Wednesday 27 September 2017

Fast Healing

There were a few people healed today at different situations through word of knowledge. Shared with all of them about Jesus. This is about living a lifestyle where you see healings every single day, wherever you go.

The day before, I was pondering on something with the Lord. I have ministered healings in so many ways.

- Commanding the pain to leave
- Laying hand on the sick without saying a word
- Looking at the sickness without laying hand and without saying anything
- Pointing to the sickness without laying hand and without saying anything
- Standing near the person without doing or saying anything
- Standing far away from the person without doing or saying anything
- And some other ways

But whenever I lay hand on the sick, I would put my hand there for a while, before I see instant healings.

So I pondered on this and told God, "Well, I am so used to lay hand and wait for a while, that it has become a hindrance for my mind. I need to renew my mind for healing to happen quickly. I will lay hand for two seconds and see the person healed next time. In this way, I can reach even more people faster."

Today, as I ministered to the Grab driver, I touched his shoulder for two seconds and he was instantly healed. Jesus!

What we believe, it will happen. It's the renewal of our mind, so that we don't limit our belief.

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