Tuesday 20 August 2024

Tongue Or Prayer?

Tongue Or Prayer?

Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit. - 1 Peter 3:10

1) Keeping our tongue away from evil is not just about saying evil things. Saying anything that contradicts what is good (The Word of God) is evil, because we are calling God a liar.

2) Jesus kept His lips from every deceit (1 Peter 2:22). He loved life because He is The Life (John 14:6). This is probably why He saw 100% results 100% of the time. Deceit includes every white lie.

If we want to see good days in our lives, just as healing and health, the first thing to watch is our tongue.

What have you been saying in your daily life? What have you been lying about in your daily life?

Your prayer life is only as strong as your tongue. How powerful and long you pray doesn't have any impact until your daily tongue has changed.

Prayer doesn't change our world. Our tongue does. If we realise that every word that comes out of our tongue is prayer, we will shift our whole mindset about what prayer is.

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