Friday 15 September 2017

In Control By Out Of Control?

This morning, I saw a vision of a man juggling a soccer ball beautifully. The ball did not drop on the ground. It seemed that the man had full control of the ball.

I asked the Lord what it meant, but I didn't seem to have the interpretation.

After sending J to school, I was walking home when I brought it up to Him again. "What do You mean with that vision?"

He said, "You are in full control when you surrender full control."

That's deep. I'm not a philosopher. I tried to figure out what it meant but I didn't understand. Baffled, I asked, "What do You mean?"

He began speaking to me...

We try to control our situations, often subconsciously. We try to control the way we handle people, circumstances and even our kids. It is easiest to deal with a kid's behaviour by control. But when we try to control, we have lost control. i.e. if we raise our voice at our child, we have lost control. Period.

Likewise, the reason why we are frustrated, anxious and worried about situations and stuff is because we try to control. And when we try to control, we have lost control. To have those feelings arising is clearly the sign of losing control. There is only one way to be in full control.

That is to surrender our full control.

God is in charge but He is not in control. He is not in control because He has given us control - freewill. You and I have the freewill to make decisions where God has no control over.

But the key is to return the control to Him. It's giving Him back the freewill He has given to us. It's saying, "Not my will, but Yours be done" (only when His will is not clearly defined in the Word). It's called surrendering.

When we surrender our control to Him, He becomes IN control of our situations. When we yield our will to Him, His will becomes evident in our lives. It's saying, "Father, I can't control this situation. I give up controlling. I give it to You. I surrender control." When we give Him control, frustration, anxiety and worries lose control over us. We become FREE.

The fruit of the Spirit has self-control. But it is not your self-control. It is His self-control. That's why it's the fruit of the Spirit and not your own fruit. When you completely surrender your control to Him, He has full control, and because He is IN you, you have full control.

"You are in full control when you surrender full control." #revelation

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