Wednesday 27 September 2017

Growing In The Word of Knowledge

Growing In The Word of Knowledge

"Words of knowledge are going to take tons of practice. Sometimes it seems as if people think I just sovereignly hear God and bypass my twenty-plus years of practice, thinking they can just jump into the gift... you will have to commit to faith and a relationship-building process..."

"Some people also think I was just anointed or imparted to by someone and that I just let their gifting rub off on me and now it's all good and easy. That's not at all the case." - Shawn Bolz, probably the man with the sharpest and most detailed Word of knowledge in our generation

I can understand what he meant, because it took me a season of stepping out in faith and practising to reach where I am now. And there is so much more to grow into. In the process, you have to lose your reputation; let people think you are crazy; be a fool; overcome insecurities; etc. The fastest way to grow is Galatians 2:20.

Love this guy who pursues identity. Stop looking to impartation and gifting. Start looking to Christ in you, the hope of glory.

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