gen Z and the Gen Alpha who can easily access plenty of resources (teachings and sermons) on social media, the "attend church on Sundays" teaching is no longer relevant. It is not a timeless truth anyway. Instead, koinonia is what they need.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Akihabara, Tokyo

I found Akihabara as a great spot for the demonstration of the Gospel with it's power. Power evangelism takes place easily.

Towards evening, there is a massive crowd standing and moving around the open space. Along the streets in the arena, there are also plenty of salesgirls wearing maid dresses to draw customers to their cafes.

Akihabara is a massive gaming and entertainment area, which is a form of escape for the Japanese.

Thursday 25 April 2024

The Right Hand of God

Because the Right hand of God is upon you, you are not just right with God (Ps 48:1). You become the righteousness of God.

Because the Right hand of God is upon you, you are not just powerful with God (Lk 22:69). You become the power of God.

Because the Right hand of God is upon you, you don't just have favour with God (Ps 44:3). You become the favour of God. This is why every time when you walk into a shop, a cafe, or a restaurant, crowd begin to flow in after you.

The hand of God is continually upon you. Recognise His hand and walk in it.

Monday 22 April 2024

Is It Really The Faith of God?

Is It Really The Faith of God?

Grace preachers often quote Gal 2:20 about us having the faith of God, instead of our faith.

If it is true, nothing is truly impossible for us (Mk 9:23). The faith of God won't fail to work.

Apostle Paul wouldn't need to write in 1 Cor 13:2, "if I have ALL the faith..."

The following list of verses won't need to be in the Bible:

Romans 1:12 - each other's faith
Phil 1:25 - your progress in the faith
2 Cor 10:15 - your faith increases
2 Thes 1:3 - your faith is growing
1 Thes 3:10 - lacking in your faith

I checked the Greek word for all these passages, because some verses are translated as 'your faith' in English but it's actually 'the faith' in Greek.

But for the above list of passages, it is still 'the faith of you' or 'your faith' in Greek.

This immediately destroys the typical Grace teachings on you having the faith of God.

I'm all for Grace teachings, but we still need to grow in faith because we do NOT have the faith of God yet.

Saturday 13 April 2024

The Goal Of Bible Study Part Two

The Goal Of Bible Study Part Two 

The purpose of studying the Word is to become the Word. You study to show yourself approved (1 Tim 2:15), because who Christ is, you are (1 Jn 4:17).

If Christ is the Righteousness of God (Rom 1:17) and He is in you (Gal 2:20), you become the righteousness of God in Him (1 Cor 1:30; 2 Cor 5:21).

The seed is in you. The Word is in your spirit. Your spirit is exactly like Christ.

In other words, Righteousness is in you. This is why 1 John 3:9 says that whoever is born of God CANNOT sin, because God's seed abides in him. 

Since the goal of bible study is to become the Word, it is possible for our soul and body to become the righteousness of God, so that they do not sin. It means that the seed has become fruit (Phil 1:10-11).

In the same way, it applies to every area.

If Christ is the healing and health of God and He is in you, you become the healing and health of God in Him (Rom 8:11; Mk 16:17-18).

If you can say, "I am the righteousness of God in Christ", then you can say, "I am the healing and health of God in Christ."

Many can minister to the sick but they cannot get healing for themselves because they don't understand that they are the Word.

Until we see ourselves as the Word in the Spirit, we cannot become the Word in our soul and body. The seed must become fruit through right believing (get rid of unbelief, wrong belief and distraction/cares).

Since it is by grace through faith, it might take time; or it might be instantaneous; or it might be sudden. It depends on how fast we get our mind renewed (Rom 12:2). The speed at which the seed becomes fruit depends on us, not God.

We have to keep speaking, keep seeing, keep thinking and keep believing until the Word becomes our reality. And when it becomes our natural reality, we have become the Word.

Becoming the Word fulfills the very purpose God created us ----- to take dominion on earth. You manifest sonship as you walk on earth. Righteousness, healing, health, deliverance, etc. ALL flow through you to crush the works of the devil and establish His Kingdom on earth.

Friday 12 April 2024

The Goal Of Bible Study Part One

The Goal Of Bible Study Part One

The goal of bible study isn't bible knowledge. Neither is it to apply the Word into your life as though it is a self-improvement programme.

The goal of bible study is to BECOME the Word.

When you read the Word, you are reading the true you (Eph 4:24; James 1:23-24) so that you can become the Word.

We don't live in separation from God like pagans. We don't try to get/receive something from God as though He hasn't given through Christ. 

If God is already one with you (1 Cor 6:17) and lives in you, our goal is to become who we already are (2 Cor 5:17); to become who He already made us to be (Col 2:10; 3:10).

The parable of the Sower reveals the foundation of how the Kingdom of God works (Mark 4:13). If we don't understand it, we will miss every Kingdom principle in the Bible and read with a pagan's len instead.

Out of the 4 types of ground, the first has unbelief (Satan); the second has wrong believing (no root); the third has right believing together with distraction (cares); the fourth has right believing and it thus bears fruit.

If the Word is a seed (spirit) and the Word is Christ (John 1:1), the Word is sown into you when you get born again. This is why you are already the Word in the Spirit. The seed is already in you. In the Spirit, God sees you exactly as He sees Christ (Col 2:10; 1 Jn 4:17).

What is left is for your soul and body to become the Word, through mind renewal (Rom 12:2). And that is only done by the principle of the Kingdom ----- by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9; Phil 1:6).

Faith appropriates Grace and makes the Word (Truth) your reality. When the Word becomes your natural reality, you have become the Word. You have become the Word made flesh (in your soul and body).

Remember: Jesus is the firstborn Son (Rom 8:29). You and I are born after His image. He is the prototype for every believer.

This is why you study the Word... so that you know what is the Word and who is the Word and thus, you can become the Word. To put it simply, the Bible shows you who you are in the Spirit so that your soul and body can line up to it.

The seed becomes fruit (Mark 4) when your soul and body becomes the Word (what your spirit already is) through right believing (fourth type ground). 

This is why we need to get rid of the first three types (unbelief, wrong belief, distraction/cares) of ground in our lives, which hinder us from becoming the Word. Jesus constantly dealt with these in His disciples (Matt 17:20; Mark 4:38-40; Matt 14:31).

In the next part, I will share what becoming the Word entails, because it is the purpose for the Kingdom's dominion on earth.