Thursday 8 August 2024

Why Are You Lying?

Why Are You Lying?

It is human to err and human to lie, especially white lies. Sounds about right. But little do we know that lying has a powerful effect on how the Word of God comes to pass in and through our lives.

When we got born again, the Spirit in us is the Spirit of Truth (Jn 16:13). This Spirit is at war with the flesh (human) as said in Romans 8:7. As believers, we can no longer say "I'm just a human" and yet expect the Word to manifest all the time. It's contradictory.

I believe that Jesus had 100% result in and through the Word, not because He is the Word, since He had to be an example for us by becoming a Man living in the Spirit to demonstrate the Kingdom of God, but because He only spoke the Truth (John 14:6).

1 Peter 2:1 - So put away... ALL deceit...

I just read this verse today and I was reminded that it's not some, but ALL.

God exalts His Word above His name (Ps 138:2). He holds the universe by the Word of His power (Heb 1:3). It is impossible for God to lie (Heb 6:18). He is the Word (John 1:1). The integrity of God's Word lies in the integrity of His mouth.

If God were to tell a single white lie, the whole universe would fall apart. That means that His Word would become void of power.

If this is so, we need to re-think about how lying impacts the effectiveness of the Word of God coming out from our mouth.

Lying as a lifestyle or in our daily lives may seem harmless, especially white lies and sales talk, but it actually hinders the Word of God from manifesting in and through our lives. There is NO separation between the secular and the spiritual because the Word is going to come out from your soul and body.

Death and life lies in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21). Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Lk 6:45). We speak what we believe (2 Cor 4:13).

In other words, each time when we lie (including white lies), death is released, because lying is in the realm of death. Each time when we lie, our heart is reinforced to believe in the lie, since we speak what comes from the heart. Each time when we lie, we wire ourselves to believe in lies, instead of truth.

Here's the thing. When you study the Word of God and speak the Word of God, because of lying in your daily lives, you can't get to the point of truly believing in the Word of God because your heart is living in the tension of truths and lies.

Out of the same mouth, truths and lies flow out. You cannot separate the Word of God (Truth) and your own words (lies in daily life). It's like blessing and cursing (James 3:10) from the same mouth. Therefore, you stumble (James 3:2) and become double-minded (James 1:7-8), where you don't see the Word of God manifest in and through your life.

The next time when we don't see the promises of God coming to past in our lives, don't ask, "Where is the faithfulness of God?" Instead, ask, "Have I been lying in my life, thus causing the Word to become powerless in my life?"

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