Saturday 10 August 2024

Living Without Sin & Deceit

Living Without Sin & Deceit

The early Pentecostals believed that if you sin, the power of God will not move.

The Grace message believes that if you sin, the power of God will still move.

It cannot be that one is fully correct and the other is fully wrong. There must be some parts of truth in each school of thoughts.

Since the Pentecostals focused alot on experiences and encounters, they must have experienced in reality that sin stops the power of God from moving.

Yet the Grace school focuses on the Scriptural truth that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. And since sin didn't stop Jesus from healing everyone who came to Him, sin couldn't stop the power of God from moving.

Which school is correct? I believe the answer is Yes.


In my previous post, I shared about how lying in our daily lives has an effect on the manifestation of the Word of God in and through us.

Today I read this passage.

1 Peter 2:22 - He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth.

Jesus did no sin. Neither did He ever lie because He is the Truth (Jn 14:6). Since He always spoke the Truth, His words (coming out of His mouth) and His heart were fully aligned with the Word of God. He saw 100% results 100% of the time.

Since He did not sin, He fully trusted God (1 Peter 2:23). The root issue of sin lies with a lack of trust in God. He believed God the Father fully, thus He did not sin.

A fully yielded heart that trusts God 100% produces 100% results 100% of the time.

Does sin stop the power of God from moving? No! 

But sin stops the power of God from moving through you 100% of the time because you have a trust issue. Sin proves that we don't fully trust God 100% and if we don't trust Him, we cannot see 100% results 100% of the time like Jesus did.

Jesus did no sin and there was no deceit found in His mouth. He had 100% trust in the Father. If we want to walk like Him, we will need to live like Him.

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