Wednesday 15 May 2024

Kingdom Mindset VS Church Mindset

Kingdom Mindset VS Church Mindset

A church mindset says, "You must attend church service every week."
A kingdom mindset says, "You should be in koinonia with others."

A church mindset thinks about location.
A kingdom mindset thinks about position.

A church mindset thinks about going to church.
A kingdom mindset thinks about being the church.

A church mindset places the teachings from the pulpit as priority (even though they tell you to study the Word).
A kingdom mindset places the Word as priority. It takes away spoon feeding and forces you to come face to face with the Word.

A church mindset invites people to come.
A kingdom mindset empowers people to go.

A church mindset has events and programme.
A kingdom mindset is organic and allows events to take place anytime, anywhere.

A church mindset has a separation between clergy and laity (even though they tell you that all are sons and daughters).
A kingdom mindset has no separation and it equips you to walk exactly like sons and daughters.

A church mindset gets you to pray the sinner's prayer.
A kingdom mindset gets you to give your life to the King, which is not based on saying a prayer.

A church mindset gets offended when the members leave.
A kingdom mindset releases you into where you should be.

A church mindset focuses on growing in numbers.
A kingdom mindset focuses on growing in disciples who do the work.

A church mindset focuses on becoming a greater CEO.
A kingdom mindset focuses on getting yourself out of the job.

A church mindset is controlling.
A kingdom mindset is liberating.

A church mindset has a vision every year (or every now and then) so that you can serve the vision.
A kingdom mindset focuses on the Great Commission as the only Vision so that you can serve the King.

A church mindset asks you to serve in church ministries.
A kingdom mindset asks you to serve God's assignment for your life.

A church mindset sets qualifications before you can minister in some areas (except leadership).
A kingdom mindset knows you are already qualified to minister when you are born again.

A church mindset focuses on giving to the church and building fund.
A kingdom mindset focuses on giving to people in need, instead of wasting resources.

A church mindset has it's pastor getting richer as members grow and give more.
A kingdom mindset pulls resources together to see how they can be distributed.

A church mindset has alot of meetings.
A kingdom mindset has alot of getting the work done.

A church mindset believes in different kinds of anointing and gifts of the Spirit (even though they say that Christ is in you).
A kingdom mindset believes in Christ in you, so that you walk like Him.

A church mindset does alot of impartation thinking that the "greater" can give to the "lesser".
A kingdom mindset knows that you are complete in Him and the fullness of God dwells in you, so you just need to walk it out.

A church mindset talks about the pastor and the man of God.
A kingdom mindset talks about Jesus who is the God of men.

A church mindset looks forward to the next encounter.
A kingdom mindset knows that you are the encounter.

There is still alot more to this list but a kingdom mindset doesn't need to have them all listed out 😂😂😂

P.S: Was asked to share this. And I know that every speaking engagement is gone after this 😆

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