Tuesday 25 June 2024

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part One

Resting Destroys satan's Works Part One

Last night, I was spending time in prayer when I saw a vision of Jesus rowing a boat peacefully in the midst of surrounding chaos. He was totally uninterrupted in His own world, smiling as He was rowing.

Then He spoke to me, "The peace on the inside of you overcomes everything that is in the world." And the Holy Spirit revealed to me that as believers, our default (natural) mode is faith!

The God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet. - Rom 16:20

Why isn't it the God of war or the God of power that will crush satan under our feet? Peace must not be underestimated, since it crushes satan and his works.

When the disciples were on the boat in Mark 4, a windstorm arose. Water was breaking into the boat, causing it to begin to sink. But Jesus was still sleeping in the boat. Uninterrupted!

The disciples were panicking. They woke Him up. Jesus spoke to the sea, "Peace, be still!" And He said to His disciples, "Have you still no faith?" (Mk 4:40)

I like to read Scriptures forward and backward. In this case, the disciples had no peace because they had no faith (aka unbelief). Jesus had faith, thus He had peace.

And the peace He had within changed the world outside which had no peace. That peace crushed the enemy's works.

When you have peace, you rest. Jesus rested in the boat when the disciples wrestled with the storm. The reason Jesus had to wake up and rebuke the storm is for the sake of His disciples who were crumbling in fear.

Otherwise, all of them could have slept through the storm and the sinking boat, and still reach the other side of the island (Mk 4:35). If they had peace like Jesus did. If they rested like Jesus did. 

Because the peace within Jesus is not only uninterrupted, it is also untouchable. The storm and the waves could not touch Him. He didn't need to wake up from His beauty sleep to release that peace into the atmosphere. There was NO NEED to calm the storm and waves.

I could imagine the water and the waves surrounding Him, moving along the perimeter of His body as He was sleeping, BUT they could not touch Him. That's the kind of peace that surpasses ALL understanding.

If you have peace within, if you rest within, the storm and the waves cannot touch you.

I have more to share on this important aspect of peace and how it crushes your sickness. Stay tuned for the next part.

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