Saturday 31 August 2024

The Possible Biblical Death

The Possible Biblical Death

The early disciples and last century disciples knew how to walk in the life of God until they were ready to depart from this earth.

For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. - 2 Tim 4:6-7

Paul knew when his time of departure was near. God revealed to him. He completed his assignment entrusted by God. Before that, he knew that he had the power and life of God to decide if he should live or die (Phil 1:21-26). He didn't die of sickness. He was beheaded as a martyr.

...since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. - 2 Peter 1:14

Peter knew when his time of departure was near. God revealed to him. He was crucified as a martyr.

F.F Bosworth, after completing his assignment, knew that the time of his departure was near. God revealed to him in 1957.

For a few months, he continued to be alive. Few weeks before his departure, he gathered all his family members to inform them and pray for them.

But he still couldn't depart. So he asked T.L Osborn to come and pray for him to leave this earth. He said to Osborn, "I have been preaching this for too long. I have been walking in it. The life of God is strong in me. My body doesn't want to let me go. Pray for me, so that I can depart and go."

Osborn visited and prayed for him for a few days. Finally, F.F Bosworth slept and went to heaven. He didn't die due to sickness. He died because he finished his assignment and God had revealed that his time was up.

What's the possibility that the biblical death is one without sickness and one that has completed the assignment, when God reveals that it's time to depart?

Kenneth Hagin, too, experienced that. I believe we, too, can experience this.

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