Thursday 16 May 2024

Keep Advancing

Keep Advancing

What matters most is the pursuit of spiritual growth in Him. We need to keep growing and advancing in Him. The moment we think that we are doing fine is the moment we start backsliding.

I grew from preaching mixed covenant to pure New Covenant.

I grew from going after impartations and anointings to pure identity and the fullness of Christ in you.

I grew from divine healings to divine health.

I grew from constantly sharing own testimonies to wanting to see others being truly empowered.

I used to be so zealous in reaching the lost in streets, but without knowledge. I led many individuals to pray the 'sinner's/salvation prayer' without preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. Then I grew to realise that they didn't truly get born again when I followed up with them. I was so excited with the encounter and the incident, but neglected the whole truth-process.

As I grew in Him, I no longer get excited when people share about this and this getting born again in the streets. I want to know what was preached to the person instead of a mere sinner's prayer which is not in the Bible. I'm still excited and zealous in reaching the lost, but with the Gospel of the Kingdom.

As I grew in Him, I no longer merely see what's on social media and be naive to believe what I see. I want to see deeper and not shallow stuff.

I used to minister regularly by laying of hands on the head, calling for altar calls, preaching 'it's going to be life-changing today!!!', 'it's going to be a life-changing encounter!!!', etc, etc. I used to get excited with people falling under power, holy laughters, crying and weeping, manifesting, shaking and trembling on the ground, etc, etc. 

But as I grew in Him, I realised that all these do NOT change or transform lives. You can keep preaching all these supernatural encounters but the Bible makes it clear that only Romans 12:2 (2 Cor 3:18) can change lives. This is why Paul delved into the Word for many years after the road to Damascus. He wrote the biggest chunk of the epistles and mentioned nothing about encounters changing your life.

It is at an infant stage to pursue after supernatural encounters thinking that you can be transformed by that. Paul wanted the churches to grow in maturity in his epistles. The book with spiritual manifestations was written to the most carnal Christians in his days ---- the Corinthians. He said they were not spiritual, people of the flesh, babies/infants, and not ready for solid food (1 Cor 3:1-2).

We need to keep growing and advancing in the Kingdom. And the only way to grow and advance is to go deeper in the Word and do the Word.

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