Thursday 28 December 2017

Belief Crushes Unbelief

Then He began to rebuke the cities in which most of His mighty works had been done, because they did not repent. - Matt 11:20

Contrary to the popular beliefs, apparently, unbelief cannot stop Jesus from healing and doing miracles. He did most of His miracles in cities full of unbelief.

What you believe can crush every ounce of unbelief in the room.

Friday 22 December 2017

Resting In God's Providence

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. - Matt 6:28-29

Solomon was the richest man in the Old Covenant. Every year, he received 666 talents of gold. According to a research, that would worth about $1,165,766,400 US dollars (more than $1 billion US dollars). His glory exceeded all the kings of the earth.

Yet Jesus said that the lilies of the field are more glorious than Solomon's. Why would Jesus say that?

Because Solomon was living in Old Covenant glory. His riches required hard work and toiling.

"Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure, for my heart rejoiced in all my labor; and this was my reward from all my labor. Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done and on the labor in which I had toiled; and indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. There was no profit under the sun." - Ecc 2:10-11 (emphasis added)

The lilies of the field have a different glory. They neither TOIL nor SPIN. They are clothed by the goodness and the glory of God. In other words, they simply rest in the One who provides.

This analogy is parallel to the birds of the air. They neither SOW nor REAP nor GATHER into barn (Matt 6:26). Even the birds rest in God's providence.

The kingdom of God operates differently from the kingdom of the world. In the kingdom of the world, you reap what you sow. In the kingdom of God, you reap what Jesus sowed.

Jesus sowed His life, so that we can reap His reward. This is grace. On the Cross, Jesus became poor, so that we can become rich in Him. The curse of poverty was reversed and the blessing of abundance was released. We are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.

The hardest thing to do is to rest in His Providence. Because every part of us on the inside is screaming to strive harder. We are not of this world, yet the world system is still in us at times. The mind needs continual renewal, especially for us Singaporeans.

When we rest in His providence, we are saying, "Papa, I trust You."

P.S: Resting is not idleness. Resting has to do with the position of the heart.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

In God's Timing Or In Your Timing? Part 3

There are many prophets out there prophesying the date of End Time, yet none of them is accurate, because apparently, they don't read the Bible. The next time you hear any renowned prophet releasing the date, you can be sure that it is wrong.

But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. - Matt 24:36

No one will know the date and hour, except God. But we may wonder why as His children, we still won't know, even though we know the Son (who is the exact representation of the Father). If it is based on His timing, we probably can know, just as Jeremiah and Daniel knew God's timing as they sought the Lord.

For thus says the Lord: "After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you, and cause you to return to this place." - Jer 29:10

And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, “O Daniel, I have now come forth to give you skill to understand... Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city..." - Dan 9:22, 24

Yet when it concerns the End, I believe that the timing depends on our response, which is why NO ONE will know the exact date and time, except God who sees the end from the beginning, since He lives outside of time.

Jesus said concerning the End in Matt 24. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the END will come." - Matt 24:14 (emphasis added)

In other words, God desires ALL to be saved and none to be perished (2 Peter 3:9). Hence, He, through Christ, entrusted us with the authority and power to preach the Gospel to all the world (Mark 16:15-18). It is God WORKING through us to will and to do His work (Phil 2:13).

Grace always requires a response. Else everyone in the world will automatically be saved. That response is faith. And faith always produces good works. Our response to His grace is to preach the Gospel to all the world. Without our response, the End won't come, because He desires that none shall perish. So He is waiting for our timing, instead of us waiting for His timing. People praying for revival will have no revival until they go out to be the answer for their prayer - to manifest the Revived Son. The Great Commission is not "Stay in your room and pray and intercede." It is "GO and preach the Gospel to all the world."

Jesus gave the same answer to the disciples when they asked Him after His resurrection.

Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority." - Acts 1:6-7

The Father indeed has put the timing in His own authority. That doesn't mean that He has fixed a timing. Nowhere in the Bible says that He has fixed a timing for the End. Because if He has fixed it, we can sit back, relax and do nothing.

But He has put the timing in His own authority and He has given us Christ (who has all authority in heaven and on earth). That timing is based on our response to the authority and power He has given.

This is why Jesus immediately answered in the next verse after saying, "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority."

"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” - Acts 1:8

In other words, Jesus is saying, "GO and preach the Gospel to all the world. THEN, the End shall come."

Don't wait for God's timing when He is in fact, waiting for our timing. Get your butt moving.

Monday 18 December 2017

In God’s Timing Or In Your Timing? Part 2

Last night, I told my son, “After you have finished eating your dinner, you can have your Yakult.”

Yakult is a promise given to him by his father. However, there is a timing between the promise given and the promise fulfilled. That timing doesn’t depend on me. It depends on my son. As far as I am concerned, I have already given my promise. I won’t take back nor change my mind.

Why does the fulfillment of the promise depend on my son’s timing? The faster he finishes his dinner, the earlier he gets to enjoy my promise - drinking Yakult. The slower he finishes his dinner, the later he gets to drink.

He’s not trying to earn my promise by eating dinner. It’s not work-oriented. It’s faith-based. It’s about him believing that his papa will be faithful to fulfil his promise of letting him drink Yakult. Eating his dinner well, hence, is a result of faith, because faith always produces works.

God promised Israel that they would enter the Promised Land given to them, one that was flowing with milk and honey. The journey from Egypt to Canaan was 11-days. But it took Israel 40 years. The timing between the promise given and the promise fulfilled could have been very short. Yet because Israel did not believe, what should be 11 days’ journey became 40 years.

The Old Covenant was the New Covenant concealed. The New Covenant is the Old Covenant revealed.

The Promised Land pointed to the Promised Spirit (Gal 3:14). The Land filled with milk and honey pointed to the Holy Spirit who came with all the spiritual blessings and all the riches in glory in Christ.

In the Old Covenant, milk and honey were on the external. They were the outward manifestations. In the New Covenant, milk and honey are on the internal - these are the unlimited resources of heaven in Christ which are our inheritance.

This is why milk and honey flow out of our tongue when we believe (Song of Solomon 4:11), because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

On the Cross, Jesus opened the Way for heaven to pour out the Promised Spirit (Acts 2) on every single one of us. From then on, we are not waiting for God’s timing to pour out more blessings or more of His Spirit. His timing was done and completed. His Promise was given and released.

Now we simply receive His promises by believing. The timing for promise fulfilled is based on us, just as the timing to drink the Yakult depends on my son.

God’s promises are not based on His timing. It is based on our timing.

P.S: On side note, while people are still waiting for God to bring revival, God is waiting for us to manifest the Revived Son. Revival doesn’t depend on His timing. It depends on our timing. This is why the Great Commission says “GO.”

New Covenant - Fasting

In the New Covenant, we have no account of fasting except book of Acts, 2 Cor 6:5, 2 Cor 11:27 and perhaps 1 Cor 7:5.

Book of Acts was a historical book. It wasn’t a theological book. The early apostles were still growing in revelation of the New Covenant. Personally, I see both Old and New Covenant in the book of Acts. Historically, it wasn’t so clean cut. This is why the book of Hebrews had to be written. Until the Temple was destructed, the people were still in a mixed Covenant as they were going through transition. Hence, while the early apostles fasted, it didn’t mean they fully understood the New Covenant.

In Paul’s letters, however, we don’t see him talking about fasting, except 2 Cor 6:5, 2 Cor 11:27 and 1 Cor 7:5.

1 Cor 7:5 is clear cut in the Greek translation. Fasting isn’t in the original Greek. Only prayer.

For 2 Cor 6:5 and 2 Cor 11:27, the Greek Word for ‘fasting’ can also mean ‘hunger’. The whole list of what Paul went through seemed to point to the fact that he was driven to hunger because of a lack of food. In other words, he had no choice but to fast because there was no food haha.

I believe that fasting is no longer an obligation and no longer a need in the New Covenant. You should start feasting haha. Most of the reasons for fasting in our present day context are out of wrong motive and wrong understanding.

Yet there is a space for fasting if we read 1 Cor 7:5. Paul was talking about fasting from sexual intimacy with the spouse for the purpose of prayer.

The principle seems the same. Fasting for the purpose of focus. It’s to be intentional in the consciousness of Him. However, if you can stay conscious of Him without fasting, then there is no need to fast. Besides, there are other ways to stay conscious of Him without fasting.

P.S: I still live a lifestyle of fasting...

Friday 15 December 2017

In God's Timing Or In Your Timing? Part 1

Last evening, I saw a vision of the Father and me sitting on His throne. He took out a watch and threw it away. I was baffled. Then He said, "My promises in Christ are not based on My timing. It is based on your timing. Because I live outside of time. Time doesn't apply to Me. It is you who live with timing."

Perplexed, I said, "I need Scriptures." A vision without Scripture confirmation can be a voice that is not from God.

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. - Mark 11:24

For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. - 2 Cor 1:20

This vision may sound like a different God we know traditionally. Because we are so used to saying, "Oh, in God's perfect timing." But what does it really mean when we say, "In God's timing?" We are indirectly putting the whole deal on Him when we don't see His promises fulfilled.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick. We get disappointed when "His timing" seems forever. We blame Him. We call Him a liar. Finally, we walk away from the One who is absolute goodness.

For He has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph 1:3).

In other words, all of God's promises were released on the Cross. Healing, deliverance, wisdom, abundance, peace, joy, righteousness, and the list goes on, etc.

His timing for the promises to be given to us was the CROSS. This is why salvation (saved, healed, delivered, protected, preserved, made whole, kept safe and sound) is always NOW.

God's promises are not based on His timing. They are based on our timing. What does it mean?

Mark 11:24 says that if we believe that we have received the promise, we will have it. Every promise of God is by grace through faith. It has already been given. We simply believe. The process between receiving and manifesting lies with believing. Believe in the good, good Father.

Believing lies in our timing, not in God's timing. It's not believing in the head or the mind. It's believing in the heart (Mark 11:23).

For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ they are [all answered] “Yes.” So through Him we say our “Amen” to the glory of God. - 2 Cor 1:20 (Amplified Bible)

God's promises were answered and given in Christ. Our response is to believe with 'Amen'.

God's promises are not based on God's timing. It is based on our timing. The equation is not on His side. He has done a perfectly complete work on the Cross. He is perfectly GOOD! Jesus!

Testimony - HRT Online Healing Room

We had an elderly man who came online and requested ministry for his finger, which constantly trembled due to the diagnosis of Parkinson Disease.

After ministry via Zoom, his finger stopped trembling. Jesus! We are waiting for follow-up to see how he is and what the doctor says.

The interesting thing is this... there was a problem with my laptop’s microphone. So he couldn’t hear us at all. Yet ministering healing is more about believing than speaking. The signs indeed follow the one ministering, because it has nothing to do with the recipient. Even if he can’t hear any single word, even if he is online in the Internet, he can still receive healing. The Law of the Spirit of Life can transcend time and space to crush the law of sin and death. Jesus!

Next HRT online Healing Room will be held on Thursday, 28 Dec.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Your Sins Are Forgiven You

Then behold, they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you.” - Matthew 9:2

It is interesting that while the Bible did not record that the paralytic put his faith in Christ, Jesus declared, "Your sins are forgiven you."

Does that mean that you don't have to put your faith in Jesus for your sins to be forgiven?

It is interesting that Jesus saw faith in the paralytic's friends, and yet He declared to the paralytic, "Your sins are forgiven you."

Does that mean that others can represent you to believe in Jesus for your sins to be forgiven?

How could Jesus declare the forgiveness of sins so easily to the paralytic man who didn't even declare his trust in Jesus?

Jesus was God in the flesh. And God lives outside of time. He is not in the box that we tend to put Him in. He sees the end from the beginning.

"...your sins are FORGIVEN you." The word 'forgiven' is in perfect tense. It is viewed as done and completed in the past once and for all, not needing to be repeated.

The One who is the same yesterday, today and forever; the One who saw the past, the present and the future; the One who is the Beginning and the End...

He already saw the Cross.
He already saw the forgiveness of sins.
He already saw redemption.

Therefore, He could declare to the paralytic, "Your sins are forgiven you."

That doesn't mean that the paralytic is saved. It means that he is forgiven and thus, he is free to receive the life of Christ by believing in the goodness that he has received.

This is the message of the Cross - the goodness of God leads you to repentance. Jesus!

...whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. - Rom 3:25-26

...that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them... - 2 Cor 5:19

Monday 11 December 2017

Xperiential Outreach To Hospital Children Cancer Ward

After postponing a few times due to unforeseen circumstances, we finally managed to reach out to the children at a hospital - cancer wards.

We ministered healing and loved them with Spidey performance, songs, Polaroid photo-taking as well as prophetic encouragement cards. Special thanks to some folks from Soakability for drawing the cards in advance and passing them to us.

The social worker who worked with us encountered Jesus powerfully and gave her life to Jesus.

Had a word of knowledge for her right shoulder. As we ministered without touching her, she felt a Person enfolding her from the back gently. She felt warmth all over her body and was healed. Then what came next shocked her completely.

"You are someone who loves freedom of space. Like a fish, you flow freely and creatively. The way you think is very creative and there is so much more potential in you than what you are doing now. Because this job does not fit you. You don't feel at ease and it doesn't fit you in. Because you are wired for something else and you know that. This job is just a transition. You are not doing what you want to do yet."

It was her first time experiencing all these. She was shocked, yet allowed us to share the Gospel with her.

An hour later, we received a phone call from her. She called my wife's number because I wrote it down as an emergency contact number (required by the hospital for volunteers). She wanted to know more.

God spoke and we said, "You have been in a vicious cycle of hurting relationships and God wants to set you free and protect you from this."

She was so surprised that she started pouring out everything about her relationships and her present job. It was indeed a transition for her and she wanted to do something very different from the present social work. She also wondered why she kept falling into the same cycle of hurting relationships.

We shared further and she gave her life to Jesus! So good! Jesus!

Praying that the kids received healing for cancer. Amen!

Sunday 3 December 2017

“Papa, I Don’t Have To Pray”

“Papa, I Don’t Have To Pray.”

My son excitedly exclaimed when he discovered that he didn’t have to pray for a button to be stuck on the wall.

I replied, “You are right. You don’t have to pray. You only need to believe.”

This is the principle of the kingdom. Everything is by grace through faith. If we believe, we don’t have to say a prayer.

Very often, we see people healed before we say anything. Because your believing goes faster than your prayer.

Romans 12:2 says that if we renew our mind, we can prove the good, pleasing and perfect will of God. It didn’t say that if we pray long enough, we can prove it. It has to do with the renewal of mind because it has to do with believing. Jesus said, “Only believe.”

Yet more often than not, I notice that we cannot stay silent. We feel the need to say something in prayer. We feel awkward ministering in silence. If we feel awkward with silence, the recipient will feel exactly the same way. On the other hand, if we are okay with silence, the recipient too, will feel at ease.

Jesus’ healings were always without words or with a few words. Because He simply believed.

It is not about how much we say or declare. Some even like to decree. It is simply about believing.

We held the hand of a hotel staff because of a word of knowledge. She felt spine adjustment going on. Three days ago, she had to wear belt support for her back. And now she’s healed. Jesus!

Don’t confuse prayer with believing.

Healing As Redemption Of Mankind

Friday 24 November 2017

Spiritual Gifts Or Spiritual Maturity?

One of the most common passages used to talk about spiritual gifts is none other than 1 Corinthians 12.

"But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills." - 1 Cor 12:7-11

We somehow mistakenly think that the apostle Paul was talking about spiritual gifts, and we start to classify them into different gifts (9 gifts) to coincide with the fruit of the Spirit (9 fruits in Galatians 5).

First of all, there is only one fruit - Love (John 15:9-17). All other characteristics in Galatians 5:22-23 flow out of LOVE. See also 1 Cor 13:4-7. You can't walk in love and not have all other characteristics as mentioned below.

But the fruit of the Spirit is LOVE, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. - Gal 5:22-23 (emphasis added)

There is no law against LOVE, because Love is the fulfillment of the Law.

Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. - Romans 13:10

If God is love (1 John 4:8) and we are created in His image, then we are called to become Love. That is the fruit we are supposed to bear and Love is the fruit that abides (Jn 15:16; 1 Cor 13:8). Love is the constant that doesn't change regardless of circumstances and situations.

With this in mind, we go back to 1 Corinthians 12. Apostle Paul was writing to a group of people who were carnally minded.

"And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. 2 I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; 3 for you are still carnal." - 1 Cor 3:1-3

In other words, the reason why Paul would even talk about 1 Corinthians 12 was because of the carnality of the Corinthians.

He began with "Now concerning spiritual (gifts), brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant." - 1 Cor 12:1 (bracket added)

The word 'gifts' is not in the original Greek. It is added by translation, which is a bad translation. It should be read as, "Now concerning the spiritual, brethen...."

Paul was talking about the realm of the Spirit. It had NOTHING TO DO with spiritual gifts.

In verse 7-11, Paul was referring to the manifestation (not spiritual gifts) of the Spirit. Verse 7 is saying that the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each believer for the profit of those who need. Paul continued to list the different gifts during THE MANIFESTATION of the Spirit. Eg. Word of wisdom, gift of faith, etc.

It has nothing to do with you having a special gift of healing or gift of faith. Stop thinking highly of yourself. God so loves people that He manifests the gifts according to the needs of the people. He desires them to be made whole and you and I (every believer) are available for Him to use. 

If it is about a special gift, you will be the man of God where people look up to. If it is about the manifestation of the Spirit, then it is about the love of God that we can point people to.

But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He WILLS. - 1 Cor 12:11 (emphasis added)

Some people think that this verse is referring to the Holy Spirit choosing and distributing the gifts on different selected people, because they think that Paul was writing about spiritual gifts.

The word "WILLS" in Greek is the word "boulomai", which means "to plan with full resolve and determination". It underlines the predetermined (and determined) intention. It is not about the Spirit wishing or having a desire. It is about the Spirit willing it so.

In other words, the one and the same Spirit in EVERY believer works all these gifts during the manifestation, distributing to each one because He WILLS it so (He wants it for all).

You and I don't have a unique gift of faith, word of wisdom, etc.. We have the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is He who manifests all the gifts (belonged to the Spirit) when a need arises. This means that every single one of us can move in the manifestation of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. (And I don't think the list is exhaustive).

Why is it that some people seem to move more strongly in one area of the manifestation? Where you focus on and grow in faith in, you will move more strongly. It's called stewardship.

Having said all these, there is a place to walk in where we move beyond the gifts of the manifestation of the Spirit. 

We manifest as sons. We walk in our identity.

But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a MORE EXCELLENT WAY. - 1 Cor 12:31 (emphasis added)

Remember, Paul was talking about the realm of the Spirit with carnal Christians. At the end of chapter 12, he showed them a more excellent way - one that is way above moving in manifestation and gifts.


Love is the fruit of the Spirit. Why is it a more excellent way than manifestation and gifts? Because Love never fails (1 Cor 13:8).

You can move in the realm of the Spirit (1 Cor 12) and still be carnal, unloving, immature, etc. But when you manifest as love, you are not only spiritual and mature, you will move in a more excellent way than what manifestation and gifts can do.

For too long, the church has been separating the two: Power and Love. So they go to both extremes - only power Or only character. 

There is only One - Love. For God is love. And when we walk in love, we WILL naturally walk in power. Jesus had the most consistent results in power because He walked in love.

We can depend on manifestation and gifts to move in power. It may have some results. But it may not be consistent. The reason God uses you to make someone whole is because He loves him/her, not because you are spiritual.

But to have results like Jesus, there is a more excellent way - Love. For love never fails. Love is the fruit, that when grown, remains/stays/abides forever ----- in other words, it will be CONSTANT in every circumstance and in every situation. Love NEVER fails!

I desire to grow and walk in love to become like Him --- and all the power and manifestation will flow freely and consistently without even thinking about it.

If we want to manifest something, manifest LOVE. That is sonship. That is identity. #sonship #identity

Monday 20 November 2017

Does The Kingdom Have To Be Taken By FORCE?

The Gospel of Matthew was written to the Jews, revealing Christ as the King of the Jews. Matthew used "the kingdom of heaven" more than the "kingdom of God", because of his first readers. He used the former 32 times, while the latter 5 times. Some believed that there is no difference between the two.

However, if we look at the context of what Matthew wrote, there seems to be a difference between the kingdom of heaven (Matt 5:19-20; 11:12) and the kingdom of God (Matt 6:33; 12:28). All believers are in the kingdom of heaven but not all are in the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is where the Lord reigns in and through the life of a believer on earth. It speaks of the present instead of the future.

"But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the KINGDOM OF GOD has come upon you." - Matt 12:28 (emphasis added)

Today, however, many taught and believed that the kingdom of God has to be taken or seized by force. You hear people saying, "We need to take the kingdom by force! We got to press into it! We got to contend for it!"

The verse is often quoted from Matthew 11.

"And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." - Matt 11:12

As mentioned, a word without the context becomes the pretext for a proof text. If the kingdom of heaven is different from the kingdom of God, the common belief that you have to take it by force is not true. Because you enter the kingdom of heaven by grace through faith. There is no force needed. There is no need for contending or striving. It is based on the finished works of Christ.

However, supposed that we take the kingdom of heaven AS the kingdom of God, we need to read the context of this passage in the preceding and following verses.

“Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. 12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. 13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. 14 And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come. 15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" - Matt 11:11-15

John the Baptist was known to be the greatest man during Jesus' time, because he pointed everyone to the King (Jesus). But Jesus added, "he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John." Why? John was NOT born again. He was born into earth by his mother, but he wasn't yet born again into heaven by the Spirit of God. John was living in the Old Covenant. (Note: Don't confuse New Testament with New Covenant.)

Thus, anyone IN the kingdom of heaven is greater than John because he/she is BORN AGAIN - with the Spirit of God in him/her.

Jesus continued in verse 12 - "And from the days of John the Baptist UNTIL NOW the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." (emphasis added)

The timeline Jesus gave is very clear. "From the days of John the Baptist UNTIL NOW" - until the time when Jesus was on earth. In other words, this period DOES NOT include the New Covenant period after Jesus' resurrection.

Verse 13 gives us the confirmation. "FOR all the prophets and the law prophesied until John." (emphasis added)

The word 'for' is used as a reason. It can also be interchanged with the word 'because'. You can read it like this - "Because all the prophets and the Law prophesied until John, (therefore), from the days of John UNTIL NOW the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force."

In the Old Testament, the prophets and the Law pointed to the coming of the King of the Jews (Jesus). However, during the Inter-Testament Period (believed to be about 400 years from prophet Malachi to John the Baptist), there was no prophetic word spoken by God to the people.

With this context, you can imagine how the people would respond when John the Baptist came preaching "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" - Matthew 3:1

Many received John's message and came forward to repent. "Then Jerusalem, all Judea, and all the region around the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins." - Matthew 3:5-6

This is why Jesus said in Matthew 11:12-13 - "And from the days of John the Baptist UNTIL NOW the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John." (emphasis added)

The word 'violence' in Greek means 'to press into; to force; to seize." And the word 'the violent' means 'the forceful, the eager ones'.

In other words, Jesus is saying, "This is the TIME where you see the kingdom of heaven being pressed into, and those who are eager after the kingdom of heaven are seizing it."

What Jesus said is simply a confirmation of Matthew 3. People from Jerusalem, ALL Judea and ALL the region around the Jordan pressed into and seized the kingdom of heaven. They included the tax collectors and harlots. (Matt 21:31-32)

These people did not know anything about the kingdom of God because they were NOT born again. They didn't have the Spirit of God in them. God would not be able to reign IN and THROUGH their lives because the Spirit of God would only be given after Jesus resurrected. They probably only understood about entering into the kingdom of heaven.

Yet today, we are using this Scripture verse to talk about having MORE of the kingdom of God by 'forcing, pressing into, contending' for it. That, to me, is really interesting.

The whole game changed when Jesus died and resurrected. We are now living in the New Covenant. (Note: Even the Sermon on the Mount taught by Jesus was largely based on the Old Covenant.) Today, we are born again. We HAVE the Spirit of God - His fullness. The kingdom of God can reign IN and THROUGH us.

Today, we no longer take the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of God by force. We don't press into or strive or contend for it. We receive the kingdom of heaven or God by grace through faith.

Because Jesus had gone to the Cross and did a perfect and complete work, we are restored as sons and daughters of the Most High (Gal 4:6). We are joint heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17). We are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Him (Eph 1:3). We are accepted in the Beloved (Eph 1:6). It is the Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom (Lk 12:32). He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also with Jesus, freely and graciously GIVE US all things? (Rom 8:32)

If you still want to strive and contend for the kingdom, go ahead. I'll learn to receive because it's already my inheritance. We receive by believing. It's by grace through faith. You either wrestle or rest. 

And I choose rest. #identity #kingdom #grace #faith #believing

God Is A Personal God - He Calls You By Name

God is a personal God when He calls you by name.

I brought my iPad for repair at Tai Seng and there was only one staff attending to me. As I was talking to him, I saw a vague word “Aden.” It was so vague that if you don’t think about it, it would just pass you by.

A word of knowledge is not always clear and sharp. When it is, you can easily step out. When it is vague, it takes faith and risk.

We rather be wrong than to miss having someone encountering the personal God. If we simply want to love, getting it right or wrong is never the goal. The goal is love.

I looked at the staff and out of my mouth, I said, “You are Jaden right?” He said, “Yes!” He wasn’t surprised. He probably thought that his colleague who answered the phone few days ago had told me about his name.

Nevertheless, I knew that the God of the Universe is a personal God. He is not just the God of all. He is the God of Jaden. He is the God of one. He is YOUR God. He loves you and cares for every single detail of your life. Not a single matter in your life escapes His eyes and His heart. What concerns you concerns Him. He is FOR you and not against you. He is Love. Therefore, there is no fear despite any storm.

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you BY NAME, you are Mine.” - Isaiah 43:1

#lifestylechristianity101 #daily

Saturday 18 November 2017

Offence - Is It Identity Issue?

Some truths can appear pretty offensive. But truth is only offensive when we have held onto lies so strongly that the latter becomes our identity.

Example: "If you allow sickness to remain in your body, you are denying the finished works of the Christ." - Curry Blake

This one may hit harder: "Anyone who died because of sickness is because the mind was not renewed in some areas." - Curry Blake

These appear offensive. But it's not offensive to me because I would rather first scrutinise what someone says by comparing with the Word of God, than to quickly brush it aside because of my preconceived beliefs and miss out real truth. It is better to be a truth seeker than an emotional seeker.

I would rather have truth than be offended by truth.

Hosea 4:6 says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." In other words, get knowledge and prevent destruction!

The reason why we get offended is because we are still NOT free from ourselves. If I am not free from me, I will not be free from you, and thus, I will be offended by what you say. It is an identity issue.

Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

If I am already dead, I am free from ALL offences. Truth CANNOT offend me. Truth only offends the devil because it destroys his lies, his nature and his works. So if we still get offended, guess whose side are we really on?

Be free from offence, seek truth and become it. Let our identity be built on truth and not lies. #identity

Monday 13 November 2017


Giving thanks for what we have is called gratitude and praise.

Gratitude & praise position us to receive more.

Giving thanks for what we do not yet have is called faith.

Faith positions us to receive what we do not yet have.

Both are necessary because God can turn little into much, and nothing into something. #thanksgiving

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Don’t Confuse Your Calling With Your Assignment

There are still many who think that giving or laying down your whole life for the Gospel means you should give up everything and head into the missions fields to preach the Gospel and heal the sick.

This is a mindset that doesn’t know identity in Christ and thus, has compartmentalised Christianity.

Our calling is not the missions field. Missions is just part of our assignment, though not everyone’s assignment includes missions. Everyone of us is assigned to the Great Commission. But the expressions are different, depending on what God wants you to do - that’s assignment. Some fulfilled the Great Commission in the business realm; some in the IT industry; some in the education sector, etc.

If everyone is called into missions fields and preaching of the Gospel, then who is going to generate electricity for the country? Who is going to govern the nation? Who is going to cook and provide food in eateries? Who is going to teach in schools? Who is going to clean the premises? Who is going to handle manufacturing and business industries? Who is going to make Singapore a cashless society (:p)? Who is going to work on the MRT Transport? The list just goes on. 

If we continue to teach that our church/ministry-related work is more sacred, we will see never-ending issues in the lives of people. It is much more damaging than we think it is. It creates more hypocrisy than ever.

Why is there a men’s ministry or a women’s ministry? Why is there a family life ministry? Why is there a prayer ministry? Because we have compartmentalised the Gospel, resulting in issues that need to be resolved through such ministries. We are trying to solve the problems we ourselves created. The early church and the disciples of Jesus didn’t have such ministries. They just focused on the Gospel and becoming like Christ.

Our true calling is to be conformed into the image of Christ (Rom 8:29), because Christ IN us is the Hope of (glory) the world.

Giving our whole life for the Gospel is to be an accurate representation of Christ, that is, to become love. It’s not even about preaching and healing or even raising the dead. It’s about being Love to everyone around us. That includes missions fields, preaching, healing, etc but it is not just limited to that. It’s also about loving the person who cuts the queue in front of you. It’s about being patient with your child who keeps throwing tantrum. It’s about loving the chef who prepares cold food for you instead of warm. It’s about tidying the house because your wife prefers it. And the list keeps going on.

I have met so many who are passionate to get into the missions fields. They can’t wait to preach. But they drag themselves through life in their workplace and with their family. That is a misrepresentation of the Gospel. It’s twisted. Jesus didn’t come to give you the name of a few countries to go to. Jesus came to give you LIFE and life abundantly. If people around you can’t see that Life in you, they won’t see Jesus. All they see is religion.

Having served in the “so-called sacred” ministry in church, I have found that it is so much easier to preach the Gospel and heal the sick, than to hand wash the family’s socks and take care of my son’s needs day in and day out. Tell me that the former is the Gospel and the latter is not and I will immediately know that you have compartmentalised Christianity.

Reinhard Bonnke, the great evangelist once shared, “I preach to millions of people in a crusade. I feel like a hero. But when I return home, my wife opens the door and says, ‘These are your socks and dirty clothes waiting for you to wash’, and I realise I am back to reality.”

The reality is this... there is no separation in the kingdom. If we think that church or ministry-related work is of higher spirituality or sacredness, we have compartmentalised Christianity. That in itself, is called, religion. 

It doesn’t matter how much you preach to the world and how many souls you have saved and healed. Show me that you are becoming true Love and I will respect you wholeheartedly. That is also my personal pursuit. By His Grace, I yearn to become accurate representation of Love.

I have learnt to look beyond testimonies and miracles into the life of a person. I have learnt to look beyond great exploits into the daily life of a person. That is TRUE spirituality. Take a pastor into the business realm and observe how he deals with money, integrity and loving the wicked. Take a businessman into the pastoral realm and observe how he shepherds the flocks and cares for the needy and lowly.

Without the outward position, that’s when a man reveals his heart position. Without the platform, that’s when a man is in his plain form. Plain true form. The clearest revelation always comes from the spouse and his children.

This is what the call of God and laying down of our whole life for the Gospel is - Christ IN us 24/7 loving people all around us. It’s all about becoming Love.

If we miss becoming Love, we miss our calling.

Sunday 5 November 2017

Manifesting the Perfect Will of God

Jesus manifested the perfect will of God every single time because “the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.” (John 5:19)

We sometimes don’t manifest the same perfect will because we are not seeing what the Son sees, not because there is a mysterious will of God that we don’t understand. We don’t have a hide-and-seek God. He has made Himself known fully in the Person of Christ.

When the disciples failed to manifest God’s perfect will to the demon-possessed boy (Matthew 17), Jesus came down from Mt Transfiguration bringing the Father’s perspective. While the disciples couldn’t, Jesus manifested the perfect will of God. The boy was healed and set free.

If we can see what He sees (like the Father), we will manifest what He manifests every single time.

Romans 12:2 - And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and PERFECT will of God. (emphasis added)

We are not here to determine what the will of God is. We are here to prove His perfect will.

Renewing our mind to see what Christ sees is the answer to the manifestation of His perfect will.

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Free From Two Surgeries

Was requested to minister to a friend’s dad who is 80 over years old.

He had two surgeries due on the week that I ministered to him:
1) Hip surgery
2) Kidney surgery

He went back to the doctors and both of them discharged him. He didn’t need both surgeries. Praise Jesus!

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Discerning Truth

Romans 12:2 - transformed by the renewing of your mind...

Romans 8:16 - The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit...

Our spirit is renewed when we are born again (Gal 4:6). But our mind requires renewal. In other words, we already have a knowing within us (1 Cor 2:10-12). But our head doesn't get it.

Our spirit is much faster than our head. We need to get our heart knowledge to our head, instead of the other way. That's why it's called mind renewal and not heart renewal.

You can be believing in a half-truth for a long time and when someone speaks truth, suddenly the spirit within you bears witness and you know and you know and you know that it is truth. That's when you align your mind to that truth. The half-truth and lies you once believed in start to fall off. A born-again believer will naturally accept spiritual truth because it is the spirit (anointing) teaching and confirming it (1 Jn 2:27).

The reason why a believer can reject truth is because he has believed in lies for too long (often from the pulpit) and while the spirit within him is bearing witness to the truth, his head blocks it out. The bible calls it "the carnal mind" because it is the realm where strongholds, arguments and prideful thoughts come against the true knowledge of God (2 Cor 10:4-5). The only way to overcome that is to walk in the Spirit (Gal 5:16; Rom 8:6).

The result of walking in the Spirit is life and peace (Rom 8:6). When what you hear from the pulpit or others releases life and peace from within you, you can be certain that it is truth, as long as it doesn't contradict with the Scriptures.

This is why Peter, without the New Covenant Scriptures, could say to Jesus, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (Jn 6:68)

For Jesus Himself said in John 6:63 - "The words that I speak to you are SPIRIT, and they are LIFE."

Discerning truth? Discern life and peace from the spirit that is bearing witness within you.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Frustrating The Enemy

The enemy first comes to attack you in the realm of the carnal mind so that he can steal, kill and destroy.

When the enemy can’t move you inside the realm of the carnal mind, he will try to move you with circumstances on the outside.

But if you refuse to move but simply rest on the same position, you frustrate him terribly.

It’s either you let him frustrate your rest. Or you rest to frustrate him. #truestory #truth

Saturday 14 October 2017

He Does It When We Do Nothing

A friend had pain on his knee for several days. It was still quite painful today. He thought of asking me to minister to him when he was coming to my house. But as he drove into the multi-storey car park beside my house, he suddenly felt heat on his knee. When he got out of his car, the pain left completely!

Love it when the loving Father simply did everything without us doing anything. Jesus!

Sunday 8 October 2017

Without His Stripes, The Universe Breaks Apart

Without His Stripes, The Universe Breaks Apart

Righteousness before Christ died on the Cross was all on credit.

Abram believed the LORD, and He credited it to him as righteousness. - Gen 15:6

The reason why sins could be covered (not removed though) in the Old Testament was because of the blood sacrifices (Heb 10:1-4).

The reason why sins committed before and during Jesus’ time could be forgiven was because Jesus was going to the Cross (Rom 3:24-26).

Similarly, the reason why all the people in the Bible could be healed before and during Jesus’ time was because Jesus was going to take the stripes.

Until then, all healings were on credit, just as righteousness was on credit.

You use your credit card to purchase stuff. It’s on credit, but you get the stuff first. The actual payment is later.

People were healed on credit. They received first. Jesus would make the actual payment by taking the stripes.

If Jesus were to give up in the Garden of Gethsemane while He was so distressed that His sweat became blood, all those healings would NOT be paid for.

God would become a liar.

But God holds His Word Above His Name (Ps 138:2). His whole nature and character rests upon His Word.

It was His Word that held the whole Universe together.

“...upholding all things by the word of His power...” - Heb 1:3

If Jesus did not take the stripes, God would be a liar and the whole Universe would break apart, because His Word could no longer uphold all things.

This is the reason why we should take healing seriously. God placed His name at stake. He placed the Universe at stake.

It is interesting that we believe Jesus went to the Cross and removed our sins, but we don’t believe He took the stripes and removed our sicknesses.

Because we can’t feel our sins, we live by faith that they are forgiven. But we can feel our sicknesses, so we don’t live by faith.

The reality of His Word must be greater than the reality of our world.

There are people who can’t wait to minister healing. That is good, but it is not the most important thing. Knowing WHY we believe in healing is more important than ministering healing. Because even if you don’t see results sometimes, it won’t change your position on healing. You will never be disappointed nor fall into unbelief. You will hold your ground and not be moved.

By His stripe (singular), we were healed. If we were healed, we are healed and we remain healed. It is past, present and future because God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus!

Friday 6 October 2017

Facing "Persecutions"

The more I go into divine healing and divine health, the more I encountered "persecutions" from believers. Of course, none of them could be compared to the real persecutions that Jesus went through.

This post is to prepare those of you who are believing in divine health and healing.

Even people who are close to you may not understand what you believe. They cannot comprehend what you are standing for.

"You are not being responsible to your family..."

"You are being prideful..."

"If it is true, why are people of great faith still dying and sick?"

"Sometimes, it doesn't happen. So please, don't take the risk."

"Don't be stubborn..."

"God also gives doctors..."

"God also wants us to practise wisdom..."

There are alot more but I'm just listing some of them. If we are not careful, these words, especially if they come from our close ones, may affect us.

The reality of the Word has to be greater than the reality of the world. What we see in the Word must be more real than what we face in the world.

We put our faith in God's faithfulness.
We put our trust in His trustworthiness.

God is the Truth and He never lies. So we need to stand on His ground.

Our circumstances can change, but He and His Word never changes. So if we stand on His Word and refuse to move, we will see His Word changing our circumstances.

We are not called to live by feelings, manifestations, sight and/or circumstances and symptoms. We are called to live by faith. And faith is simply trusting in Him for who He is and what He said.

We are either moved by our circumstances or we are moved by His Word.

If we are moved by our circumstances, our circumstances will not change.
But if we are moved by His Word, His Word will change our circumstances.

You Are Both Saved AND Healed

Salvation cannot be separated into spirit, soul and body. We are either saved and healed, or not saved nor healed. Jesus either bore our sins and sicknesses, or He didn't bear our sins and sicknesses. It is not either sins or sicknesses. It is both. We can't choose one without the other.

Surely He has borne our griefs ('choliy') and carried our sorrows ('mak'ob') ; - Isa 53:4 (Hebrew added)

'choliy' literally means 'sicknesses' and 'mak'ob' literally means 'pain'. The true Hebrew interpretation for Isaiah 53:4 should be... Jesus bore our sicknesses and carried our pain. 

Check out Matthew 8:16-17

And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.”

If two witnesses are not enough, let me throw a third one.

1 Peter 2:24 - who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.

The last part of this verse is not talking about spiritual healing. First of all, there is no such thing as spiritual healing. Our dead spirit is made alive in Him, not healed. Secondly, our sins were not paid for by the stripes of Jesus. Our sins were paid for by His blood sacrifice on the Cross. But our healing was paid for by His stripes. Do not confuse between the two events.

In both the Hebrew and Greek, the word 'stripes' in Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24 is not in plural. It is the singular word 'stripe'. Why? According to the Hebrew understanding, if there is one inch between the stripes on the flesh, it will be recorded as plural 'stripes'.

Jesus took so many stripes that there was NOT EVEN one inch of His flesh left. All His bones were exposed (Ps 22:17). He was marred beyond recognition (Isa 52:14). The movie "The Passion of Christ" has misrepresented what Jesus went through. It was radically MUCH MORE! Neither was Jesus whipped 39 times, because He was whipped by Romans, not Jews.

BY HIS STRIPE (not one inch of flesh left in His body), we ARE HEALED.

Surely He has borne ('nasa') our sicknesses and carried ('cabal') our pain... And by His stripes we are healed. - Isa 53:4-5 (Hebrew and original meaning added)

The words used for bearing our sicknesses and carrying our pain are 'nasa' and 'cabal' respectively.

These are the same root word used for carrying our iniquities and bearing our sins.

For He shall bear ('cabal') their iniquities. - Isa 53:11 (Hebrew added)

And He bore ('nasa') the sin of many, - Isaiah 53:12 (Hebrew added)

Jesus bore (‘nasa’) our sins AND our sicknesses. Jesus carried (‘cabal’) our iniquities AND our pain. He did both - forgiveness and healing (Ps 103:3). You can't pick and choose which one He did for you. It's BOTH. That's why it's called Redemption.

The first compound name God revealed to His people is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals (Exo 15:26). The incident was in Exo 15.

Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore the name of it was called Marah. And the people complained against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” So he cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a TREE. When he cast IT into the waters, the waters WERE MADE SWEET. - Exo 15:23-25 (emphasis added)

The TREE pointed to where Jesus was hung on the Cross (1 Peter 2:24). It turned bitter into sweet, because the Cross reversed the curse of sin (resulting in sicknesses), which speaks of Redemption.

When we are redeemed, we are also saved AND healed. Jesus settled it. So receive it. #truth #salvation #healed

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Put Our Trust In The Lord

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. - Psalm 20:7

The Scriptures tell us to trust NO ONE, except the name of the Lord. Yet it also tells us to be trustworthy (Luke 16:10; Titus 2:7).

In other words, while we ourselves seek to be trustworthy, we are to put our trust only in Jesus.

I honour doctors. I think it's a great profession, except for those who put money above saving lives. I thank God for them who have, in many cases, saved many lives. But you either put your trust in the Lord or you put your trust in doctors. It is a very thin line. Whoever you choose to put your trust in will determine the trustworthiness of the report. For me, doctor Jesus always has the most accurate report.

I don't put my trust in doctors. Because I know they are imperfect and they may fail to give an accurate report. They can only do the best they know how with the limited knowledge they have. Not only that, they will always prepare you for the worst possible scenario to protect their reputation... I mean... to prepare you. A very small handful will actually be positive to give you hope.

My wife knows that I don't listen to doctors. Sometimes, she gets a little frustrated. And I can fully understand. Because she is such a loving wife and mother who cares. But I have to walk divine health out. It is too late to stop me. Because I have given myself to divine healing. There are still alot more that I haven't seen. But I have seen enough. It is way too late to convince me otherwise.

In 2007, I was unable to get up from bed. I tried again and again, but fell flat on the floor, with no ability whatsoever to get up. I was sent to A&E where the doctor only gave me pills to relax the muscle as he suspected it's a muscle pull.

I was then sent to the orthopedics department for specialist treatment. The orthopedist diagnosed it as a pull in the tendon. So he gave me painkillers and sent me to the physiotherapist.

The physiotherapist did a few sessions with me but to no avail.

As none of these worked for me, I went to a popular chiropractor in Singapore that cost me a bomb for every treatment. The chiropractor said, "Because you always put your wallet on the right side of your back, your tailbone is uneven, causing you to have this problem." He proceeded to adjust my back and tailbone for a couple of sessions. None of it worked and I stopped (letting him earn my money) the treatment.

I went to a few Chinese sinseh. One said that my discs were not fully aligned and proceeded to do karate combo hits on my back. It was excruciating and the outcome was ZERO.

Another sinseh put tons of needles all over my body, saying that it has to do with blood circulation. The pain was so dull and sharp (yes, it's a combination) that I couldn't sleep every night.

I went to a specialist doctor recommended by people. He said, "Oh, it has to do with your shoes, you know... buy a pair of tennis shoes (the sickness resulted in plantar fasciitis) and I'm confident that you will be okay." I went to buy the shoes and the outcome was... my feet became more swollen than ever before.

This was getting really frustrating. None of them could diagnose my problem. So I went to another specialist in the hospital. He decided to do a bone scan and blood test (and NONE of the specialist did that at the beginning???) before suspecting that it is an auto-immune disease.

I was then referred to the rheumatologist who said, "There is no cure at the moment. And I don't know how you got this disease. Because 99% is genetic. Yours belong to that 1% unknown. We will try some strong painkillers and steroids to control the pain and reduce the inflammation in the body.” 


Alright. I took them and the steroids resulted in extreme gastric issue, despite the gastric pills he gave to counter the side effects. Nothing worked.

So I went back and he gave me sulphasalazine... sulphur something like that. The name of the medicine is sophisticated, and I think some doctors may not even know the full effects of such medicine. Again, I'm not putting down the doctors. I'm simply revealing how HUMAN they are and how LIMITED they are. Would we put our trust in the limitless God or the limited human?

The new medicine caused me to be nausea all the time and I felt like a pregnant woman. My urine became orange-ish. Apparently, it would affect the liver. Wah piangz... That's probably a fast way to treat the auto-immune disease. When you have liver damage and die, you are set free from the auto-immune disease.

Joke aside. I went back to the rheumatologist and he said, "Well, you got to be put under biofusion treatment... pretty cheap... only $3000-$4000 per month." Okay... the pretty cheap part is added by me. I was fed-up on the inside. Enough is enough.

I told him that I would not want the treatment. I went back home, searched all the Scriptures I could find on healing and started to meditate day and night.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart...It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones." - Prov 3:5,8

"My son, give attention to my words; For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh." - Prov 4:20,22

Apparently, there is no side effect in the Word of God, except LIFE, STRENGTH and HEALTH.

I kept meditating regardless of the symptoms in the body, the medical review and reports from the specialist, the inflammation level indicator, etc.

As time went by, the symptoms began to decrease and eventually disappeared. Doctor was surprised when I went back for review. I was asked alot of questions. "What did you do to your body?" "What did you eat?" "O, you can bend your body and touch the feet with your hands?"

When I said that I didn't eat but fasted and prayed to Jesus, she asked, "How long did you fast?" I said, "21 days." She said, "21 days without food?" I said, "Yes." She said, "This is very bad for your health! You can't do that."

I did not reply further. Because the carnal mind is always hostile against God. Most doctors operate from the carnal mind. There is no need for argument, because we are on a different frequency. We don't have to argue a point to put forth a truth. We let our lives present the truth.

By the way, the doctors will never acknowledge that you are healed from an incurable disease. We have to face the reality of medical science. At most, they only say in the report, "There is no trace of so and so..."

But we know full well who is the Healer. It's the name of the Lord - Jehovah Rapha. We know who has the most accurate report - "By His stripes, we are healed."

The next time you receive a medical report from doctor, you start thanking Jesus, "Thank You that You have a better report. I'm putting my trust in You and You alone."

My son had high fever (highest at 40.7 degrees) for three days. It kept flunctuating between 39 and 40. We kept ministering healing. After two days, my wife said, "We need to bring him to the doctor." So we went. Doctor said, "Suspected it is HFMD because of two big ulcers near the throat." Though the two ulcers were really big, we knew God already removed the pain because he was still eating well for that three days without a single complain about any pain. On the fourth day, every symptom was gone. He was healed. We went back to the doctor for review. (Apparently, for HFMD, you need to go back to be certified before you can go to school.) The doctor said, "While there is no symptom, it is better to keep him home for two more days." I asked the doctor, "So you can't confirm whether it is HFMD or not, correct?" He replied, "At this point, we can't confirm yet."

While we know that God has restored his health, we need to know that doctor cannot be on the same page as us. The former is about heavenly science while the latter is about medical science. This further reveals that we are indeed in this world but not of this world.

My son, in the past four days, asked me twice, "Papa, why is it that Mama and I are always sick but you are never sick?" In his impression, he has not seen me sick. 

Imagine your 4-year old son asking you this question, "Papa, why are you never sick?" This is the kind of question you want your child to ask you because it's not about what you say. It is your life that reveals something different from him and he wants to find out the secret.

It is the question that you can only answer with the name of Jesus.

His question drove me to my knees for worship. I started to thank the Father for keeping me healthy under the New Covenant. I started to thank Him for His love and boast in His goodness.

The truth is... he doesn't know how sick I was before he was born in this world... when I was down with the auto-immune disease. It was the reality of the sickness that drove me to the revelation of divine healing and divine health.

I answered him, "Because of Jesus. Because Papa stays in the presence of Jesus."

He replied, "I also want to do that with you."

It was a precious conversation. I am not perfect yet, but perfect in progress. I desire my life to represent Him so that my son will keep asking questions because of the fruit of my life, instead of the fruit of my lips.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. - Psalm 20:7

Let’s put our trust in Doctor Jesus!

Disclaimer: I'm NOT asking anyone, at any time, not to go to doctors. God gave doctors to help the fallen world. They are just not as perfect as God. Go to doctors, but put your trust in the Lord. Don't let what doctors say convince you more than what God says. Put our TRUST in Jesus alone.

Sunday 1 October 2017

Never Gets Sick

For the second time, my son asked, “Papa, why Mama and I always get sick but you never get sick?”

He asked two days ago when I was releasing healing for his fever.

Papa: Jesus is good. Papa stays in His presence.
J: I want to do that with you.
Papa: Sure.
J: Mama never do that. That’s why she always gets sick.

😂😂😂😂😂Things little kids say...

Putting this aside... the truth is, believers can walk in divine health. We don’t have to be sick, not even flu or cold.

Curry Blake has never been sick since the birth of his second daughter.

Dan Mohler has never been sick for 10 over years.

Andrew Wommack has never been sick for 38 years.

Kenneth Hagin died without sickness.

I believe in divine health. Jesus!

Saturday 30 September 2017

Coins That Teach Divine Healing Perspective

In 2012, a group of us kept playing with coins and other objects (keys, buttons, cards, fork, spoon, etc.) by sticking them on the wall through prayer.

Since then, some items are left sticking on my wall for many years. Make no mistake... they are not stuck there by glue or adhesive tapes. They are stuck there by the power of God. True story...

Yesterday, after my son played with coin sticking. I decided to do this... check the video below.

I did the same way for 10 cents as I did for a dollar. In the natural, the weight of a dollar coin is heavier than the weight of a 10-cent coin. It should be "harder" to stick on the wall. I should pray "harder". But I didn't. Because in relation to the weight of God's glorious power, it is always the SAME, regardless of the weight of the object. The focus is not on the weight of the object. Neither is the focus on the way I pray. The focus is on the glorious weight of God's power.

This has to do with a renewed mind.

In the same way, the healing of muscle ache is the SAME as the healing of terminal diseases such as cancer. In God's perspective, every sickness is of the same level, in relation to His power and the finished works of the Cross.

It is purely human perspective to pray in a simple way for muscle ache, but to pray in a sophisticated way for cancer. In that approach, we are saying, "Cancer is harder to be healed than muscle ache." That is the operation of a carnal mind.

For the spiritual mind, the healing of muscle ache is the same as the healing of cancer. Jesus died to pay for both to be healed. The blood of Christ is REQUIRED for the healing of muscle ache, just as it is required for the healing of cancer. We are not appreciating the blood sacrifice and the finished works of Jesus if we think that healing of muscle ache is "LESSER" or "SMALLER".

The carnal mind exalts cancer above muscle ache. How do we know that? Often, the way we give thanks and share testimony for the healing of cancer is WAY ABOVE the way we give thanks and share about the healing of muscle ache. In fact, more often than not, we choose not to share testimonies of "smaller" healings, thinking that we should only share testimonies of "bigger" healings such as healing of cancer. That is NOT a renewed mind. By exalting "bigger" testimonies, we are indirectly exalting those sicknesses as "BIGGER". 

The mind of Christ does not see it that way. The mind of Christ sees cancer and muscle ache as "sickness". And every sickness is on the SAME LEVEL in heaven's perspective. Just as there is no bigger or smaller sin (Sin is sin. Period.), there is no bigger or smaller sickness. Just as the ONE act of Christ's sacrifice removes every sin, the ONE act of Christ's sacrifice destroys every sickness. The focus is not on the sickness. The focus is on the POWER and the FINISHED WORKS of Christ.

At the beginning of this year 2017, God already said, "The healing of cancer shall be as easy as the healing of muscle ache. But unless My people give thanks for the healing of muscle ache as much as they give thanks for the healing of cancer, they won't see the same result."

Therefore, the way we pray for someone to be healed from cancer should be the SAME as the way we pray for someone to be healed from muscle ache. Because the way we pray for a heavier coin to be stuck on the wall is the same way we pray for a lighter coin to be stuck on the wall. Jesus! #renewedmind #heavenperspective

Friday 29 September 2017

Nothing Can Separate Us From His Love

"For I am persuaded that neither DEATH nor LIFE, nor ANGELS, nor PRINCIPALITIES nor POWERS, nor things PRESENT nor things TO COME, nor HEIGHT, nor DEPTH, nor ANY OTHER CREATED THING, shall be able to separate us from the LOVE of God which is IN CHRIST JESUS  our Lord." - Rom 8:38-39 (emphasis added)

As believers, nothing in this life can separate us from the love of God. Not even death.

According to apostle Paul, even angels and demons cannot separate us from the love of God. So I'm not sure why we still want to focus so much on evil spirits when we should be focusing on the love of God. Even if a believer is oppressed with demonic spirits, the true answer for him to be set free and stay free IS the LOVE of God. Some say that demons can create a stronghold to prevent/hinder the believer from being set free, so you need to cast them out. Really? Is it really in the Bible? Did Paul ever, ever say that? What if the believer knows the love of God? Even the demons cannot stop him from receiving the love of God. Because NOTHING can. Love is the greatest stronghold.

"The love of God which is in Christ Jesus..." 

The love of God is most evident on the Cross. It is the reality of His love. If He has given His greatest love - the life of His precious Son, how will He not also with Him graciously and freely give us ALL things (Rom 8:32). All things include the "lesser" - such as finances, freedom, healing, wholeness, health, peace, joy, etc.

Nothing can separate us from receiving ALL these. Not even "any other created thing" - which means that not even our spouse and our best friend can separate us from receiving the love of God. They are not the issues, no matter what they say or do to us. We are the issues when we are not free from self. The reason why we still get hurt is because we fail to receive His love DIRECTLY. We allow His creation to separate us from His love when He HIMSELF said that NOTHING can separate us from His love.

In the list mentioned in Rom 8:38-39, it says "nor things present nor things to come..." Notice, the present and the future are in the list, but the past is NOT in the list.

The past didn't go through the Cross. The past was BEFORE the Cross. The Cross always starts from the present and looks into the future. This is why Galatians 2:20 says "I have been crucified with Christ..." Your past was crucified with Christ. If you still want to hold on to your past, you are resurrecting the old man which is already buried and dead. When God said, "Old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new", He is extremely serious about it. If God is not bringing it up again, don't you dare to bring it up and say that it's the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit and God are One. It is more likely the devil bringing up your past in the disguise of God's voice. Why would God wipe off your past, then remind you of your past again so that He can do some deliverance? 

The devil is a thief. He wants to steal your identity. He wants your past to continue to define you. Oh man, he sure loves inner healing where he can dig up your past. 

You have been delivered (Col 1:13). You are complete in Christ (Col 2:10). It's whether you believe God or the devil.

Our past can stop us from receiving the love of God, which includes healing, deliverance, wholeness, freedom, abundance, finances, etc. Why? Because if guilt, shame and condemnation are still there, we subconsciously think that we deserve to be kept in bondage (sickness, depression, emotional brokenness, financial poverty, bad relationships, etc.) Wrong believing results in wrong living. You can't bear good fruit if you start from the wrong tree. Unless we let go of our past and forgive ourselves because He has already forgiven us on the Cross, we can't receive all the good things He has poured out for us on the Cross.

This is why forgiveness is always tied to healing. If you know that you are forgiven of ALL sins, you can have confidence to be healed of ALL sicknesses (Psalm 103:3).

If we don't begin where Christ finished, we will be finished.

Focusing on the love of God is what enables us to receive from Him. NOTHING can separate us from His love. NOTHING can hinder us from receiving His love. NOTHING can stop us from receiving healing, health, deliverance, freedom, abundance, wholeness, joy, peace, etc... #identity #truth #loveofGod

Jesus Loves Me - Chris Tomlin

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Fast Healing

There were a few people healed today at different situations through word of knowledge. Shared with all of them about Jesus. This is about living a lifestyle where you see healings every single day, wherever you go.

The day before, I was pondering on something with the Lord. I have ministered healings in so many ways.

- Commanding the pain to leave
- Laying hand on the sick without saying a word
- Looking at the sickness without laying hand and without saying anything
- Pointing to the sickness without laying hand and without saying anything
- Standing near the person without doing or saying anything
- Standing far away from the person without doing or saying anything
- And some other ways

But whenever I lay hand on the sick, I would put my hand there for a while, before I see instant healings.

So I pondered on this and told God, "Well, I am so used to lay hand and wait for a while, that it has become a hindrance for my mind. I need to renew my mind for healing to happen quickly. I will lay hand for two seconds and see the person healed next time. In this way, I can reach even more people faster."

Today, as I ministered to the Grab driver, I touched his shoulder for two seconds and he was instantly healed. Jesus!

What we believe, it will happen. It's the renewal of our mind, so that we don't limit our belief.

Growing In The Word of Knowledge

Growing In The Word of Knowledge

"Words of knowledge are going to take tons of practice. Sometimes it seems as if people think I just sovereignly hear God and bypass my twenty-plus years of practice, thinking they can just jump into the gift... you will have to commit to faith and a relationship-building process..."

"Some people also think I was just anointed or imparted to by someone and that I just let their gifting rub off on me and now it's all good and easy. That's not at all the case." - Shawn Bolz, probably the man with the sharpest and most detailed Word of knowledge in our generation

I can understand what he meant, because it took me a season of stepping out in faith and practising to reach where I am now. And there is so much more to grow into. In the process, you have to lose your reputation; let people think you are crazy; be a fool; overcome insecurities; etc. The fastest way to grow is Galatians 2:20.

Love this guy who pursues identity. Stop looking to impartation and gifting. Start looking to Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Love + Power

Love + Power

Some like to classify miracles such as creative miracles, healing miracles, etc. You can't find that in the Bible. I'm pretty narrow-minded when it comes to the Word and truth. There's only healing and miracles (1 Cor 12). Of course, there are extraordinary miracles (Acts 19) but they are still miracles.

A miracle is instantaneous. But a healing may not be instantaneous. It can be progressive or sudden. Jesus did not always see instantaneous results, though His standard was within one day.

When we minister to someone and he is healed instantly, the power of God is demonstrated.

But when we minister to someone and he is not healed instantly, what do we do? 

Because it's so easy to do a hit-and-run. We all want to see the power of God. But do we have the love of God?

It takes the power of God to see instant healing. But it takes the love of God to follow up on the person and see him healed 100% eventually.

Make no doubt. We always go after the instantaneous. But when we don't see the instantaneous, we go after 100% healing, demonstrating the love of God by following up with the sick.

If we can't steward what we have to see 100% healing by following up with the sick, we won't get to see 100% instantaneous healing. Because the motivation is not Love.

Word Of Knowledge

I was spending time in the Lord when I suddenly saw a vision of my friend.

So I texted him and gave him the prophetic word I received from the Lord. Short and sweet. Nothing elaborated.

He, in turn, saw a prophetic word for me, which is a confirmation of what I just told God few days ago.

Few days ago, I told Him, "Father, I thank You for the gift of word of knowledge. I'm asking for an increase. Increase in details. Beyond healings, specific names and business/field of education. I'm asking now for birth dates and addresses. I desire to see people encounter Your love and realise how intimate You are and how much You know them."

It's always encouraging to release word of knowledge and prophetic word to one another.

My friend's prophetic word reveals to me the following:
1) God is manifesting His love to me in the "NOW" moment

2) God hears my prayer which I prayed few days ago

3) God wants to assure me

4) God is answering my prayer

What an awesome God we have. Jesus!

Living By Sensuality

If you live by feeling, you will never have a sure foundation.

Over the years, I have heard believers telling me, "I don't feel Him for quite some time."

You can't find that in Scriptures. It's still the old man trying to live by sensuality, sight and manifestation.

The old hymn doesn't go, "Jesus loves me this I know. For I feel Him everyday."

It's "Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so."

The new man lives by faith. Faith is simply trusting His Word.

The Cross is the sure foundation. The next time you feel like He is not there, just remember the Cross. He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He died so that He can live IN you.

Monday 25 September 2017

Identify With Christ

" whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." - Gal 6:14

We are not called to identify with people. We are called to identify with Christ.

Identify not with earth. 
Identify with heaven.

If we can identify with heaven, we can bring heaven into the lives of people on earth. They don't need another person to identify with them. They need Someone to give them heaven on earth.

Only truth makes them free (Jn 8:32).

Solution To Life Issues

Saturday 23 September 2017

Xperiential Outreach at Boat Quay

So glad to have a busker in the team. Was supposed to hit the pubs but there was a change of plan. It's beautiful to have worship songs sung openly in the public. The songs of heaven released His presence into the atmosphere, moving and changing the hearts of passersby. Even if you sing secular songs, as long as your heart is worshiping, it can release the same presence.

As people were drawn to the songs, even non-believers, many were healed and some prophesied over.

Two local M ladies sat there to listen to the songs. They asked, "Is this Christian song?" We said, "Yes." We handed them our cards and they received healing while holding onto the cards. One of them asked, "Can I visit a church with you?" We exchanged contact and she will be coming to NCC. A local M. So good. Jesus!

One of the M Cisco police officers was healed. So the security guard beside him said, "I also have a certain measure of power. Can you feel it?"

We said "No." 

Then we said, "You touch our hand and see who has power."

He said, "Sure." We held hand and he asked, "You feel anything?" We said, "No." We asked, "What about you?" He said, "Yes I can feel power coming from you."

Then we told him that he did Yoga and has a curved spine which gave him back problem because we saw a vision of a snake on his back. He nodded but didn't want to be ministered.

But now he knows Christ has the real power.

Stay tuned for October outreach as we busk at Sentosa during Halloween. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #healing #healings #daily #healingpower #healinghands #healingwords #healingvibes #healingheart #healingtouch #healingenergy #healinglove #healingpowers #freehealthcare #love #lovepeople #loveforever #people #nostringsattached #freehealing #free #health #divinehealth #healingtime #heart #wholeness #divinewholeness #xperiential

Busking Clip

Giving The Blood What It Deserves

We ministered to a Pakistan guy turned Singaporean in the streets. He had trauma and pain on his wrist due to an injury a year ago. Whenever he tried to bend, he would feel the pain. It disturbed him quite a tad as he's a sports person.

We ministered three times. Each time, he said, "It still feels the same. The pain is still there."

Some of us will give up at this point thinking that it is not working. But the Word says that when you lay hand on the sick, the sick will recover. It's either you believe that it is working or you give up thinking that it's not.

We are not moved by what we see. Neither are we moved by manifestation. We are moved by the Word.

We ministered the fourth time and the pain began to bow. By the sixth time, he was completely healed. We didn't change the way we minister because changing it means that we think it's not working. We didn't change it because healing is not about methods. Don't reduce healing to a method. Jesus never taught His disciples any single method on healing. In fact, He didn't teach on healing at all. Healing is about the faithfulness of a Person.

When the guy was healed, he exclaimed, "Bloody hell!" Then he gave us a hug because he was so grateful. You know that a non-believer is telling the truth when profanities start coming out from their mouth. Love it!

Some of us would stop at a few times and give up. But we need to give the Blood of Christ what it deserves. Jesus paid for 100% healing and redemption. So we don't give up unless the recipient himself gives up being ministered. It's either we persist longer because of what Christ went through or we give up because of what we do not see.

Each time when you minister, you are ministering because it is working, not because it is not. You keep going after it because Jesus paid for it. #collectingfullpayment