Saturday 15 June 2024

Jesus Is Not The Way To Heaven

Jesus Is Not The Way To Heaven 

Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. He revealed the King, His Kingship and His Kingdom. He's full of Love & Truth.

But He didn't come to get you say a prayer to go heaven. Neither did Peter and Paul do that.

Jesus is not the Way to heaven. It's not in the Bible. He is the Way to the Father (Jn 14:6).

Dan Mohler nailed it when he shared, "We teach people that God sent His Son to forgive our sins so that we can go heaven. We preachers like to say this, 'If you die tonight and don't know where you are going, pray this prayer.' We teach this self-centred gospel. Jesus doesn't preach the Gospel that way ever!"

He added, "Jesus didn't forgive us so that we can go heaven. He forgave us so that we can get back to the Father."

This is Bible.

We make it about prayer when Jesus made it about surrender. He came to restore sonship and purpose. Our response is to surrender our lives to Him and live according to His image.

That's repentance. That's repenting unto the Kingdom. And that's what get us saved - spirit, soul and body.

I like what Curry Blake do before he ends a preaching service. There is no altar call to get people to pray a prayer of salvation. That's not Bible. He challenged the unbelievers to make Jesus Lord of their lives --- "If you do not know Jesus, you need to decide today to make Him Lord and live according to His ways."

Faith is a decision. Repentance is a decision. Don't pray a prayer to get to heaven. It doesn't work that way.

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