Friday 2 August 2024

Grace & Truth

Grace & Truth

When we lean on Truth to the extreme, we can step into legalism.

When we lean on Grace to the extreme, we can step into licentiousness.

Jesus is neither Grace nor Truth. He is both Grace and Truth.

For the law was given through Moses, but Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ. - Jn 1:17

While Titus 2:11 says that the Grace of God (Jesus) has appeared to all men, John 14:6 says that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

How we perceive Jesus not only affects how we receive from Him, it also affects how we conceive the representation of Him into the world.

One obvious misrepresentation is through the way we present the Gospel. Jesus didn't teach His disciples to lead people into the sinner's prayer. He told them to preach the Kingdom so that people could repent and believe in the King.

In street evangelism, I hardly hear the Kingdom being preached. Majority, if not, all the time, I only hear Grace being preached. We hide Truth for fear of rejection. It is often the half-preached Gospel that leads people into the sinner's prayer. I was so guilty of that.

Why are we rushing to close the deal (of sinner's prayer) when the person is not ready to repent and believe in the King? Why are we rushing to clock another testimony and showcase through the social media to the world?

Why are we trying to exalt God in the disguise of exalting ourselves and our own ego? Why are we trying to follow popularity in the expense of Truth?

I know an extremely popular figure who brought lifestyle evangelism to the world through social media. He impacted me many years ago, which was why I did the same by following what he did. But his mentor somehow never did the sinner's prayer thingy in the streets. I wondered a little, then.

Fast forward to a few years later, I understood the Gospel of the Kingdom. But there wasn't a change in how I presented the Gospel in the streets, even though I knew the message of the King. 

Last year, there began a strong nudging in my heart by God to re-look into how we present the Gospel to people in the streets. Suddenly, it clicked. The Gospel of the Kingdom must match with how we present the Gospel in the streets.

Just few weeks ago, I heard a message by Curry Blake. He shared, "God has been speaking to me this year (2024) ----- to get people truly saved and truly healed."

I truly believe that the time has come, where God is speaking to individuals all over the world to re-present the Gospel message in the streets ----- not to lead people into sinner's prayer, but to preach the Kingdom so that they could repent and believe in the King.

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