Wednesday 29 May 2024

No Big Deal

No Big Deal

Two months ago, I bit the inner part of my cheek so hard that I knew it would become an ulcer. The track record had always been the case.

As I was driving, I suddenly thought, "Why should I even tolerate this, even though it is such a minor thing that I normally don't bother about? If I walk in divine health, this is easy and possible for Jesus."

So I commanded the wound in the inner cheek to close as I was driving. Nobody knows how loud I am when I'm alone with Him. I bet the motorists outside could hear. For I was not going to tolerate this little discomfort.

You dominate what you don't tolerate.

Then... I didn't know how... but before I knew it, the wound disappeared within a short time.

Last week, the same thing happened. I accidentally bit the inner part of my cheek again. Just as hard.

So I yelled at it again. Cos everything is demonic (kidding). I deal with every physical issue the same way and it has gotten me the most results.

And the wound disappeared again within a short time.

Biting our inner cheek and ulcers might not be a big deal for us. But the Power of God is more than able to deal with both the big and the small issues in your life.

If you don't want anything common (such as common flu) to be common to you, you need to rise up against it and stop tolerating what you should dominate over in Christ.

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