Tuesday 11 June 2024

Why Believers Seem Harder To Get Healed?

Why Believers Seem Harder To Get Healed?

If we think that believers are harder to get healed, you will see what you believe. Because according to your faith, it is done.

God shows NO partiality. If the finished works of Christ paid for ALL to be healed, ALL means ALL, whether you are a believer or not.

After seeing thousands of individuals healed in the streets, I saw the Word remaining steadfast and true. Whether it's believer or not, all get healed the same.


Not all stay healed. Believers are the ones who don't stay healed as easily as non-believers.

It used to baffle my mind until I realised that Matthew 28:18 and Mark 11:24 have been given to believers.

The same authority of Christ has been given to believers. Therefore, what a believer says has power to his body (Prov 18:21), either life or death.

Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. - Mark 11:24

Prayer is not just what you say in a prayer meeting. It is not just what you say when you end with "In Jesus' name. Amen." That will be religion.

What you say out of your mouth IS prayer, regardless of the location and time.

Non-believers don't know God. They don't have an idea of who God is. They have NO belief of God. When they get healed, they realise it is God. Period.

Believers know God. More often than not, they have WRONG belief of God. They have an idea of who God is that is not rooted in Christ. When they get healed, while they realise it is God, they still have wrong belief.

Mark 11:24 says that you receive what you believe. It doesn't say what kind of belief. So if you believe wrongly, you can receive that too.

If the enemy throws darts at a believer (after receiving healing), the believer with a wrong belief of who God is thinks that it is God speaking in his mind about the healing, he can receive what he believes wrongly.

This is probably why we see believers experiencing symptoms back in their bodies after they get healed. It is not that they didn't get healed, but they welcomed the sickness back with their wrong belief (Mark 11:24).

If we don't right our belief, you can get healed but not stay healed.

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