Saturday 18 May 2024

Sinner's Prayer Sent Many To Hell

Over the years in street evangelism and lifestyle evangelism, I had been guilty in my earlier years of leading many individuals to pray the sinner's / salvation prayer thinking that they were born again, when they were NOT.

When I understood the Gospel of the Kingdom, I no longer get people to pray that. Praying a prayer does NOT get people born again. It's not in Scriptures.

They must be born again to see the Kingdom of God.

When the Holy Spirit taught me through the Word on the Gospel of the Kingdom years ago, I repented. It was humbling but necessary. I had to change the way I preach to the lost in the streets. I had to remove this sacred cow of sinner's / salvation prayer.

It shook my theology upside down. Just as God did regarding identity, sonship and New Covenant in the past. I chose to surrender to Him and His truth.

The influence of the Western & modern Christianity has resulted in this mess. We need to get back to the Bible, the Word and what the early church did.

Watch more in the link: Preached by Paul Washer

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