Tuesday 26 September 2017

Love + Power

Love + Power

Some like to classify miracles such as creative miracles, healing miracles, etc. You can't find that in the Bible. I'm pretty narrow-minded when it comes to the Word and truth. There's only healing and miracles (1 Cor 12). Of course, there are extraordinary miracles (Acts 19) but they are still miracles.

A miracle is instantaneous. But a healing may not be instantaneous. It can be progressive or sudden. Jesus did not always see instantaneous results, though His standard was within one day.

When we minister to someone and he is healed instantly, the power of God is demonstrated.

But when we minister to someone and he is not healed instantly, what do we do? 

Because it's so easy to do a hit-and-run. We all want to see the power of God. But do we have the love of God?

It takes the power of God to see instant healing. But it takes the love of God to follow up on the person and see him healed 100% eventually.

Make no doubt. We always go after the instantaneous. But when we don't see the instantaneous, we go after 100% healing, demonstrating the love of God by following up with the sick.

If we can't steward what we have to see 100% healing by following up with the sick, we won't get to see 100% instantaneous healing. Because the motivation is not Love.

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