Saturday 23 September 2017

Giving The Blood What It Deserves

We ministered to a Pakistan guy turned Singaporean in the streets. He had trauma and pain on his wrist due to an injury a year ago. Whenever he tried to bend, he would feel the pain. It disturbed him quite a tad as he's a sports person.

We ministered three times. Each time, he said, "It still feels the same. The pain is still there."

Some of us will give up at this point thinking that it is not working. But the Word says that when you lay hand on the sick, the sick will recover. It's either you believe that it is working or you give up thinking that it's not.

We are not moved by what we see. Neither are we moved by manifestation. We are moved by the Word.

We ministered the fourth time and the pain began to bow. By the sixth time, he was completely healed. We didn't change the way we minister because changing it means that we think it's not working. We didn't change it because healing is not about methods. Don't reduce healing to a method. Jesus never taught His disciples any single method on healing. In fact, He didn't teach on healing at all. Healing is about the faithfulness of a Person.

When the guy was healed, he exclaimed, "Bloody hell!" Then he gave us a hug because he was so grateful. You know that a non-believer is telling the truth when profanities start coming out from their mouth. Love it!

Some of us would stop at a few times and give up. But we need to give the Blood of Christ what it deserves. Jesus paid for 100% healing and redemption. So we don't give up unless the recipient himself gives up being ministered. It's either we persist longer because of what Christ went through or we give up because of what we do not see.

Each time when you minister, you are ministering because it is working, not because it is not. You keep going after it because Jesus paid for it. #collectingfullpayment

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