Friday 3 May 2024

What Gospel Do You Preach?

What Gospel Do You Preach?

The cleaning company sent 6 guys in total to clean a rental unit.

Ministered to one of them. As he was healed, the rest of the four guys queued for their turn. All were healed of lower spine issue, back problem, nerve issue, headache, stomach problem, cervical spine issue and one with organ problem (cannot be verified on the spot).

Shared Jesus with them but didn't get them to pray the salvation prayer. They are M and they are not ready to let go of their god.

I'm one who desires to get people born again but I'm also one who desires them to know what the Gospel truly is. If they want to give their lives to Jesus, they must let go of every other god.

If we preach a watered down Gospel, we can easily get almost everybody 'born again'.

But if we preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, the Kingdom parable (foundation to everything in the Kingdom) in Mark 4 reveals that only 25% will bear fruit.

If everyone whom we share the Gospel with gets 'born again', it is very likely that we didn't preach the Gospel.

Keep sowing seeds, but don't assume people get born again just because we lead them into salvation prayer. I did that countless of times in the past due to zeal without knowledge, but I have learnt my mistakes. It was always during follow-ups when you would realise that they weren't really born again despite having prayed the salvation prayer.

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