Monday 19 August 2024

Don't Change

If your idea of healing is based on whether you feel the symptoms in your body or not, you still don't understand identity.

Since faith is the evidence of things unseen, the evidence of healing is not based on what you feel or see in your body. The evidence of healing is based on "By His stripes".

People might say that you are lying. Ignore them. They don't understand the Word and identity. You speak what the Word says. Since the Word is the only absolute Truth, when you speak what the Word says, you are always telling the truth.

The people around you and the enemy are always trying to get you to speak out what is contrary to the Word. Jesus said that Lazarus was sleeping when everyone around Him was telling Him "No, Lazarus is dead!" But Jesus understood the Word; He understood identity. He spoke the Word because He is the Word.

And He raised Lazarus from the dead.

If your evidence is based on the result and what you see, you don't need faith. In fact, you don't need Christianity. You just need doctors. They will tell you the medical result. They will tell you what they see.

But if you want to be "The righteous lives by faith", then you have to base your evidence on the Word. 

"What does the Word say?" becomes your only evidence. "By His stripes, I was healed."

People will say all kinds of things about you when you keep believing and speaking the Word as your evidence. They want to knock you out of the ground. Some do it on purpose; some are just sincere and genuine but they don't understand the Word yet.

The more people say you are crazy, lying and weird, the more you drive your legs deeper into the ground and stay unwavering, unchanging, unshakeable, steadfast and immoveable. Because after you have done all, STAND. Don't move.

The Word is the most stubborn and firm thing in the entire universe. It does not change regardless of anything. Therefore, you cannot allow anyone to change what the Word says in your life.

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