Monday 9 September 2024

Re-studying The Parable of The Sower

Re-studying The Parable of The Sower

I was planning to read 1 John when the Spirit intercepted and invited me to go back to Mark 4.

This is the foundation of the Kingdom which gives understanding to every other parable about the Kingdom.

Read Mark 4 (Jews & Gentiles), Matthew 13 (Jews) and Luke 8 (Gentiles) again.

25% rejected the Gospel of the Kingdom.

25% received (in the Greek, it means to 'receive with the mind') but either took offense (Jews) or departed from it (Gentiles) due to tribulation/persecution.

25% remain unfruitful / never mature due to worldliness.

Only 25% accepted = held fast = understood the Gospel of the Kingdom.

The Gospel of the Kingdom has only 1/4 who will respond to it. Many are called but few are chosen. Those who accepted/held fast/understood the Gospel are chosen.

Today, if the Gospel you preach has 100% response, perhaps you are not preaching the Gospel.

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