Tuesday 11 June 2024

Understanding Is Received By Faith

By faith, we understand... - Heb 11:3

The word 'understand' in Greek means 'to perceive with the mind.'

The mind of Christ is operated by faith. To understand the things of God, it is not by research, study, our experiences or our analytical mind.

Understanding must be received by faith. If we want understanding, we must walk by faith.

This is the reason why some cannot understand the things you do. They think you are out of your mind. But what is out of their mind might not be out of the mind of Christ.

The opposite of faith is not fear, but sight. People who live by sight have no understanding. They based their understanding by what they see with the physical eyes.

Walking by sight always produces fear and timidity (Hebrews 10:38-39). Walking by sight always shrinks back (which means timidity in Greek).

People who live by faith have understanding because they perceive with the mind of Christ.

Walking by faith always produces confidence (Heb 10:35; 11:1) because the mind of Christ is confident. 

When we get understanding by faith we walk in confidence.

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