Friday 29 September 2017

Nothing Can Separate Us From His Love

"For I am persuaded that neither DEATH nor LIFE, nor ANGELS, nor PRINCIPALITIES nor POWERS, nor things PRESENT nor things TO COME, nor HEIGHT, nor DEPTH, nor ANY OTHER CREATED THING, shall be able to separate us from the LOVE of God which is IN CHRIST JESUS  our Lord." - Rom 8:38-39 (emphasis added)

As believers, nothing in this life can separate us from the love of God. Not even death.

According to apostle Paul, even angels and demons cannot separate us from the love of God. So I'm not sure why we still want to focus so much on evil spirits when we should be focusing on the love of God. Even if a believer is oppressed with demonic spirits, the true answer for him to be set free and stay free IS the LOVE of God. Some say that demons can create a stronghold to prevent/hinder the believer from being set free, so you need to cast them out. Really? Is it really in the Bible? Did Paul ever, ever say that? What if the believer knows the love of God? Even the demons cannot stop him from receiving the love of God. Because NOTHING can. Love is the greatest stronghold.

"The love of God which is in Christ Jesus..." 

The love of God is most evident on the Cross. It is the reality of His love. If He has given His greatest love - the life of His precious Son, how will He not also with Him graciously and freely give us ALL things (Rom 8:32). All things include the "lesser" - such as finances, freedom, healing, wholeness, health, peace, joy, etc.

Nothing can separate us from receiving ALL these. Not even "any other created thing" - which means that not even our spouse and our best friend can separate us from receiving the love of God. They are not the issues, no matter what they say or do to us. We are the issues when we are not free from self. The reason why we still get hurt is because we fail to receive His love DIRECTLY. We allow His creation to separate us from His love when He HIMSELF said that NOTHING can separate us from His love.

In the list mentioned in Rom 8:38-39, it says "nor things present nor things to come..." Notice, the present and the future are in the list, but the past is NOT in the list.

The past didn't go through the Cross. The past was BEFORE the Cross. The Cross always starts from the present and looks into the future. This is why Galatians 2:20 says "I have been crucified with Christ..." Your past was crucified with Christ. If you still want to hold on to your past, you are resurrecting the old man which is already buried and dead. When God said, "Old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new", He is extremely serious about it. If God is not bringing it up again, don't you dare to bring it up and say that it's the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit and God are One. It is more likely the devil bringing up your past in the disguise of God's voice. Why would God wipe off your past, then remind you of your past again so that He can do some deliverance? 

The devil is a thief. He wants to steal your identity. He wants your past to continue to define you. Oh man, he sure loves inner healing where he can dig up your past. 

You have been delivered (Col 1:13). You are complete in Christ (Col 2:10). It's whether you believe God or the devil.

Our past can stop us from receiving the love of God, which includes healing, deliverance, wholeness, freedom, abundance, finances, etc. Why? Because if guilt, shame and condemnation are still there, we subconsciously think that we deserve to be kept in bondage (sickness, depression, emotional brokenness, financial poverty, bad relationships, etc.) Wrong believing results in wrong living. You can't bear good fruit if you start from the wrong tree. Unless we let go of our past and forgive ourselves because He has already forgiven us on the Cross, we can't receive all the good things He has poured out for us on the Cross.

This is why forgiveness is always tied to healing. If you know that you are forgiven of ALL sins, you can have confidence to be healed of ALL sicknesses (Psalm 103:3).

If we don't begin where Christ finished, we will be finished.

Focusing on the love of God is what enables us to receive from Him. NOTHING can separate us from His love. NOTHING can hinder us from receiving His love. NOTHING can stop us from receiving healing, health, deliverance, freedom, abundance, wholeness, joy, peace, etc... #identity #truth #loveofGod

Jesus Loves Me - Chris Tomlin

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