Tuesday 26 September 2017

Word Of Knowledge

I was spending time in the Lord when I suddenly saw a vision of my friend.

So I texted him and gave him the prophetic word I received from the Lord. Short and sweet. Nothing elaborated.

He, in turn, saw a prophetic word for me, which is a confirmation of what I just told God few days ago.

Few days ago, I told Him, "Father, I thank You for the gift of word of knowledge. I'm asking for an increase. Increase in details. Beyond healings, specific names and business/field of education. I'm asking now for birth dates and addresses. I desire to see people encounter Your love and realise how intimate You are and how much You know them."

It's always encouraging to release word of knowledge and prophetic word to one another.

My friend's prophetic word reveals to me the following:
1) God is manifesting His love to me in the "NOW" moment

2) God hears my prayer which I prayed few days ago

3) God wants to assure me

4) God is answering my prayer

What an awesome God we have. Jesus!

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