Saturday 23 September 2017

Xperiential Outreach at Boat Quay

So glad to have a busker in the team. Was supposed to hit the pubs but there was a change of plan. It's beautiful to have worship songs sung openly in the public. The songs of heaven released His presence into the atmosphere, moving and changing the hearts of passersby. Even if you sing secular songs, as long as your heart is worshiping, it can release the same presence.

As people were drawn to the songs, even non-believers, many were healed and some prophesied over.

Two local M ladies sat there to listen to the songs. They asked, "Is this Christian song?" We said, "Yes." We handed them our cards and they received healing while holding onto the cards. One of them asked, "Can I visit a church with you?" We exchanged contact and she will be coming to NCC. A local M. So good. Jesus!

One of the M Cisco police officers was healed. So the security guard beside him said, "I also have a certain measure of power. Can you feel it?"

We said "No." 

Then we said, "You touch our hand and see who has power."

He said, "Sure." We held hand and he asked, "You feel anything?" We said, "No." We asked, "What about you?" He said, "Yes I can feel power coming from you."

Then we told him that he did Yoga and has a curved spine which gave him back problem because we saw a vision of a snake on his back. He nodded but didn't want to be ministered.

But now he knows Christ has the real power.

Stay tuned for October outreach as we busk at Sentosa during Halloween. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #healing #healings #daily #healingpower #healinghands #healingwords #healingvibes #healingheart #healingtouch #healingenergy #healinglove #healingpowers #freehealthcare #love #lovepeople #loveforever #people #nostringsattached #freehealing #free #health #divinehealth #healingtime #heart #wholeness #divinewholeness #xperiential

Busking Clip

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