Friday 31 May 2024

Unstoppable Domain

Unstoppable Domain

You and I have an unstoppable domain on the inside of us. It's called the Law of the Spirit of Life.

We can either be 'controlled' by the Law of the Spirit of Life or the law of sin and death ( Romans 8 ).

As a New Man in Christ, we have a new operating system. We can still function in the old operating system if we choose to. It's the law of sin and death. But if we choose to function in the new system, the Law of the Spirit of Life is an unstoppable domain.

Two days ago, I had a packed lunch. The vegetables tasted strange. The rice and meat tasted like it was left overnight. Nonetheless, I finished the whole packet.

At about 10pm at night, I had one round of diarrhoea, followed by three rounds of throwing up. I knew it was food poisoning as I already suspected the lunch had issue.

As usual, my wife was concerned. She wanted to give me probiotics, trying to convince me that probiotics is not medication/drug. I said "No. I only need Jesus. By His stripes, I am healed."

So I kept releasing the Law of the Spirit of Life from the inside out. I knew that I had to wake up early the next day to minister healing to someone with stage 4 cancer. We just saw one crushed and I was ready to crush the next one.

The enemy is merciless. He won't give you a single chance. He whispered on my mind that night, "Why not just change to another day?" I said, "No way. I'm heading there. Because I'm healed."

The next morning, I woke up feeling weak, because of the loss of sugar and minerals. But you either let your body move you, or you let your Spirit move you. The Spirit on the inside is an unstoppable domain.

I drove there, shared the Word, ministered and was re-charged. Headed to work before I came back home. And I began to make my hand drip coffee. My wife said, "You can't drink coffee because you just had food poisoning last night. How can your stomach take it?"

I said, "Yes I can. Because I am the healed of Christ." So I drank. And all is well.

There is an unstoppable domain on the inside of every believer. It's called the Law of the Spirit of Life. We need this to be more real than anything else in the world. The only way is to live by faith. For the Righteous Shall Live By Faith.

If we can minister healing to others, but not to ourselves, we merely understand the foundation of healing but we do not grasp hold of the foundation of identity.

Walking in divine health requires the understanding of identity, not healing. If you understand healing, the enemy can still stop you by attacks. If you understand identity, the enemy cannot stop you with attacks because there is an unstoppable domain on the inside of you.

Let's keep crushing the devil.

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